Can you tell me, how to change the stats?? i can't find out in save editor optionWell, even if you leveled up (otherwise, if you win all fights it's true you will probably go up faster, but I think you will lose most of the "interesting" content), you can still use save editor. Just give yourself the belt (if you did not get it the normal way), plenty of money, and before getting in the train, at the kami gate, buy lots of stuff. Or in the editor, give yourself directly lots of bullets, health stuff etc., and during fights, use quite a lot the belt (it gives you instant revitalisation).
It is a pain that the enemy after being defeated and dead, come back immediately with full strength and you don't.
I am sure others will disagree, but for me, that is the programmer (or the enemies) cheating, so, I don't see why I should not cheat getting myself the stuff to fight on
But be aware, even doing like I suggested, it takes lots of time, and it is not a guaranteed victory, you still have to fight.
Paradise quest can't be completed and the developer said that they would redo it once the game is over so the player will have to redo it from scratch.has anyone heard of the paradise quest in this game. It shows 50% paradise quest when u do 20 handjob and 20 blowjob mission
I used the rpgm save editor offline (not the online one). There, if you choose to show all variables and items, then you can easily add up more money, or bullets etc.Can you tell me, how to change the stats?? i can't find out in save editor option
These issues should have been fixed a long time ago.I wasn't sure why people were upset, but I just got to this subway quest and now I understand. I had already given myself infinite money so I had max shop stuff, but apparently that is still not enough when the boss can chain stun you until you are dead. Meanwhile her partner is busy making the team invulnerable to damage. I managed to spend over 10 minutes on this before I lost. And this is after about 5 fights in a row where I do not get a chance to save. Wow yes, what a finale.
I don't think a left a review yet, but now I'm really considering it. Some things I would like to see changed. Make it more obvious which quests are repeatable, perhaps put it in the name or description. Reorganize the quest menu to automatically hide completed quests like I see in other rpg maker games. If you are going to give us multiple fights in a row allow us to save the game at some point in between. Have some sort of map system so I don't have to guess where buildings are. I have played for almost 40 hours and still have no idea what the areas are called. Make equipment loadouts transfer over to all the other outfits. Basically some quality of life improvements would help I think.
looks like Simon at the near end,Red moon(maybe) at the far endeven at max brightness i can't tell what's in the picture xD
the near silhouette looks like like Simon but can't tell about the other 1, if it's Red moon, i hope he gives her new powers to fight Manila, her hair looks like tree branches to me (that could be Sheila tho)looks like Simon at the near end,Red moon(maybe) at the far end
A little brightereven at max brightness i can't tell what's in the picture xD
Oh i missed by alot, anyway thx
You can't actually get pregnant until a certain event happens and iirc the doctor pretty much tells you that you are a magical baby factory. I'm not 100% on when you can start getting preggers.How does pregnancy actually work?
Oh this is just the beach scene where Jason prepares the night to remember. If your Corruption is greater than your Justice, Kendra takes control and makes Jason her Herald. The pregnancy isn't a story thing, that was just me jacking fertility to 100 for an extra perverted power-bottoming scene.Wow bro i have never seen that scene before, is this when i choose to let kendra take over manilas mind? Somewhere in the end?
And apparently mscielka means avenger someone said, so it is the avenger route or something like that