Looks interesting

User interface looks a bit lackluster, but I guess that'll improve later on, it's a 0.1 release after all
Thanks for the feedback! Yes, it was difficult enough implementing useful functionality for the UI, including the ability to save and load. Let me know if you have any more specific suggestions in regards to improving the UI.
is character creation not available like in HTML version. I would like bigger boobs and ass. Very big.
It's pretty difficult to do this in a 2D Unity version sadly. All the clothes would need to have multiple versions for the chest sizes. This was easier in the HTML version for the avatar sprite, but the drawings had the same problem.
I like the art of the original text adventure version better personally, but lets see what happens when this version gets more close to having some fleshed out content like the original now before i judge it further. Good luck with the game, added to my watch list too.
My artstyle seems to "change" frequently lately. Do you have any specific artworks you liked in the text game or is the overall artstyle just better in the text game?
Does this mean the original game will not be continued? I really enjoyed it.
I'm trying different things to gather more support for development. Like
Airell said, the audience for 2D games is much bigger than the one for text games and they can easily overlap, because the 2D version also has plenty of text.
The development for the text version won't cease though. There's going to be a new version for the text version next month with a couple of bugfixes and new content that starts after unlocking The Hub/The City.
Probably not. Creating a game is already a huge challenge, two games for one person is realistically a superhuman challenge. The dev will probably transfer all content from the text-based one to the 2D, and then discontinue.
Wise choice. 2D games have a much wider audience than text-based games.
It is indeed a superhuman challenge, but I'm seeing the text game as the "manga" and the unity game as the "anime"/"game" based on the manga. The unity game will fill the gaps more, due to more focus on the artwork and environments. The text game will advance the overall plot and introduce new ideas for the unity game.
The only issue is that there are many systems in the text game and while improving the combat system I introduced some bugs that'll cost me some time to fix.
The dev has said in the past that they want to continue developing both. This is supposed to be a prequel to the text-based game afaik. The text game is supposed to receive a content + bugfix update in august. That said, I do have my reservations about whether they'll be able to do that long term. I have nothing but respect for the dev but solo writing, drawing, and coding for two different games in two different engines is likely going to prove immensely difficult and I worry that we'll either see an immensely long dev cycle or they'll abandon the text game entirely. Which is a shame, because I love it so much. The unity version doesn't hold the same appeal for me.
I'm very happy you like the text game so much. Like I said above, they're supposed to complement each other and appease both demographics, but for now the unity game will get 3:1 months of development to the text game.
Calling it a text based game is really under-serving the fantastic art and interface. When I think of text based I just think of tons of reading and little if any visual component.
Thanks a lot for the nice words!
I hope you can avoid any sexual encounters and pursue the ones you want, like lesbian encounters.
That's the plan. No forced content is planned.
Personally I like the new art and find it better than the previous 3D. The UI however isn't great.
Let's see how this develops in a few months.
Thanks a lot for the feedback! Let me know if there are any suggestions you have regarding the UI.
I got stuck in a loop on the treadmill. Anyone else have that experience?
Try to move away from the treadmill after it ends or use mouse click to advance the dialogue. It's a fixed issue, but the fix will be in the next version. Sorry for the inconvenience.