I guess I still need to work on player direction for that part of the game.Ok, I've found the holding at the swam...now what? I've talked to everyone in the village and have no idea how to progress. Don't even know how to enter Fekhacht...
Like, I found the cat, cut the shrubs, donated the potion, helped bake the bread, escorted that one village to the abandoned estate, destroyed the headstone in the swamp for 36 stone (That I have NO idea how to use since they don't do anything when I interact with my estate statues or cracks or headstone or anything),Melissa keeps telling me to go find the hold I just slaughtered my way through, so I'm completely stuck
I tried talking with the statue guy in Cumhail, see if he was the one that had to do stuff with the stones but he just '...', talking to Viridius in his office does nothing since he just tells me to shoo, the guy asking me to get his mother's ring isn't helping get in the damn tower either
There are two Holds to clear. One north of the village you helped move, the other south of the village you did everything else at.
You can't do anything with the stone (yet) because your Maids will use it to fix your Estate's walls once you collect what you're owed from the other Hold.