I like the Game and I see the change to saveing although at first off putting is now quite a good move however what is anoying is the lack of any kind of seen text skipping or speed up. take the night club for example in order to go difrent routes means loading or skipping back which can put you back to early in the run up to the nightclub and you have to click through mountains of text to get back to the Nightclub before you cn see the new path its both painfull and anoying now if it was R'enplay you could hold Caps and some unity games give the same option with ESC but here you dont have any option to skip text or at least none i have found.
Its a minor grumble the game its self isnt bad I enjoyed playing it and will probably continue to enjoy it despite the fact Matt seems to be turning into Chris.
No scrap the seems to be judging by the last mia sex he is turning into Chris.
Most if not all the woman dont really give a shit about Matt plus at best I could only describe them as side pieces not Li's most if not all are just unlikeable and at best and I wouldn't want Matt dating any of them.
He just been devorce from a toxit relationship with his cheating wife for gods sake why would he be better off in an equally toxic relationship with any of them?
I dowt any of them could be anymore faithfull than his wife was.
Sex scenes are quite good although why Devs give a player the option have or to avoid Annal sex early on with a girl and then make the MC have no choice Annal with her later is just pointless.
You amy as well be none optional from the start.
Or (I Know shock horror) since not all of us players either enjoy or fixate on Annal sex if you make it optional then make it optional through the whole game.
few things are more anoying than sucessfully avoiding things in a game just to have the choice taken of you and have your MC do it anyway.
I know Anna watches the Video feeds she seen the plots and moves against the MC yet her actions say she don't give a shit about the MC or his welfare she only cares about how usefull the MC could be in getting what she wants.
I could say many many more things about Anna things like with a friend like her who needs enemies.
Personally this Anna and Ramon thing makes no sence and not just because she knows Matt and Ramon are enemies.
But why do the same shit as you did with the Annal sex thing earlyer?.
Why make it so we can avoid Anna banging the MC's second worst enemy Ramon.
When to her own thoughts tell us she will bang him behind the MC's back anyway.
Which is frankly worse than banging him now and with the MC knowing about it.
Yeh so the MC might feel betrayed rightly so he could even be less friendly to her but its unlikely he would quite helping her against Chriss.
But if she ties to keep it secrect about banging Ramon and he finds out.
His binge drinking spree from the divorce would be tame compared to what that betrayal added to the divorce would do to him.
To be honest she may as well just shoot him and be done with it.
Some one said can we get the wife back evenchally "what the fuck for!"
Why the fuck would you want that back.
Now these are just my personal thoughts and i presume not shared by many.
And it dos not detract from the game likeableness or its enjoyableness to play it's a good game.
My only real wish is if the Dev decides that Matt and Anna should hook up even if its for one night.
That they make it optional and if she do's fuck Ramon, Randy or Chriss as unlikley as that sounds but way this games going highly possible before the end .
One of the options should be for Matt to tell Anna to go fuck herself.
Thats all i ask.
I quite like Demi she's a twat but at least she dosen't hide it.
But then just on her actions to date and attitude towards matt alone not taking into account Ramon.
I personally wouldn't touch Anna with your barge pole let alone my MC's.
cant wait for next update

Just Sayin.