VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Main Seduction [v1.0] [tremmiGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just bad...
    The writing/story is bad, the renders are weird, their faces have too much lighting, like there is a light bulbs in front of their faces, weird facial expressions........
    I ended after the second day in the spa, I couldn't continue, it's like a horny teenager made this just so he can say he did an adult visual novel.
    it's a waste of time, but not in the good sense.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere but quite what it is escapes me. It's so convoluted and difficult to follow. It flits around from scene to scene leaving a wake of confusion behind it.

    The renders are ok but the models used are nearly always in the most awkward poses imaginable and they're not the most attractive I've seen.

    On the other hand, there's a decent amount of content. It'll keep most people busy for a few hours, if they can cope with the strange poses and confusing text...
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4716251

    I mean, this game shouldn't exist.
    Every aspect of this game is just bad.
    I played with walkthrough, and I can't imagine how I can play without it.
    Just don't play this garbage if you love yourself.
    I hope I can forget about this game otherwise I feel like this game will destroy my last 3 brain cells.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't enjoy giving negative opinions, but damn, this game really needs some criticism.
    Obviously dev isn't native speaker, so editor/proofreader is needed to make translation better. But main point is, dialogues feels very stiif, and I'm sure that translation issues are only part of the problem. I don't really remember even one complex sentence through the entire game. Really, it's all written with short simple sentences and using very basic vocabulary. Also there were times, when characters spoke to each other and literally 2 sentences later, they spoke again with the same exact information, only put in slightly different words.
    Also, the longer I played, the more I felt like writer for this game is twelve years old. At most. Seriosuly, no living human being would chose to speak the way characters in this game speak. I don't mean to disrespect author here, but it's like he never really spoke to people and the whole game dialogues are just his imaginationof how should the human conversation work. This part needs huge improvements.
    Then the actual story - there were few good ideas, but all of them were nipped in the bud. Let's not even talk about how extremally gullible are all the women there to get into trouble.. again, writing skills o 12yo kid.. How to put it best.. There was several 'arcs' when MC had to face different issues. All of those issues ended being taken care of very quickly, with very stupid reasoning, and all potential of some kind 'bad' characters or antagonists, was succesfully buried. There was nothing in the story, which would leave impression on player. Whole game loop was always like "oh, problem X...have to solve...impossible to solve it...wait I can solve it..done, solved". Nothing memorable, just get done with it, and move on. Now I finished the game and already barely remember what even happened besides MC fucking every female character.
    From the graphics side, renders were okay, but also could've been better. Worst shots were taken during sex scenes, when camera was pointed on female faces with closeups. Those shots are weirdly bright, like there was actual cameraman with flash camera taking photos. And while we're talking about renders, it's apparently common behaviour for female humans, that while having conversation, they suddenly run into upper bunk bed, or roll inside sheets, then come back to talk face to face, then go inside sheets again, and then leave the room. I get dev didn't want just one render to take care of entire conversation, but to make characters roll through entire room and actually repeat all of those renders during the same conversation again? No, it was just bad.
    The ending also was big WTF moment, but hey, at least there was an ending. When I found about this game, I also found there is a second one. But now, after playing that one, I have not even slightest shred of desire to check out the sequel.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Was intrigued by the bad reviews and had give it a try.

    Man, that was really something else. Did you ever see a movie so bad that it became good once you didn't take it seriously? Well this is the equivalent of that experience. The writing is something I would expect from a horny 13-year old kid.

    Main critique points:
    • The dialog is wooden as if it was written by young George Lucas (e.g. family calling themselves bro, sis or son very often instead of their names. Why does the game even ask for your and your mom's name at the beginning? )
    • The MC breaks the fourth wall every now and then to explain the situation and next steps to the player so that even the most dumb will get it. And you get a recap of all your stats at the end of the day from him (eg. "Mom's in a ... mood - 22" - no indication of at least out of how many points or something - just that sterile information.)
    • Some of the choices are asked twice as if to say "are you really sure, you want to do that?" (with the best outcome having to confirm your choice, of course). For other "choices" you get told by the MC that he is not doing it anyway. And of course you get the bonus points for whatever stats only by picking the opther choice even though the outcome is completely the same.
    • The MC is a pathetic hypocrite, calling women whores or sluts for having casual sex with him, while he himself is trying to stick his dick into every girl he meets.
    • Did I mention the dialog being terrible? "Son thank you for your words, they warm my heart.", "Son, even now you're out to flatter me?" are natural reactions of a mother being complimented on what she is wearing. Or being asked what to do the next day at a hotel who wouldn't say "We've got 2 bottles of wine, so the first thing to do is wake up in the morning and take a shower."?
    All in all it is so absurdly bad that I had to keep on playing. If your heart cries out in enjoyment of phrases like "Son look, I pulled the blinds so lights won't shine in our eyes and now the masseuse will come and we'll get to know her." then I urge you to do the same. Otherwise I would advise you to stay away and hold on to your sanaity for a little longer.

    If you do give it a spin use the walkthrough mod as otherwise you might miss out on favorable choices.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I looked up this game even though ratings are poor and think that "it wouldn't be that bad right?" but it's that bad.

    I finished it just to see how it's end. It doesn't even have properending. Grammar is bad, dialogs are terrible and most of the time gives us trivia topics not within the story (if we called that a story). Visuals are okayish but scenes are always repetitive and lazy. 3-4 different poses and no animation.

    Listen to the reviews and don't play this.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Plot was disjointed, grammar was terrible, SPELLING ERRORS especially towards the end, and the writing was just plain bad. I did the full playthrough out of curiosity to see how everything ended and was rather unimpressed.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah this is just bad, the DEV makes fun of a Asian guy's bad English, while his own English is just as bad, The story is bad the setup and options give are horrible, The mother seems to just be retarded, ah hell going on would just be a waist of time, just like this game/novel , if you can even call it that.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game actually starts out okay but eventually the story really crashes. I don't even think the characters are very likeable. I didn't care for any of the characters looks either. The mother looked okay and some of the other characters did too. The sister looks like she just went through face surgery and I would say someone messed up but I have never seen anyone get good facial surgery so I mean at least they got the facial surgery on point to make the sisters face look all fucked up.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    started nicely but too much repetition after a while (for example sex with sister was always same) and characters were quite uninteresting and every sexscene with each character was pretty much same.

    nicish graphics but story wasn't that good.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Its bad, really bad, Cringe as hell and confusing. Its hard understanding the icons, so the game doesnt have the best start possible.

    The game is not beautful, lighting doesnt help either, everything is uncany and i dont see any seduction, i see a creep who i cant relate to and dont care about.

    Girls are to me really unpleasant to watch and there is notmuch depth in their backgrounds to make me care.

    I would say unless you have a very specific kink and you play this in 2016, its a waste of hard drive usage. (yea I write this in 2021)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    In this game, you MUST read dialogs. Otherwise riddles are impossible to crack. Is it bad or good? I appreciate it, but if you want quick fap, it's wrong game.

    Reaching sex in the game was challenge, and sometimes required to roll WAY back, because chioces made in previous scenes made it impossible for me to progress. Once i had to use cheat commands.

    That being said, i liked this game. Characters are nice, so are sex scenes. People are complaining about lack of build-up. While for some characters it is true, main char here is your mother and there is a lot of build-up for her.

    Oh and it is complete game. There's setup for sequel at the end, but this one is complete.

    My real rating for this game is 3/5. Rounding up to slighly improve average. This isn't one of trashy unplayable/ugly games you can find on this website.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    For anyone that want to play this:
    !! This is not a full game but first part of a bigger project that the artist want to create but did not finished yet !!

    As mentioned above this game is just a part of the story that it is to be continued it seems in another game. So from here I got my first disapointment.
    You are a teenage that live with your mother so, you guest want to fuck it.
    - The relation between the characters escalate very fast without a real build-up. The discussions between characters are quite dry and boring and the story is surreal with a lot of drama.
    - Somehow you are devious enough to be able to fuck all girls but otherwise you are plain
    stupid and unable to understand events around you.
    - The riddles are also a bit tough to crack if you do not know their context.

    You have 6 female characters (mom, sister, aunt, Nicole, Cassie, Kelly). They represent different body times, Cassie being my favorite
    - Aunt body it is a bit weird, Kelly a bit too skinny and Nicole has an old face but amazing body
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    You do not really have a choise to make as somehow your only interest in your mother. Even if you develop some interest in the other character and you mention to any of them that that sex was the best, the next moment you think of mom.

    Here we have a lazy artist as the sex scenes with the sister are just played on repeat and it also happen once with the aunt
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Id say more a 3 game does not deserve its two rating. It ain't that bad as there is way damn worse here. eh Overall not too bad as images are good but story gets... bit just a wee huge massive over the top as the game progresses (plus cringey because of that) and pretty silly and the lines could be changed for the rehashed scenes at least
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is really bad , very few photos , very few scenes , lots of talking
    each day barely has 1 or 2 scenes and they arn't even that good
    there is a lot of repetitive scenes with sister
    there is not enough erotic build up between characters
    most of the writing in the game is just drama and bullshit
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolute trash. Awful dialogue, pisspoor story, but the cherry on top is a forced ntr/rape scene that the MC cannot intervene in. You literally choose options that one would think would have you stop a fucking rape but instead have to stand there and watch. No ntr tag either so this bit of bullshit is hidden until you come across it.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Didn't enjoy this at all.

    For starters, the translation is awful. I would be able to ignore it in a game that was lighter on the text, but this is pretty much a visual novel. So there is a LOT to read, and it is in such broken english that it is impossible to ignore or get used to. Especially when you have to make choices, and they are already pretty vague, but it just becomes impossible to predict how characters will react to what you say or decide to do sometimes. So if you do decide to play this game, follow the walkthrough.

    If the models and the scenes were good, I might be inclined to finish playing the game, but when I finally got to be frisky with a character (which took way too long) it was pretty disappointing, and honestly the character models are not very interesting anyway.

    So yeah, I would say skip this thing and play some more well-polished games, or at least ones with better art or writing.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Art: The art itself is nice enough. The bodies are realistic, save for the aunt but it's believable she might've had breast implants. Does have the occasional unnatural pose - hands just out there, elbows bending in unlikely angles, ... The faces are just okay, although I can see that beyond taste/preference. What's definitely substandard is the lighting. Sometimes the scene is very dark, occasionally there's a spotlight never seen again in that room, etc. The lack of consistency is equally jarring.

    Story: Shows promise but never delivers. It compounds mystery upon mystery. Even though not all parts of the story are great I did stay hooked... Until the eventual letdown. The ending not only feels haphazard, it also feels like it invalidates all your choices and effort.

    Gameplay: I quite like the idea of the gameplay, with RPG elements. It never feels like they're used much though. It's very rare to get a notification - unless I glossed over the story's explanation of it - that you were successful or not due to your stats. In the same sense there's a dom/sub variable - applicable only to mom? - which appear to do nothing. In the end that system felt distant and pointless. There are several places where even if you do everything right, your success depends on RNJesus (requiring reload, not RenPy's rollback).
    Beyond this there's other minor things like old version notifications that weren't cleaned up (e.g. "version 0.15 ends here, wait for the next version...") and for those with an anal fetish, there's a few scenes that are only available in a deluxe patron version which near as I can tell never came out.

    All in all, quite a lengthy disappointment.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Great Characters. A lot of fun until you reach the ending, which is very weak. I do not want to insult the author when i say this, but it was incredibly stupid and the game would be better without it.

    Concerning the models: Very good main character models. aunt and cassie are a bit meh

    Dialogue was good, but a few message were a bit gamy like "your aunt liked this" style
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    WTF I used to love this game but I have only just got round to playing the completed version of this game and I am seriously disapionted in the Dev.
    this was shaping up to be a good game nice slow burn and not to bad english, interesting story I realy enjoyed playing it almost all the way through to the END but come on that Ending was worse than weak.
    I get that you wanted to lead into your new game but fucking up the ending wasn't the way to do it.
    the choice to rebel agaist Aunty that wasn't realy a choice as you can't anyway was the most anoying thing up until the last update. then in the LAST UPDATE there's the bad lighting renders, seriously bad broken english, confusing story line, rip off of matrix red or blue pill at the end.
    the only thing i can prosume is the Dev gave up on this to start a new one which dosn't bode well for the Dev's next effort.