Having gotten around to actually playing it myself now, boy the king was the first boss fight i've actually had to fight since I first start playing the game since I couldn't delete his hp with heavy attacks and team mates. Maybe I was under-leveled at lvl 112 or maybe he scales to match you or maybe the guardian sword is shit but he's got like 20,000 hp and i did like 100 per tick, 245 on heavy maybe i'm just missing something. He also just attacks nonstop, like every 3-5 sec he does something and 2 of those things can linger thus overlapping with other attacks and complicate things, not complaining just saying i've gotten punched while dodging roots enough times to say it's challenging. I think the devs deserve a little round of applause for that bit at the end of incorporating all the game's mechanics in this assuming final battle, you fight it out with man who is probably your higher level character anyway, while you have yona craft something like you've been doing all game to make her contribution, it's not ground breaking or anything but things like this and secrets like sadoko tell me these devs have some pride in game design and for a porn game no less, its just nice to see.
Honestly that fight feels pretty final, and yet they give you a rather underwhelming archer, a healing stationary artillery and swapped out giant's precipice blades for storm leg, is we gonna fight something else chief? I thought we was wrapping it up man, do they fancy themselves platinum games now? you feel like you're fighting the final boss but the game literally just started. Maybe this is where the merfolk start to come in, but I won't speculate as I thought nami was swimming with the fishes turns out she was hanging with the trees.
Nothing new to fap to, not even a secret glimpse of the new mobs, i am disappoint but looking forward to next update.