Unreal Engine - Magic Shop 2 [2024-05-31] [FireArm]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: 0/5. There's basically nothing here except "daughter of a powerful wizard goes dungeon delving". Some of the bosses have brief lore snippets also, but only a few of them.

    Gameplay: 2/5. Gameplay has a few different parts.
    1. Exploration is a chore and feels non-interactive. You click an undiscovered tile and wait for the search bar to fill, then something happens. You can upgrade your movement speed and search speed, both of which are pointless except as a time-saving measure since it's basically just point and click. Deleting the search time entirely and multiplying movement speed by literally 10 would drastically improve this aspect.
    2. Minigames, by far the worst aspect of this game. There are so, so many, Warframe hacking, bad riddles, math, memory games, and 10 different flavors of QTE. They aren't fun, aren't engaging, aren't even remotely difficult, and are extremely annoying and unskippable.
    3. Battle fuck- finally, a good part of the game. It's pretty well done, but needs some balancing to really feel great. Also, make them a bit more common instead of a single encounter per floor that functions as a boss and progression lock.
    4. Progression- for some reason progression is tied to an RNG fest of unlocking costume pieces. You spend 'essence' to unlock a random piece (you can choose between hats, tops, shoes etc) and get a random stat increase (stamina, stamina regen etc). There's also a more traditional level/skill point system, but that feels very much like an afterthought.
    5. Magic shop mechanics: Error 404, not found. It's a game called "Magic Shop" but there are no customers, no inventory, indeed no reason to suspect there is any shop related things at all. A shame since that's what caused me to download in the first place.
    Graphics: 4/5. 3D models and animations are pretty good, the costumes are excellent, but facial expressions are a bit too wooden, the physics looks weird if your character has smaller proportions, and (YMMV) the other female models have what I like to call "Anime proportions" with gigantic breasts larger than the head and hips a lot wider than the shoulders. If you're into that, great, but I'm not.

    Customization: 4/5. There's a massive quantity of costumes and clothing pieces, as well as several options for adjusting the PC's proportions, but everthing except physical adjustments is locked behind RNG. You can't choose a specific piece to unlock, you have to choose a type to unlock, and you get a random one. There's also memories (animations) locked behind encountering them in the dungeon, and memories and costumes locked behind brewing (has a chance of failure, increases on success, decreases on failure). It makes me feel like I'm playing a game that should have predatory MTX in it but they haven't been added yet. In short, customization is lootbox central. However, the costumes are extensive and high-quality. Just getting them is annoying.

    Sex: 4/5. Animations are all very good and there's a lot of variety. As previously mentioned there's some slightly wooden aspects still. Also, I don't like that the camera in memories is static (instead there's typically other memories that are the same scenes from a different angles).

    All in all a decent enough game, but the actual gameplay is terrible so grab a full save and sandbox instead of slogging through 500 minigames.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I spent about 10 hours playing this game to unlock everything. It was well worth it. There for a bit it did get a little annoying doing all the minigames but that could have been because I was at hour 7 of straight playing. But none the less its a very good game with lots of good animations and TONS of customization definitely worth a download.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game felt pretty great and I got stuck in playing it for a couple of hours easy. However, there were two issues That drop my rating to 4 stars. I could overwrite presets at all and I could not figure out a way to save my progress which was kinda annoying after the game crashed and I lost all progress.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    really therapeutic game, helped me lessen my smoking habits. Bit gatcha-ish but it's relaxing and can be played by one hand

    Bit grindy though because it needs that freaking coins all the time. My only gripe is I wish I can undo the presets I've bought. Also, where sexy wendy outfit??
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Many of the animations are really good, especially some of the first few bosses, my favourites are the stone guy and the dragon. The combat system is actually pretty fun. The customization is great. Takes a bit too long to grind and and moving around and completing minigames in the maze isnt that fun, wish you could have a few more upgrades to make this process quicker.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Players are thrust into a richly detailed universe filled with mythical creatures, treacherous dungeons, and epic quests waiting to be conquered.

    The game offers a seamless blend of exploration, combat, and character progression. From battling fierce monsters to uncovering hidden treasures, every moment is packed with excitement and adventure.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Great animations but the grind sucks. It doesn't really ramp up how fast you make progress. Spent around 2 hours just getting past the first level to look at a full save and see there's like, twelve of them. Could use some more fetish stuff, but i always complain about that. Free came for animations is a bit limited.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game honestly, gameplay is p boring and bosses become trivial once you realize the flow of combat, but the animations are great and varied, and the character creator is one of the best I've experienced for a 3d game. Nice casual and fappable game
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressed with the rate of development and looking forward to more.

    Gameplay is fun enough and not too grindy. Animations and models are decent, really enjoy the scenes

    Only minor gripe is that changing costumes/presets doesn't seem to save all clothes
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    It is not really a game. It's same puzzles that you do over and over again, in grind hell, till you unlock everything. Not fun at all. Just use the linked full save.

    It has nice models, nice graphics that will run good on low end machines. The majority of animation is on a camera that is fixed to the character, so you can only rotate and zoom.

    The guy is competent animator, model maker and programmer, but the "gameplay" design sucks.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    No story to speak of, but in the end I think games should be judged based on what they are and this one is a dress up game, first and foremost.

    There aren't many dress up games, so always happy to see more, but this one is actually excellent. Great variety of clothes and customisation options due to customisable shapes and even textures, a cute base model, very good animations. Makes for plenty of fappable material.

    And the customisable main menu is very well done, too

    Only thing missing for me is an option to color the clothes and hair, the way you can colour pubic hair and a basic set of skirts / pants

    The mini games get a bit stale but it's not too grindy once you get past the initial 1 or 2 bosses.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a good game to beat your meat to and waste some time on.

    Good amount of clothes, skins and a lot of animations makes a good fap + gallery has a shuffle mode with a timer from 2 to 10 seconds so you can choose what you like.

    Gameplay wise its god a tedious amount of farming to do and animations to wait out which should be toned down to make the downtime somewhat enjoyable.
    There are minigames which are trivial, basic filler that just gives you the illusion of achieving something while farming.

    The bosess are simple but engaging and fun to do "I guess" but they're nothing special as you can farm for a bit and then beat the boss pretty easily.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is already a really awesome game!!! It has countless customization, animations...And the gameplay is good too: it's a "dungeon crawler" randomized, with some minigames which are fine. The scenes are all pretty vanilla, but very well animated...I only wished there were an option to remove that weird bloom filter.

    Cammy costume with the muscle slider is PEAK
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent animations (All genres).
    Resizeable boobs and body.
    Lara Croft, ashley, mavis etc. characters
    dozens of clothes
    Brilliant main menu xD

    Some of the clothes can be bugged but most of them fits perfectly. It looks good even MC moves. Some clothes sexy af. You can play as bi tch, super girl, queen etc.

    Developer should add more;
    -Arm sleeves
    -Shoes (Modern)
    -Glasses (like sun glasses, it will look good with cop suit)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Review from version 2024-01-16

    Originality - 100%
    Renders - 80%
    Playability - 90%
    Performance - 100%
    Bugs free - 90%
    Animations - 50%
    Amount of content - 100 %

    Total - 87%

    Nice looking game with lots of customizations but a bit grindy. Some animations are glitching. I also encountered a bug where I couldn't use the 'undress' feature in wardrobe. Game 'fights' are pretty fun to play & looks great.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The interface and visuals are all quite competently built, but there is absolutely 0 interesting gameplay or story here. You get a collection of trivially easy minigames, progress bars, and 1-second loops of fairly stale scenes you need to grind through for ages to increase your stats enough to "win" a "combat" (really just another minigame where you click the obvious ability when it has cooled down) set against another dull real-time rendered animation with exactly 1 second's worth of content

    As a slight plus the character model and outfits are nice, but this is a tech demo / gallery gated behind grind, not a game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all: ignore both text overviews as of late. Both of them are basically just lying about what the game is about. This is a rogue-light with kinky scenes, solid character customization (well, dress-up), and some basic porn combat. The scenes are actually quite hot.

    - Solid minigames and variety during gameplay
    - Good looking female models
    - Fluid animations
    - Bunch of kinky stuff like monsters

    THE BAD:
    - Dungeon crawling can get little repetitive
    - The upgrade/skill system barely has any effect despite grinding it

    - Monster models are not too great
    - Too much randomization, to the point where it randomizes your character in most scenes too

    OVERALL: A fun game to sit down and grind a little when you have the time. Basic dungeon crawling with hot scenes, 8/10
  18. 2.00 star(s)



    WTF is this "game"... i truly cannot rate it. but which made me give it harsher rating was the lies in description:

    "with even more intriguing characters and a deeper storyline."

    there is literally 0 story. none. you just put into a dungeon where you click where to go... every room is random, sometimes it's a minigame, sometimes you unlock a "dream" where it's just an animation of your heroine getting fucked without any context... is she raped? is it consensual? wtf is this even? nobody knows.
    sometimes there are treasure chests and some collectibles, of which you can use to roll to unlock new costumes, which look hot on the heroine, and all unlocked costume give you bonus health.

    you can go deeper into the dungeon by defeating the level boss. (why are you doing it what is down there, what is this dungeon even, nobody knows.)

    the boss fight is basically just as usual a no context of him/it fucking you and you can use skills to regenerate stamina or mirror dmg back to the fucker, so if you defeat it then you can go to a deeper level...

    the game utterly makes no sense. but it feels bad giving it low rating due to the absolutely 0 context H-scenes, because all are animated. and heroine is hot... if he wasn't lying about "a story" i probably would have given it a 3/5 because it's very hard to rate. on one hand there are a shitton of costumes and animations but it's like these 5second mass produced clips with no story so it's really really hard to immerse yourself into any of it. in fact it's impossible since there is no story. why? nobody knows.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent 3D game in terms of character customization and progression.
    The roguelite element is satisfying, and it would be great to see this evolve into having your custom character walking through the dungeon as well.
    Highly recommended!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid little game.
    You go through a dungeon full of mini games to unlock options in the character creator. It's a good reward structure. Just don't be like me and fail to find the breast slider for half the game.

    The dungeons end in sex scenes where you can try out the characters you've created. Animations are passable.

    Not a lot of meat on the bone, and it is grindy, but it's short and sweet and doesn't outstay its welcome.