VN - Ren'Py - Maid to Please [v0.14.4] [Tutbork]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The MC looks like he is looks maxing, and it only seems to get worse with time. The girls are all sub-Gen-8, and look terrible. The lighting effects are amateur at best and the story is boring. The execution of mechanics in the form of requisite "sub" or "love" arbitrary points is abysmal and ancient in terms of design. There's just not much to love here. I would say the writing is readable and the envs looks decent. That's about it really.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    It is an alright game, was thinking between 3 and 4 score.

    It is simple VN so I would hardly give a 5, plus I can't say there are any memorable scenes in this one to this date.

    The writing seemed okayish, but I have skipped a bunch of text, where it was overbearing. The pacing feels off, you have interaction with one girl, only to be cut abruptly and move to the next girl in just the next frame.

    The core concept of the storyline about maids in the house seems to be decent. Overall, there is nothing too bad in this game, and nothing great to speak about. Models/faces could be a little better.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Compelling story line beyond the standard son swooping after father is MIA. Thoughtful dialogue, if a little stiff at times. Excellent models renders and decent animated scenes. Would play again, 5/5.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely poor. AI has no clue to feelings or postures. While the story progresses quickly the story line is just simply stupid. Nothing is happening here except a quick succession of pictures that could belong to any other story actually. Bad work. Nothing to come for.
    Likes: Kond
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really liking this one so far. Good story well done characters, nice artwork. This one pushes most of the right buttons.
    There is plenty of plot to develop here and the characters are interesting(mostly) with nice art work.
    So far updates have kept me interested.

    Another fine example of a skilled dev. Worth supporting.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Lately I have tried games that have disappointed me.
    Some you might expect to be bad, but others you thought were going to be good and they weren't.

    However, I think that this game, despite being a little slow, has a good story and some pretty good characters. The creator creates a story for each character and that is the great thing about this game.

    Little by little we get to know more and more about the MC, his story and how he seduces girls. Don't expect to be masturbating during the first two hours of play, you have to wait longer, but it's worth it.

    One thing I love is how the characters change their clothes and makeup depending on the events that occur. No characters always wearing the same clothes and the same makeup, even in the shower. For events they have makeup and it is very pretty. Not in the mornings.

    And I'm really liking Chris's character. I won't say anything else, but it's worth it.

    This review has been translated with Google Translate, English is not my native language.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    So the writing is largely pretty good. Minor errors here and there. And the MC all too often spouts some cringe BS, but I suppose that is par for the course in bulk of these games. At least the overall narrative is solid and the characters play off of each other in an entertaining enough fashion.

    The renders are great and the bulk of models used pretty good, but the MC's model? Really ain't a fan and I don't think I can elaborate on that without it being misinterpreted as hate speech. Also the animations are real hit and miss. Some are great, lots are a bit jank and a couple feel straight broke. Or rather that the ladies wrists in these couple of animations looked unnaturally bent.

    Music exists but it's garbo. Mute it and load up Spotify or whatevs.

    Overall in spite of some minor issues I found it a hard game to put down and I eagerly await future updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's definitely a wish fulfilment power fantasy, so you need to enjoy this type of game. However, since that is essentially a genre and thus can't really be considered a pro or a con, but simply a personal preference, I don't include it in this review.

    The story is very well written and reasonably original, the renders are beautiful, and the animations are great.

    There aren't really any choices to be made about the story, but with every single LI scene you can pick between love, submission, or passing on them completely, which is far to rare for this type of game.

    The LI's themselves and the side characters are varied and interesting. I saw some reviews calling the MC a simp, but I don't see that at all. A simp is generally someone who bends over backwards for a woman in order to get laid, but the MC helps in a far more casual manner, and simply because he wants to help. At least, that is my interpretation, and I'm saying that as someone who hates the simp-type MC as much as anyone.

    That said, there are some clichéd moments, like the MC not letting someone finish talking multiple times, only to later find out that what she was going to say was important.

    I do like, however, how the MC didn't hesitate when it came to his revenge, or excessively ponder the moral implications of it all. Is it realistic? That's debatable and depends on the person, but its so overdone that I'm really glad it's not in there.

    Anyway, I would have given this game 4 stars, but I'm going with 5 to slightly compensate for some of the previous reviews that I believe were overly negative and not objective enough.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This is another entry into the genre of what I like to call "harem white-knight simulators." Girls exist for the MC to protect/help in some way, and the MC is jacked guy who is also super smart and caring and a badass and also an undercover agent and blah blah blah. Generic wish fulfilment stuff.

    However, while I am not a fan of this type of game at all, I will admit that it's executed better than most games like it. The english is readable, the scenes with the redhead are pretty hot, and some of the dialogue is genuinely funny.

    Visually, the characters are inconsistent, and the facial posing is oftentimes very poor, but I do appreciate the visual diversity of the LI's.

    This game is definitely not for me, but if you enjoy these types of wish-fulfilment games, you could do a lot worse.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I really liked this VN. It has great and high quality renders.

    Grammar and spelling is good, but not perfect.

    The females are very well designed and has great variety.

    There's Maledom and affection route for all women (i think?). Which is great since that makes it feel like your choices actually matter and has an impact on the story.

    There's a tiny bit ofcomedy in the VN, i usually hate comedy but its minor and well done enough that it doesnt bother me.

    The only problem I have with this VN is that MC acts like a simp while believing hes being chivalrous and gentlemanly, when in fact hes being nothing but a simp.

    then theres the fact that mc keeps shutting down the latina cop even though she obviously had some very important information to share with him, then when said important information finally gets through to MC from someone else rather than the latina cop, The MC proceeds to throw a tantrum and call her a liar when it was HIM who kept shutting her down when she tried to tell him. That was incredibly shortsighted and childish of him.

    i would've rated this 4.5/5 originally, but the MC made it a 3/5.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Maid to Please [v0.14.2] Surprisingly great game. With good dose of humour and magnificent animations. We have a deep story about revange and lust. I must admit that I was sceptical at first, but this game clearly made to my top tier list. Best animations I have seen with hair psychics added too. In most games if not all I have not seen movement of hair. This is the first one and I love it. Add that animations are from not one angle but it is from multiple perspectives in one smooth animation which is really good. I was surprised when I burst out laughing over jokes in a game. I barely do it watching memes. Even less in games, but this one accomplished that.
    Humour 5/5 Great jokes to laugh at
    Animations 5/5 Great animations with varying perspectives and hair movement
    Renders 4/5 Some renders, especially backgrounds leave much to desire
    Plot 4/5 I will admit that I tought up similar story in my mind and dev made it a reality
    Eroticism/teasing 4,5/5 Hard to point to one single good thing because there are many but it could always be better

    Add to it that is a game for few hours of playing. At least in one playtrough.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.13.3]

    This is worth 3.5 stars - a solid but not spectacular title with lots of familiar tropes. The more recent updates have made some improvements but overall this feels pretty average.

    The Good ((y))
    • The story and characters have unique wrinkles and the narrative seems to be building to something interesting
    • Diversity of LIs and romanceable characters -- both in personalities and body types
    • Good use of animation
    • Models / graphics seemed to have been improved in more recent updates
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • A lot of the settings / relationships / character tropes are all very familiar
    • Graphics look quite dated and aren't really up to 2024 standards
    • Some of the faces are often contorted or maintain ugly expressions
    • While the overall story has some interesting aspects, there are other plot points that are a bit strange / off-putting -- there's a whole vengeance / investigation sub-plot that has some darker moments, like the MC killing characters
    Overall, I didn't mind the game and will probably play future updates, but this doesn't otherwise stand out from a quality perspective.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Played 0.13.3 – visual novel, main plotline is rather linear, you mostly choose whether to engage with a girl or how to treat her.
    Plot is pretty interesting, writing is great, renders are mostly pretty (some women have weird goblinfaces at times) and the sex scenes are hot and well written. There’s also a decent amount of content already. The relationships are pretty slow burn though, so it takes some time until you get to sleep with the girls (which I like). There are two main points in the game – affection and submission. Affection makes you seduce the girls, submission makes you act more domineering.
    While the bdsm content is pretty light (mostly domination, some spanking, handcuffs) the psychological parts are really well done. You can slowly corrupt the girls and their reactions and their submission to the MC actually makes sense.
    I’d recommend it, but don’t expect hard bdsm, cages, collars, whipping – this is more sweet wholesome domination of girls who enjoy, or come to enjoy it. Mostly consensual (some blackmail with one girl).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    From the title, I was all prepared to be bored and dump this game pronto -- but what a nice surprise: it's really good! A bit of almost everything, some kink, some romance, a lot of delightfully comic, hothouse writing (the MC had a kind of Archer vibe - in a good way!) And so many avenues to choose! Only petty grievance for me would be the character of Jessie, which seems deliberate, but still an off-putter. But all in all, well done!!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The submission and love routes make this a minimum 3 stars. I especially like how the submission route goes the 'I'm doing this for your own good' aspect rather than 'you'll take it and like it' aspect. The MC exerts control over the LIs in subtle forms (e.g. telling the LI to wait to get out of the car until he opens the door, etc.) which is an interesting addition. It is refreshing to see a novel pepper the domination with affection. I enjoyed the story line of making the wife submissive behind the MC's father's back, but then a lot of characters start dropping in and some plot about the MC being a special agent really ruined this for me. I found myself skipping large amounts of the story and LIs to get to the Father/MC/Father's girlfriend scenes. After a while, I just gave up and looked at some porn. Well, let's add this to the burgeoning ignored thread pile.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story. 5 - 10 hours of content depending on reading speed. Small amount of replayability.
    Production quality is extremely high throughout, animations start generic and janky but become very smooth in the more recent updates.
    Characters are well written, MC is likeable, models are cute.

    My only criticism is I feel the game has too many characters.
    The bloat means that you get interested in one characters plot line, either actual story or lewd development, then get frustrated when it jumps over to a different thread for half an hour.
    Some characters are left almost entirely untouched after introduction and early points (affection).

    A directors cut which streamlines content, reshuffling the story to be more coherent would easily push this into the top 10 on the site.
    I rate it 5/5 regardless.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 0.13.3

    Ok, that was a pleasant surprise.
    Neither the name of the game, nor the description do it justice. What the game is in reality is a decent dom/corruption porn game, married to an action thriller as the overarching story.
    As a porn game there is stuff to be desired, there are some glaring tropes in here (horse dick, a guy every chick wants to bang, choices not telegraphed well), but the characters are fun and interesting, the story is pretty engaging, while not taking itself too seriously.
    MC is likable and fun.
    Neither a slow burn, nor a fuckfest, to me it finds a good balance.
    Strongly recommending this one!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Congratz dev. Itz been a long time since I had a good play like this!
    Nice history and the cool catch on sub route and love one.
    Some characters need a bit more of spice, like Hanna's hair, but that is just my view.
    Thank you and keep the good job. Good luck!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.13.3 4*
    Its good! Better than I thought it would be honestly. From the description it sounds like a game designed to basically get you from one lewd scene to the next. While there are about the right amount of lewds, the game itself is quite good apart from that.

    To start, the MC is well written! He is tends toward being the dominant partner in his reactions, but he doesn't come off as a red-pilled Andrew Tate wanabee. There's still respect. And he's confident without be an asshole. And the dude LOVES women. Not just for the lewd things, but he really really likes women. There's no misogyny here. Its quite refreshing.

    The technicals things are fine. Renders and animations are good enough. The writing is above average. There's BGM thats only annoying some of the time. The girl's models are quite unique. Some will love em, some won't. I found most of the girls adorable. Nothing is truly amazing, but its all good enough. Hence 4*s rather than 5. Well worth playing.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is surprisingly good, and also perhaps surprisingly, not some kind of maid trainer. So if you're thrown off by the name, don't be.

    The women are kind of cool, though not top tier models you'd see in some other games, still attractive and have personality. The story is pretty good, and you are decisive, goal oriented, even dominant, without being an egomaniacal dick - which is wonderful.

    Overall it is a rewarding game that doesn't quite go where you think it's going, and it's better for it. It is not a maid trainer, nor is it a stupid revenge story. There's a plot here, and as of yet it's a good one.