RPGM - Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession [v0.37b] [Abaddon]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Little your dream

    This game has had 5 stars since its release. People liked the idea and implementation of the project. Since 2018, the game has gotten bigger and just BORING. It's in the RPGM. You will spend 500 hours just exploring locations. Yes, animation, pictures for 4 stars can be put. It is clear that this is not one person doing everything. But recently, updates and the story itself has become just banal and predictable. Play the same game better only on the REN'PY engine
    There are many good games on the RPGM engine here. But the time for such games has already passed. Now in the fashion of unity games, an open world, a female character is the main one. Changing clothes, etc. If for familiarization of the game, I advise you to download REN'PY engine
    The story itself is well written and thought out. But a huge location in the game there are a lot of them. Makes the game just boring and a waste of time
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Autosave.........The most needed thing in RPGM, not found.

    scenes are not that good, but the backflips it does in the first at least 8 scenes to remain marketable (meaning trying to contain the lewdness in the earlier updates) its amazing. The game literally shows you the begining of the scene, goes to black or whatever and shows you the end which is the mc with the face covered in cum (repetitive much?)
    What whould I think of this? Cause after 1 1/2 hours playing I can not say anything about the scenes, there are no scenes. I dont understand why they create these scenarios in the early game if its gonna be "tell but dont show"
    Do I have to endure every creep that exist in the game for 2 hours without a decent reward? Maybe I should try a different route that directly doesnt trigger those scenes until the game planning (marketing) allows to fully show them.
    A couple of examples:
    -3 guys relase their dicks and the screen flashes and you see them cumming tons without any contact.
    -2 guys drug the mc to barely touch her tits for 1 render and send her home.
    -One guy does something and cums on mcs face, i dont even know what he does, thats the level of detail of the scenes.

    RPGM should be more rewarding cause gameplay is already outrageusly draggy. If you dont plan on actualyl making the scenes, make different scenes without those plot backflips.

    Anyway, the graphics of the game are not exactly consistent or specially appealing, so its even more enervating this showcase of incompetence. I want oto think that is on purpose, and that after 3 hours the game will offer something. I dont want to find out, when finally the scenes are shown that this will be the actual quality. Jjust in case I leave the 1star review, cause after 3 or 4 crashes and having to start from the begining 2 times, Its more than fair.

    Bakcflips to conataing the lewdness, and cutting the scenes, BAD
    Average graphics.
    Unidimensional perverted copypasted clones, BAD
    Crashes BAD
    Copypasted superfit bimbos, BAD
    Lack of autosave, BAD
    Investing 3 minutes of clics and 2 of text reading for a 2 frame scene, BAD.

    Hope for a better future, with very few expectations at this point.

    Confirmed, actual sex scenes have more than 2 frames, but they also are anticlimatic and rushed, and they are copypasted, the same dynamics, default angles, and whatever durgs are or aren't using they always cum gallons,a nd after cumming they keep cumming showering Manila in cum everywhere. Well, and thats it, pretty mediocre
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    With artwork of such quality u'd think some thought or effort was also put into the game itself, but alas poor script, terrible combat system and a poor implication of a system that actually has NO real impact in the games overall performance...also the accuracy system really needs a look into, Once again i iterate this games accuracy needs a good overhaul...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My love for this game can be found by my Username never been in love with a GAME CHARACTER before...Wish I had powers to resurrect Manila Shaw as a real person she is truly a combination of beauty,hotness and being a beauty of one of her kind hell I can't stop myself from touching myself when I watch her ❤ now coming to game...its initial updates were good but in between it got worse but now updates have picked a pace...what I hate about the developer is that he takes more than two months time period and only gives us ONE DAY GAMEPLAY only...its frustrating...only thing that makes me want to play this game is just and just MANILA❤❤❤❤❤❤
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the top 5 games for me. Especially the VN edit. For anyone who loves this type of content, its not too much, and gets into various situations that you'd like it to get to.

    She is accepting the situation a bit too much, but you cant have it all
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Manila Shaw is a game that's actually extremely difficult to rate, strange as that may sound. It's difficult because it's not supposed to be taken seriously.

    If I describe how every, and I do mean every, male character in this game looks like they eat steroids and dumbbells for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and every female character looks like she doesn't have any organs in her waist, well that's just comedic artistic freedom. :sneaky:

    If I point out how every male character in this game, except one, is a shallow, one-dimensional, criminally lecherous pervert just waiting for their moment to rape Manila's brains out to the level where even a village bicycle would look like a saint... Well, nobody is actually playing this game for the characters. :LOL:

    Manila cannot get pregnant until after she receives some weird injection. But after that, she can get pregnant and give birth the next morning only to get pregnant again that same afternoon. To hell with biology. :ROFLMAO:

    See my point? When you make a game that's not supposed to be taken seriously, you can take garbage and call it "art" because standards have been thrown out the window. I cannot compare to games that take more realism into account, like Acting Lessons or Being a DiK. So I have to rate this game on two other things instead, 1) quality of life, something all games should have considered into their design, 2) does it accomplish what it's trying to do?

    Quality of Life 0/5 o_O
    The fact alone this is made in RPGM should tell you everything you need to know. It's a horrible game engine:
    There is no dialogue history, so if you miss an important line of dialogue, you're fucked. If there is a record, I haven't found it.
    If you accidentally make the choice you didn't want, you're fucked because you can't roll back.
    Want to save your game? Too bad, you can't right now. You have to return to the map first.
    Forgot to pick up an item you could have benefited from? Too bad, get fucked. That's RPGM in a nutshell.

    But Manila Shaw might be a new low in some respects. In this game, you are required to go through nearly every little unnecessary nitpicking step of helping Manila navigate her life. You run her to the shower, change her into specific clothes, have her work at her desk, pick up the work document at the printer and deliver it, etc; and you repeat this uncessary process pretty much EVERY FUCKING DAY.
    I suppose we should be glad breakfast, lunch, and dinner wasn't included. But all the same, I don't know what possessed Abaddon to follow through with this poor design decision, but if you're reading this, Abaddon sir, I sincerely plead with you to never include this function in a game ever again, or at least curb it. Half of these daily steps could easily be removed.

    Combat serves no purpose in this game, but it exists. If you want to see sex scenes, lose. Just lose. There is absolutely ZERO incentive to win unless you want to see Manila retain her purity.
    But if you do, be warned, the turn economy is atrocious. "Guard" is supposedly important because it halves damage and gives you some special points, but the techniques you get from using them barely do more damage than a regular attack, assuming they hit at all. The RNG is heavily biased against you, and enemies hit hard enough that you usually can't survive more than one combat each day, and there are several chained combat events.

    Inventory is an abomination too. Your items are equipped to your outfits instead of the character, it's weird. I had a martial arts style (which you buy as an item, oddly enough) equipped to the dojo outfit, and it went missing because I forgot to un-equip it when I changed Manila's outfit. So, I couldn't use its benefits in any subsequent battles. It would be far better to equip to the character directly, ya'know, like normal. It's what just about every other game in the world does.

    Items have horridly inflated prices to set you up to fail even though we've already established that there is zero incentive to win. It's $5 to buy ONE bullet. $100 for a band-aid. And Manila gets paid only about $500 on a good week. That's $26k per year, or what we call, "poverty wage." I understand this is meant to be an incentive to make choices that increase Manila's corruption, but still, this makes me shake my head.

    With all that out of the way...

    Does this game accomplish its goal? 4/5 :cool:
    If you like corruption, pregnancy, and animated sex scenes (albeit not the best, but they're there), then yes, this game is for you, IF you can get past the tedious gameplay. Don't forget to download the animation pack first. The game is rather large and animations are downloaded separately to reduce the download size. You'll also want to turn off the audio. The oragsm sploosh and "heugh-heugh-OOOuuuaaa" noises are complete rubbish and annoying.

    Verdict 2/5 :unsure:
    It's kind of an unhealthy love/hate relationship. Manila may not care about quality writing or character development, but we can look past that. Manila is about the fetishes, and it's hot enough to tempt me to play it despite being made in RPGM. But then I remember this game suffers from such severe design flaws that I personally find it borderline unplayable. I think it's more frustrating than what it's worth.

    My advice to you, reader, is play the Ren'Py version instead. The dev is trying to make a VN in RPGM and I just don't think it's worth it. It's far too tedious. Ren'Py would have been the more optimal engine in every category. I won't trouble myself with the main RPGM version, but I wish you good luck if you wish to try it.
    Unfortunately, the Ren'Py remake is on hold at the moment of writing this review, but there is still enough content in it at present to rub your horn to for a few days. And it comes with a scene gallery. (y)

    Thanks for reading, hope you found what I have to say is helpful.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Its an awsome game love the contents and missions plz update ot more often or once a month or something closer to this because i really really love dis game oh and optimize the game to reduce the lag and advance merry christmas to all of you working on this game
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    You know, i used to like this game in it's early stages. There was a plot, a mystery, Manila had an actual character and personality. Now she is just a walking sex doll with a gun. I'm sorry, but Abaddon get's more lazy with every update. Talking about updates - the amount of content the dev is putting is not proportional to the time we have to wait for each update. I mean seriously, i wait like 3 months for what? 10 minute gameplay? I work with Daz and i know these are probably genesis 3 figures, which render a lot faster than the genesis 8 ones for example. So rendering time shouldn't be a problem. On the RPG Maker side, the dev don't even use custom/self made assets, he uses the standard ones. So no additional work there. That's pretty much i got to say for now. Oh and Manila's
    emotionless face have a huge room of improvement.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game and renders. Could have been much better if updates are quicker and for sandbox content which enables to play without story moving forward. Story is branched with loads of content to explore and replay.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Played on version 0.20

    Recommendation level: Nah

    + The game starts

    -- Low effort
    -- Requires crash course in basic human anatomy
    - Poor writing
    - Linear game, use Ren'py
    - Neckbeard logic

    Comment: I'm not trying to be a bully but I can't say this is a good game. The writing isn't very interesting so most of the game is spent walking between objectives which becomes a chore really quick. The quality of the renders doesn't redeem the game either and is very basic in nature in addition the animations are very low effort.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.28, 7+ hours of gameplay. Most of the bads mentioned above are indeed there, but they are not as awful as they look. Or maybe they are.

    MC looks like an inflatable sex doll?
    Par for the course in RPGM porn games (yes, I know there are RPGMs with realistic models... probably.... somewhere...). What's important is that she doesn't acts like one. Or rather, you can make her a cardboard cutout of a sex-crazed slut, the option is there, but you can just as well play her as good and almost-honest cop with a wild streak (in a city where literally everyone is a serial rapist). Things like no trauma from constant sexual abuse do require some willing suspension of disbelief, but I'm willing to cut the game some slack here - it's a rape/blackmail porn, not a psychological drama.

    Most characters are completely one-dimensional (having one goal in life, to fuck the MC - both literally and figuratively)?
    Well, MC's sensei does warn her the city is corrupt to the core, and while the premise is not realistic it is more or less internally consistent (or at least consistent enough for a porn game). After all, nobody complains about obligatory bar fight in a classic western or a highly impractical and unbelievable infiltration scene in a spy movie. Also, for once it's nice to see the MC being able to sometimes prevail against these attempts. Makes for a more believable character.

    Writing is beyond awful (seriously, don't read the sex scenes' descriptions, you'll be too busy laughing to actually fap)?
    This is much worse, but still can be tolerated. There are many MTL games with far worse text quality (and from several signs I suspect the developer in not a native speaker).

    Gameplay intentionally made as repetitive as possible with constant routine operations bearing no significance to the plot, purposely slow transitions etc?
    Almost a deal breaker... almost. For some parts of it, I can see the idea of making the player have a slice of life experience - similarly to some QSP games including obligatory and manually executed eating/drinking/sleeping/pissing/etc. It CAN lead to deeper immersion and IMO, here it was done better than in the aforementioned games. As for the slow transitions - ok, this IS a major no-no, but the gravity of this problem depends on how patient you are. I guess I'm pretty patient.

    Tricking the player into believing his actions influence the outcome and luring him into moving mountains to win an almost impossible fight - and then overruling the results of said fight (and not with a semi-plausible save like "another enemy sneaks up on you and knocks you out" - just showing a losing outcome to a winning fight), like at the end of a lab run?
    THIS. IS. UNFORGIVABLE. It's actually made more jarring by the fact that up until now there was substantial difference between winning and losing and winning was painted as hard to achieve, but more in-story rewarding (even if it eventually lead to the same outcome, the game acknowledged that you did try).

    So, yeah. Manila Shaw will forever have a special place in my heart, as the first porn game I ragequit.

    EDIT: Typos.
  12. 4.00 star(s)



    I hate RPGM games because by default they are sandbox, grindy and repetitive. While the original game most likely does share some of these elements undoubtedly, I recommend you try the Ren-Play remake that is linked to this post which makes the game A LOT more bearable IMO.

    This game is fun, sexy and entertaining. It doesn't take itself too seriously which is something I like, the renders look good (not great), lots of content and story (anime-esk style, kinda meh but fun). There is also considerable H-content, however the interactions are mostly limited to Manila the protagonist.

    The problem with female protagonist focused games, is that you often get bored fast of seeing the same character over and over and over, unless the dev knows how to add a good spin (like different kinks, outfits, etc). While this game tries to do this, its just not enough for my taste.

    The sex animations are too short, not enough angles, etc. Overall a good game that could be great if the dev polished it more in the graphics department.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a slow burn with decent corruption and writing that is so juvenile and bad that it becomes good again. Some choice writing from this masterpiece: "I'm a gorgeous woman with a perfect body and a 27 year old virgin", "I've emptied my balls on you - hahahahahaha", "I want to f*ck her pussy so bad". But hey I dont come here to read fcking Tolstoy so its fine. The models used are nice but the rendering quality is not great. The gameplay is tormented by the usual RPG maker games grind and repetitive content. Its passable, I'd give it 3.5 star if i could.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    this game seems amazing to me, for my taste it has everything, it goes too guided but it also has many different variants and paths and that is to be appreciated, continues so you do a great job. The game ends me just before I have the baby, I do not know if it is for time and because childbirth has not yet been implemented.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    When playing an RPG, who is making the choices? Is the player making decisions based on their understanding of the character, or is the character acting to the whims of it's maniacal player? An odd question for some, but one I am particularly interested in.

    From my experience, most games cater to the later answer. and most porn games are no exceptions to this.

    Manila Shaw subverts this trope. In it's own way at least. There are still some crazy nonsensical options, yet more often than not, I found myself considering the "horny" option more-so than the "not horny" one.

    Sure, I could shoot the criminal's accomplice in the hand so that he releases the hostage (and the game will let me, if I pick the option) but between you and me, that sounds a bit risky, and a blowjob can't be that bad, can it?

    This is by far the best part of this game : You can find yourself slowly becoming more corrupted not because of the horny demon on your shoulder, but simply from your actions (and their consequences). Almost every porn game I've played, even some of the great ones, suffer from this, and it sometimes makes it very hard to enjoy the protagonist's story.

    Don't get me wrong, it's almost always clear how to avoid sex. But at the very least, it usually involves acting like a super-human.

    But, I did give this game a 3/5. I find myself wishing for developers to play this game more so than the regular Joe, if only to give them a different look on how to do options/events.

    At the end of the day, the game has average writing (might be generous to call it that) better than average renders. Sex scenes are a few cheesy lines mingled with videos (GIFs might be a better name), though cum remaining between scenes is a nice touch.

    If you're the kind of person that has gotten frustrated in the past with games essentially not having sex if you refuse to act like a complete slut, then I definitely recommend giving it a shot, if only for the experience. Otherwise, unless the protagonist really appeals to you and/or you have an interracial kink, I'd skip the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The best whore story. Very interesting developments, interesting sex scenes, very erotic productions. Clearly, this game is one of the best. Most of all, it is fun and the story development is interesting. Being able to get pregnant is also very erotic. The sex scene while pregnant is also very good.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1431431

    Just finished one full play-through. I'm sure I missed a bunch of scenes and routes, but it took SO long to get through, not sure I'll play again. So my first review on here...

    Very mixed feelings about this game. Really want to like it, because it does do some things very well and has a great premise. But this game makes too many easily avoidable mistakes to reach its potential.

    The Good

    - The female protagonist is likable and beautiful, even if her body is a bit of a caricature

    - Tons of content and a story that is interesting, for a while a least

    - Reasonable amount of build-up for encounters with some of the characters

    - Initially seems like Manila really does want to do the right thing

    The Meh

    - Some of the renders and animations are very well done, but most are just ok; maybe that's the trade-off for the large volume of content

    - Not as grindy as some games, but definitely a grind, and after a while that really does get old

    - With a few exceptions, most of the male characters in this game are totally forgettable and look basically the same

    The Bad

    - The corruption path is juvenile, contrived, poorly thought-out, and unrealistic (like alot of games in this genre). Obvious paths that could have at least made her descent more believable are missed or undeveloped. While the actual paths she follows are dubious.

    For example, the camera in the shower. The most obvious person to explore the webcam concept with is her landlord, since Manila didn't have money for rent. Would have been so simple for Manila to have begrudgingly agreed to a camera in lieu of rent, gradually increased the intensity of the shows, and built a believable relationship with Burke as the money poured in, even if she felt guilty about it.

    But the game doesn't do that. Instead, the game lets some random troll that we don't ever get to know install a camera. And after he gets caught, he somehow gets to have sex with Manila before profiting from her nudity. Seriously?

    And as for Burke, he just shows up for sexual encounters with Manila whenever. No build up. No underlying relationship. And somehow she eventually enjoys that. It's just not believable.

    - This poorly planned and executed corruption means that Manila essentially descends from a beautiful, educated, fit, ambitious professional to a streetwalker within weeks, and without terribly good reason. Worse, the lack of any guardrails on her corruption is inconsistent with the overall story of the game; she is supposed to be special, the center of attention by the leaders of a vast criminal enterprise.

    Yet somehow low-level thugs in that enterprise are allowed to just have their way with her after a battle. What?

    - And about that, since there's no buildup to these types of post-battle encounters, there's nothing erotic about them; she basically gets raped in the street by dirtbags she's never met before. But because she's becoming more comfortable with her sexuality, we're supposed to believe she enjoys it when that happens? C'mon.

    - And why are her only battle choices to win, lose, or surrender? She's a police officer; where's her ability to call for backup? Why can't she run? Or at the very least, why can't she be taken to the big bosses when she loses a battle so she (or they) can make a choice?

    Corruption stories work when they're methodical and logical, but they are totally ruined when the descent is random, senseless, or unnecessary. Despite the great premise of this game, it can't overcome a very poorly executed story of corruption.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played. I played it over and over again. I am looking forward to the final version. Hope the developer is there soon. Thanks very much!!! Waiting for the next version. KKKK
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is honestly one of the best games here...If not THE BEST!
    This is the first of these kinda games I played, even before discovering this forum. In fact, I played this game for the first time online on gamcore.
    When I first discovered gamcore...
    Before that I didn't even know such things as "sex games" even existed! And so I kept sticking with ordinary boring porn.
    Now, let's talk about the game:
    The story is exceptional, the blackmailing is so hot and she is simply just too beautiful. The game, in my opinion, reaches its highest with
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    . That was the best scene ever, for real. The best scene I ever got to see in porn movies or sex games or hentai comics. I never saw a longer fuck scene in any of the games here on F95. And, honestly,
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    But the game does have its limits, its flaws. After it reaches its highest in
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    it can't obviously get any better ('cause that scene was and will be the best!). So, it does get boring after a while.
    And do we wanna talk about fight scenes?
    This is honestly the biggest problem of the game!
    If it wasn't for them I would have given 5 stars to this game 'cause it would have easily been the best game on this website! Well, I would say the best sex game ever created!
    Fight scenes are sooo boring, but I would say even worse: They Are ANNOYING!!!!
    And this is sad 'cause this one could have easily been the best sex game ever created or posted on this website.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great police theme story, attractive and beautifull main character and all around her as well.

    I loved everything about this game and i would recommend for all to try it.
    Only thing that bothered me is the combats, sometimes you need luck to win or dont... sometimes it gets boring, i wish there would be a button for insta win like there is for insta lose....