VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Main Seduction [v1.0] [tremmiGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics and gameplay mechanics are OK. The animations mediocre. English dialogue is terrible - most of the time you can follow the gist of what the creator is trying to put out there, but on occasion the meaning is totally lost.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    OK 1st things 1st it is obvious that English is not the author or translator's primary language. Some parts are so bad it destroys any immersion.

    I question what relations the author has had, he (play it, you'll have no doubt it's a he) has no idea about women and how they react even in submissive situations. Trouble is the MC is not out and out dominant and this confusion or the author's lack of experience leads to confusing conversations.

    I also question whether the author has even stayed in a hotel, let alone a spa. Another lack of reality that chips away at the 4th wall.

    Also where the hell is the Auntie staying? 1 minute her flat is a 15 min walk away, next it seems he has a room in the hotel.

    Placement of so many pictures is far to low on the screen meaning the object is obsured by the the 'say' box with nearly everything above effectively empty space.

    Overall it's a shame because the premis is good enough, but so much is executed so badly. In many ways it feel like it has been written by a 17 yo boy who has seen a bit too much porn with no life experience to back it up.

    Finally, why oh why do all men (in so many of these games) look like complete dicks!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (12/10/2017 - Original Review - v0.7)

    This visual novel/game is not bad, but it does have a lot of quirks that I'll go over shortly... I did enjoy the story and the plot, as it was creative (for being yet another Family Sex themed VN/Game) and had a lot of twists and mystery to it...

    The visuals were very well done, including the backdrops... There were not any animations, but honestly those typically are just window dressing most of the time, as most VN's that have them, they tend to be short and repetitive, so the fact this one didn't really have any was fine... The scenes were clear and crisp and for the most part flowed well... There were a few moments now and then that the story and pictures sort of jumped from the end of an event scene immediately into another scene without any sort of warning, almost like a slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am and then next scene without any sort of filler, just an abrupt scene change and on to the next thing, which seemed rather instant and sometime caused some confusion...

    The script itself had a lot of broken English now and then, which I could still understand for the most part, but it was distracting all the way through the story (there was even one instance where Russian was shown instead of English near the end)... The story started off strong, and had very strong moments all throughout the script, but there were also several moments of confusion with how the sub-plots appeared, went away, re-appeared, and so on... Like with the sister, as I couldn't tell if she was being molested by her teacher, or if she was going to some strange erotic school that was altering her behavior (which the author kept hinting about the sisters behavior all through the script), or if she was possesed by an alien (just kidding), but the author kept teasing that something was seriously going on with the sister... Add to that, something to do with the protagonists mother and her mysterious phone calls... I just hope that it's not some twist in the story that will take away from what already exists and go off in some distasteful and bizarre direction...

    As to the sex scenes, because the story starts off with only a few, and then they just keep coming and coming and coming, it became extremely distracting... In my opinion, they were happening so often, that the story began to suffer because of them... I could put up with the broken English and the sudden scene changes, because the scripted story was intriguing and had some depth to it, but as the sex scenes increased in frequency, the story began to wane... It almost felt as if the authors began to rush the story as if attempting to just get as much done as possible in as little time as possible, while throwing sex scenes at the reader to distract them and fill in the gaps... It was getting to be a bit much... And this is only up to version 0.7 which means if the trend continues, it will become more and more of a porn fest and the story will just be a side note... We'll have to wait and see how things progress, but hopefully the sex slows down a little bit in favor of the story... I understand that the protagonist is constantly thinking sex-sex-sex, but in all reality a guy can not have orgasms that often in one day and still have that much splurge every time, as it is biologically impossible, and very much ruins the immersion of the VN...

    Overall, the story eases you into it in the beginning, and you begin to enjoy the story with an occasional erotic scene, but then it just gets a bit out of hand with the sex, and the story begins to take a slight side seat to it all, feeling like it's suddenly rushing the story to get you to the next sex scene, with the occasional short break for more story, followed by a torrent of more sex scenes... I was really getting into the story and don't mind the erotic teasing, but too much sex is too much sex... It loses it's power of desire and passion, when it happens too darn much, and I'ld hate to see this VN turn into just another porn movie (which usually have ridiculous story lines, and have no substance) in 3D story form...

    We'll have to wait and see what the author/s have in store for this one, but they do need to work on the broken English and my hope is that they slow down a bit on the sex scenes in favor of the main story... Only time will tell...

    (03/20/2018 - Review Update - v0.9.5)

    Not at all impressed with this update or the alterations to the game's prior content... The text is still mixed with broken English now and then, and the fact you have to start completely over from scratch is annoying, especially with the length of this VN/Game...

    I've played this VN/Game several times in the past, even before I did my original review, and have seen the older content several times now, and not much has really changed beyond a few tid bits here and there... The story still feels a bit confusing sometimes, and all the same annoying things are still included in the content prior to this recent update... A few of the visuals have changed, but some also look a bit odd... And some of the character reactions to some choices sound bizarre and not very realistic or they don't feel like they should be proper responses to what the protagonist does or sais...

    I'm still not highly impressed with this VN/Game overall, even though it does attempt to have story depth and meaning... I think it boils down to more of a language barrier issue, with either the translation/interpretation or story flow in general... It has it's moments, but not enough to warrant constant replays with each update, and not being able to CTRL through prior content... Will I revisit this one again? For now I'm going to say No... I didn't enjoy going back through the older content yet again just to see the newer stuff, and I'm a bit concerned over the failure to fix all the text through the last several updates...
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    A lot of lost potential in this game, who ever says that you need a tutorial has 0 social skills. Playing this game correctly even with the broken English is as easy as it gets if you have talked to humans before.

    EDIT: THIS USED TO BE A 3 star rating, now it's 1.


    Now you need a damn Walkthrough because the game became insanely confusing due to shit load of choices and broken English, half the time you can barely understand what the author is even writing so you just make a choice with in a leap of fate.

    Renders and poses are pretty subpar as well.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Benn Swagger

    Reviewed on v 0.7

    It's a decent incest game since worked in solo mode, but with important NOTE, playing this with walkthrough, because this game calculate points to be able progress to the next story plot. If not, you failed to progress as your chick got hooked by another person or just simply dislike you. So thanks to @Qleaf for his walkthrough, this game can survive being totaled jerk and blueballing players.

    Read this Developer, NO ONE LIKE TO STEP ON A MINE AND GET BLOWN (/Game Over). Your design are failed and saved by dedicated walkthrough creator.

    On the game quality, I cannot give pass 3 stars since the story plot quite simple, that is, all women in this game are cock-hungry-and/or-auto-slut female characters. But I give approval as you make a lot of women to laid in the game.

    In matter or graphic, this can boost to 4 Stars if the dev want to rework all the picture for more better Lighting, Skin Texture and better render preset.
    The lighting of this game are very inconsistent and poorly set, either by angle or source position.
    Skin texture of all character also feel bland. Must be rework for more shading texture tone and high resize. Adding more better bump & specular map to unison with lighting and render setting.
    Better render with high quality setting also in need, but this depend on Developer work station power and invest, so can be done later.

    :. If this game have magnificent render result & animated sex scene, this game can push through the popular group. Majority people don't need to get awesome story plot as the game is in 3D platform, you need to convince and satisfying the players eyes & penis over story development.

    ::. Over the past version by version, Developer proven to not able increase the dialog skill or making more desirable plot. So maybe Dev need to hire more experienced people.

    :::. Lastly, developer need to watch more porn and making a better sex scene. This day, people hate when you didn't make in-between sex pose. For example, penis in outside vagina, in next scene suddenly already inside vagina. This make your sex scene hurt by a mile. Please do make in between, or more detailed sex scene.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    There isn't a better game on this site than Mother Seduction if you have been drinking. Even sober, this game is hilarious.

    The plot? Well, you apparently want to lay down a serious dicking on your 28 year old mother. She may be having money trouble or may be independently wealthy. Who know? It is obviously not important. Mom also has an uncanny ability to become immediately attracted to douchebags and sex offenders, and it is your responsibility to frame them for deviant acts or plot their murder. You also have a website or something you need to create in order to make money. While this thread has been pretty much ignored, I fully expect it will be a dark web site enabling you to sell slaves to the Thai fishing industry.

    The scenes are simply surreal. Relatives show up, half the cast leaves upon their arrival for no apparent reason, and the relative decides to use the bathroom to bathe. Introductions are planned, discarded, accidentally stumbled upon and duly forgotten. The daily tally of what points the enormities you have committed that day have earned you occurs maybe once or twice and is then discarded. Trying to gauge the reaction of any character to your dialog choices is an exercise in futility, as the 3d model will be frowning while the dialog box portrait is smiling, or vise versa.

    It may sound like I'm panning this game but you really need to play it to fully understand how absurdly funny it is. And some of it is even intentional.

    If you are on the fence, just ask yourself this: how could anyone resist a fap game where watching a mildly retarded girl using her bed as a trampoline is foreplay?

    No one could, and neither should you.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    me gusta la historia, la cara de los personajes, el cgi , el modelado 3d, la historia siempre se stá actualizando
    like the history, the face of women characters, the model 3d , and always is updating the game
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Writing has zero flow, fragmented and a chore to follow between characters. No continuity or originality. Visuals are mediocre at best. For these types of games, the writing & story are the key and this just fails, period.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game.. is so confusing at times. It's title is Mother Seduction.. more like family, friends, passerby, any citizen on the face of planet Earth besides said Mother.. till now we had no action with her. Fapping to her sleeping? Woah.. many situations look and go in plain stupid way. Naive and wrong game mechanic and choices to make. Somewhat Mc gets lucky to sleep with somebody.. and he gets rewarded by said females by simply being there, doing some shit or the like. It seems like reward system for pets. Did good, got bone, did bad, got sprinkled with water. I mean it is not a terrible game, but it is so inconsistant that nobody, even dev knows where it is exactly going. At least not in mother seduction route. I wonder if he had a plan when he started to make this game or it was spur of the moment, got money for doing that and went where current took him.. I would be glad in his place too, but his artistic drive, naive porno plot is not for me to like.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    the game, at start, could be interesting. since 0.6, it's just garbage. the image are hideous, the story is linear (what's the point of giving choices if they doesn't matter?). a game to avoid for now (i doubt it can be put back in the right track...)
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    "Fap per played time" Rating 5/5

    "Fap per played time" only rates how good the game is at giving you a good FAP. doesnt matter how good the art, gameplay, renders, model, Sound, writing, Story or anything like that is, if the game is good at giving you good and multiple faps in a decent amount of gametime, it will get a good rating, eles not. i rate games like this because in the end, i mainly play adult games for good faps...nothing eles

    so i checked a few comment in this thread and almost didnt Play this game since a few People said that this game wasnt good and not worth playing.

    i still downloaded it and Play it up to the Scene with the sister at the massage place. gotta say. yes the english is pretty bad, but it didnt really bother me. the Story is pretty fun, and some of the MC's thoughts are really funny. i like the Girls and their models. and i got a easy fap in... this is tbh really important since many games have good gameplay/writing/Story/models but fail to make you fap easy to the game. i would probably recommend a mix of getting luck and charm, but as i said i havent finished the game yet, and i havent checked the CG's if i missed any big Scenes.

    so i would totally recommend this game. it's a way easier fap than many other games like Ethans legacy, Alter-self, Daughter Saga, Parental Love, Teacher's Pets... to Name a few, and again!!! not saying those games are worse, i would even say most of those games have better Story, models, gameplay and writing, but even though i got a easier fap out of this game, which means i enjoyed my time with this game more.

    0.6 update: game went to shit. only recommend to Play upto the sister massage Scene. Spoiler for v0.6 you will watch a Girl get raped by another dude while you just stand there and watch, not avoidable. also Story and writing got worse. 2/5

    Other high rated "Fap per played time" games:
    -Milf's Villa
    -The Family Secret
    -My New Roommate
    -Dreams of Desire
    -GATE:The Opening
    -House Party
    -Pandora 1&2
    -The Gift Reloaded

    Good "Fap per played time" games, that aren't on the same level as the ones i mentioned because of lack of fap or too much grind:
    -Road trip
    -Kristies revenge
    -Big brother
    -Man of the house
    -Summertime saga
    -My legacy
    -Adventures of Willy D
    -Beach Party(terrible sex Scene gameplay, not fap friendly)
    -The Artifact