RPGM - Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession [v0.37b] [Abaddon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    solid hot game where choices matters. cant unlock all scenes in one playthrough. Deliver updates every second month. one of my favorite games out there. big thumb ups for me and the best recomentions if you like RPGM
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Tbh I've just downloaded RenPy remake for a quick fap and I wasnt disappointed.

    Idk what I've found in Manila, but her model is just perfect for me.
    Can't give any comments on story or characters, or anything else.

    Maybe longer scenes with more options could make it even better.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Brazilian Engrish

    hot protagonist
    lot of choices
    lot of paths
    battles are fun
    good story so far
    lot of side quests

    only the animation of sex scenes itsn t that good

    in geral, you can see the evolution of the game and the dev trough the time. i really hope he reach his patreon goal
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Nomine sine

    This game is insanely good. Except for sex sounds))).
    It is a really rare game nowadays. Choices that matter, sound battle system, you do really need money in this game, not like in other game where you got millions of money and nothing to buy (useful).
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I have complicated relations with this game. It's objectively bad, but I like it nevertheless. I guess there are not many modern-day RPGs around, where you play as a hot corrupted cop - oh well, I'd love to play a game like that! But for now, I have Manila.
    What's good:
    I like the model of MC a lot. She is really hot, she has believable facial expressions, etc. It's usually a pleasure just to look at her
    Some choices actually matter! I finished 2nd playthrough recently and was surprised how choices made at the beginning shape the game into something different
    The combat system is challenging, battles are not auto-win, and you have to manage your resources carefully, especially in the early game
    What's bad and terrible:
    The daily routine is killing. The first week I actually liked it - get up, shower, get dressed, equip a gun, drive to work, work, print, good morning lieutenant - that felt like a real slice of life and worked to deeper immersion. But it takes so much time later...
    Animations are unskippable. Some are good, some terrible, mostly mediocre
    Writing is bad. When characters open their mouth for speaking not sucking, you laugh. They are bad, they are stupid, and you can't relate to them. Also, there are gems like "Fill my urethra with cum"
    As I said, not all choices matter, and it mostly visible with alignment ones. For now, there is no reason to have high dignity, there's not much content for it - but a lot for high corruption.
    The majority of the sex scenes are behind battle losses. I hate when games punish you for being good at it - but maybe it's my thing, many Japanese games are like that.
    It's a fun idea to have many clothes, but having clothes tied to your equipment and weapons is just bad and adds useless micromanagement.

    Overall - not recommend. But I personally will still be checking it from time to time, guess it's now Stockholm Syndrome for me :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game got me really immersed, and I played it to current finish.

    - Pro:
    - Lots of very well made MOVING scenes, with great variety and especially nice if you like cumshots/facials/bukakke, with (more or less) realistic portayal of sperm
    - Plays smooth, no bugs, and a VERY clear and good quest guide, so much so that you only need a walkthrough to get the wanted routes
    - MC is cute, very pretty, and has a great body, and if you are into Lara Croft, she does look a bit like her
    - Every game day there are new scenes
    - For a RPG it is very straightforward, just follow the quest guide, no need to explore or talk to dozens of NPCs; also the amount of dialogue is very doable
    - One of THE greatest things: You can lose (surrender) every fight, get a different scene, and you just can continue playing. NO bad endings! I find it arousing to let her lose on purpose

    - Cons:
    - Like any RPG it becomes a bit grindy at times, at least repetative: Take a shower, dress up, step in car, watch car move away, get behind work desk, print a report, and that like 100 times during playthrough (true: every in game day brings new scenes and plot changes). Also some very sexy scenes (like whoring out) get grindy because you need to repeat it like 2x 20 times
    - There is a corruption stat, but this has no major impact. The corruption that there is comes from all unfortunate events the MC finds herself in (and loosing fights on purpose). I would have liked more choices that would make her extra slutty.

    For a porn game it got me really immersed, and I kept playing to see how the story unfolded.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Kylie Bloodmoon

    One of the most amazing games I've played. Only thing I have an issue with is not being able to continue once the main mission line is finished. There are several optional quests that need time to be finished, such as doing a certain action so many times while only being able to do them once a day. Only other thing that I think can be improved on is some of the earlier renders, such as the ones with storm in the hotel. Granted may have been fixed by now. I havent played sense V.021. About to restart and play for V0.23.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an RPGM that deserves attention.
    The sex animation, fights, people walking, occasional shots, sounds at various events were perfect, even the groans in sex gave a better taste in the game.
    Of course there are some quest event projects that need to be fixed because some of them have happened like this - Sometimes there are 2 quests in the same place, at the same time, with the same character, on the same day without period interleaving, so if you do each other is going to fail it urgently needs to be fixed.
    Other than that the project is perfect on all the routes that are many in this game.
    If the developer sees this that I said, please fix it or if someone has contact with him warns of this bug there.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Play a policewoman, make your own choices, play by the rules or get bribed... This game seemed promising, but it has unforgivable flaws...

    The gameplay is atrocious, everything is slow and bad in this game, fights, moves, dialogues. The developer simply copied and pasted default maps from the RPGMV game engine, CGs are grotesque and the story is incredibly stupid.

    In short, it's a lazy, boring and very bad game. Run you fools!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has had consistent releases with sex scenes in almost every update. Manila is one of the sexiest models on this site and there are many different scenes with different people, positions, outfits, and environments.

    This runs on RPGM and you need to earn some of the scenes with the sometimes difficult combat. You can also give up and lose, which sometimes gives you a different naughty scene :). There are instructions on how to cheat or edit the game if you can't handle it.

    Great game with lots of content that deserves a playthrough if you like sexy red-headed police women.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    All the scenes are unskippable. All the transitions are terrible and SO SLOW. Seriously the animations and transitions make this game nearly unplayable. This game is slowed down 10x by the simple fact that every single thing in this game requires a 5 second cutscene.

    Simply going to work requires a shower scene, clothing choice, car transition, and building check-in.

    Rinse and recycle this at least a few dozen times until you get anywhere with this game.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    After coming back to this months later I feel I can rate it to save others the pain.

    Gameplay is a horrible repetition of shower, dress up, travel to work, multiple action to do work, work and hope for a short scene, go home, dress down, sleep, repeat. There will be eventually days when you can do a bit more, in the evening mostly, but it is overall a waste of time big time.
    The game also includes fights which has no purpose as you will almost always want to lose to see the naughty bits.
    Scenes are pretty sparse as a result of the boring grind but also very underwhelming. Unless you love blowjobs, because that's almost all you will always get.
    When you have other types of sex scenes, their production is terrible anyway with very poor angle and quality.

    This is the type of games that give RPGM games a bad rep I think. But it's not the engine, it's the game here that is poorly executed.
    Avoid and save yourself wasting time on it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game but we should improve
    on the downside, and this has been said before, it is just too repetitive in the points. Shower scene in the morning, transition speed, regular police.
    I hope the game will improve even more
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    CG design of the characters are amazing. I like the various plots. for an erotic game, this is very good and I quite enjoy it. facial features of the characters are very attractive and at the end of the day, that is the most important part for a game I am using for the purpose I am using it for. game play could be different.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpg games. Gorgeous main character being a truly sexy woman. In this game is excellent animation of sex scenes, many possible main character paths. Manila Shaw is very hot policewoman :love:
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Was looking for a game where MC gets taken advantage of / cheats and the game delivered pretty well on that front. The characters are decent and animations are enjoyable.

    The main complaint would be being unable to skip animations. It gets really annoying, especially if you're the type to load the game and try alternative choices to see what happens.

    Can't say much about combat, cause I cheated my way through it all (I'm a story mode kinda guy).
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has some good CG art and decent scenes, but there's a painful gap of make-work between each one of them. Every day you have to manually change clothes, shower, file paperwork, drive to work, and go to bed. The process takes can take a full five minutes with cutscenes and walking and multiple days can go by without a H scene or story event of any interest. It's a completely avoidable problem, but sadly all the content of this game takes around an hour of slog to get to. Is that really worth it to you?
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I will not be prolific(bc usually my posts get warned and i lose the power to make reviews for a few weeks...and usually i write text-walls for the sake of giving hints and opinions...but it seems it's not something people/mods like it unless i praise even the dumbest game ever)

    This game is boring and a massive bunch of sad clichès.

    For the long version of my opinion check @TheGreatXanDamn's review

    Extra: I kinda feel this game is a fraud.

    The End.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This is game is hard to play. The render quality of 3d images is high, but it fails as a game and as pornography. The most blatant offences are the pointless grind, needless hub world, and uncomfortable writing.

    First, by grind i am referring to two seperate problems. One, the tedious morning and evening routine that are unavoidable. These scenes offer no enjoyment, erotic or otherwise. To be clear, a majority of the play time you'll be taking showers, changing clothes, and commuting between locations. Effectively, you'll be experiencing a walking simulator. I'll come back to this in the third paragraph. The second reason that the game becomes a grind is rooted in what seems like an identity crisis. Unless you are losing the game often and making bad narrative choices there will be ZERO sex scenes. Which would be fine if this was a narrative focused game, but it's clearly not. A majority of the characterization amounts to the ramblings of demented people who have twisted internal monologues about filling everything with cum as an act of violence. Some conversations go so far as to say so directly . Sentances along the lines of "I want to fill you with my seed slut to show you that your pussy is worthless but still one that I would like to fuck. Your life worth is shown by my tainting you with cum" being the most gripping material. That would be totally forgiveable were this a porn game, but to reiterate there is a strong potential for no sex scenes to be encountered by the player. Even if you actively seek them out it takes about 5 hours to reach any vaginal sex scenes. The entire experience is a grind to nowhere.

    The use of an open hub world serves no purpose. There is only ever one or two interactable locations, but they are located on opposite sides of an empty map with as many as three consecutive loading screens between them. To add insult to injury many of these loading screens are complete with 5 second animation sequences. Much of the world could have been an enjoyable addition to your commuting time if there were exporation elements. Unfortunately the world is largely empty and asset flipped from the base RPG maker package seen in many Steam cash-grabs. This game would function much better rebuilt from the gound up as a visual novel but I'm not sure it would be worth the effort.

    I've already touched briefly on the dialogue so I won't go into too great of detail. However, I feel like I have to mention that there are frequent grammatical mistakes. Even when the grammar is correct, the wording is often awkward if read aloud. If i were to guess, basic proofreading was not part of the developement process.

    To summerize, this game competes with itself every step of the way and suffers for it. I feel like the scenes that shine the most are the infrequent developements in the investigations. Sadly, each of these scenes is immediately followed by brainless and unsatisfying softcore. Even these take an hour or two if gameplay to reach. I assume that the dev would rather be telling a story, but is tied to the platform of a porn game for monetary reasons. I look forward to their next project anyway, as I have a feeling they are just coming into their own as a writer. This game is a series of glimmers of inspiration that are buried in boring smut that left me flaccid.
  20. M
    5.00 star(s)


    Main downside: lengthy animations. Including taking the elevator.

    Deserves a [cheating] tag, though that is optional. In fact, a lot of the sex scenes are optional (hell, maybe even all of them), provided you win all the fights. Losing a fight generally results in a sex scene.

    You can choose who you have relationships with. Not all the guys are ugly. And unlike most games, not all the guys are complete perverts. So you can refrain from guys you find ugly or their behaviour unappealing if you want.

    You can cheat if you want. This game is starting to develop a focus on pregnancy.

    You can make her as slutty or as wholesome as you want tbh.

    Overall: 9.5/10

    Just needs quicker scenes. You have to wait a pretty long tine for a sex scene to finish.

    And also a map would be nice.