The art is great but the writing is a bit iffy at times, specifically it's weirdly flowery/superficial, that's fine when establishing the setting it can make it feel more fleshed out, but at other times it just makes the characters seem like puppets instead of people.
Also I can't say that I care for the way the character Elizabeth was implemented, it's clearly a case of the creator doesn't like the character and they don't want the players to like the character so they have all the other characters complain about them, but the character is essentially just being bullied by the narrative for just existing they haven't actually done anything to merit the treatment they're receiving. The type of character they're trying to portray her as is snooty/elitist/rude but they haven't laid the groundwork for even a comical parody version of those characteristics(meaning a playful harmless version of the traits that isn't representative of the traits commonly used for cartoons).
Love the art looking forward to how this game develops but concerned about the script/writing quality. Hope they have the character Elizabeth either actually be the kind of character she's treated as before they start treating her the way they have been or treat her better. Oh and it'd probably be better to just have the mc knocked out by the impact of the banana peel not by slipping on it, visually a slip doesn't work and a sudden blow from the back fits the set up of him being threatened with a banana by someone else from the front better, it also fits the behavior of the protag and Lulu afterwards better.
Would be nice if there were some more neutral facial expressions(fully open calm eyes), instead of just the always super relaxed/intimate gazes, they're well made and pleasant to the eye but they feel over used and are ill fitting for some of the scenes at points.