VN Marilyn's Mansion | a Vertex Bunny Game | Development Discussion Thread

Josus Joestar

Jun 14, 2020
Actually, one of the factors that contribute to the model's aging appearance is what we call the "Naso-labial fold" or the skinfold from the nose to the corner of the lips, which is present in the first pictures. Some darker colour make-up also plays a role here.

If I will use some examples that I can think of are the early renders of some BADIK characters, IIRC when they smile the said folds are prevalent and deep which I feel overall contradicts the age of those characters. Fortunately, these have been fixed on the later eps.


Jan 22, 2018
Hey everyone! Hubby Bunny here. We know it’s been a long time since we’ve posted a DevLog and apart from an occasional image post at , it pretty much was radio silence. As some of you might know, I was away for military service during August and came back with a nasty flu. As if it wasn’t enough, I’ve managed to get Wifey Bunny sick too. We’ve been trying to get back on our feet with regular hospital visits, tons of medication and sleeping. Still not %100 there but we believe we’ve recovered enough to get back into action and pick up the development where we left.
Welcome back, I'm glad to hear that you are both okay (or, at least, almost fully recovered). Here's hoping to a full recovery very soon!

The first reworked character you're about to meet is our beloved naughty blonde and main character, Jennifer Green (Jennie). Yes, I admit that it is a drastic change, however the result has finally satisfied the bunny team. I would love to give you a brief(!) list of changes, heheh:
  • Head and face: Well, at first I wasn't planning on making such a huge change on her face because we kinda liked the vibes she was giving off. Childish, mischievous, shameless yet could be an innocent cutie if she wants. However, the more I look at it, the more it became toonish style to my eye. So I thought maybe I should create everything about her from the start, all over again. Now her face is more lifelike, I mean has more realism into it, yet not that much dialed in terms of detailing and shape. To me, she still keeps that childish and soft look, but you can feel that she's not "that" innocent.
  • Hairstyle: Although I'm in love with OOT's hair meshes, using their assets significantly slows our workflow down. Not only for that reason, but also her new face now lets her wear a messier bun, hereby leading to have a more modern and sporty finish.

  • Body: Now less voluptuous but the juicy parts didn't dry out. From neck to toe, she now has more details; e.g. collarbones, shoulders, chest area, arms, veins, hands, abdomen, pelvis, legs, knee bones, feet... Everything now is designed with more meticulous effort. One of the main issues that gave rise to those changes is, not being able to pose the character without weird collisions and awfully stretched UVs (even with bend controllers, shape enhancers, etc). That "thicc" anatomy was restricting us to pose her in many complex ways. Toning that thickness down has finally given us the freedom, hopefully.

  • Skin: After a long research, we finally found the best one suits our blondie. She now has freckles, yaaay! (Coral will be surprised hehehe) Again, our pursuit was to create a better look under every lighting rig. Bump maps, normal maps, SSS settings and every other aspects on the skin are all optimized now.
Yes, these are the major changes related to the rework. Most probably this is the final version, yet there could be tiny minor fixes since we couldn't have the chance to try it in all of the possible occasions. I don't think there would be anything can affect the overall look from now on.
She's still gorgeous, if anything I find she looks younger now, maybe it's the hair? Also, she now looks, stylistically at least, closer to the other characters, and I agree with lanxorn regarding Jenni's breasts, they definitely look more natural for the reworked Jenni.

All four renders are lovely, but I am going to (only ever so slightly) disagree about the best pic, for me it's this one...

...I love that's it's a bit playful, a bit mischievious, oh, and I think the use of "gravity" (the necklace and hair... wait, you thought I meant her b...) is a little more evident here than in the other pic, which, along with the greater DOF, really makes this render pop!

I also have mixed feelings about the rework of the "Ginger Devil", but I trust that she will look amazing as always, though don't you dare change Xerrin and her "2 huge, squishy pillows"! Well, not too much anyway ;)

Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
Welcome back, I'm glad to hear that you are both okay (or, at least, almost fully recovered). Here's hoping to a full recovery very soon!
Thank you so much! Hubby bunny is now very well recovered and I am finally feeling much much better :3 Thanks again :3

She's still gorgeous, if anything I find she looks younger now, maybe it's the hair? Also, she now looks, stylistically at least, closer to the other characters, and I agree with lanxorn regarding Jenni's breasts, they definitely look more natural for the reworked Jenni.
If I were to define my/our artistic vision regarding to Jennie's new hair, I would say that the low bun + messy style + more volume to it equals to be highlighting the "cool but not a simple bitch" vibes. In addition, her face still looks "young" yet the "immature" look in her previous face is gone now, which is a thing we wanted to portray in her character.

All four renders are lovely, but I am going to (only ever so slightly) disagree about the best pic, for me it's this one...

...I love that's it's a bit playful, a bit mischievious, oh, and I think the use of "gravity" (the necklace and hair... wait, you thought I meant her b...) is a little more evident here than in the other pic, which, along with the greater DOF, really makes this render pop!
If the render's coming out of my hubby bunny's lovely hands, every single piece is beautiful and priceless :3 (romantic wifey bunny's on duty nihahahha) Thank you for your precious critique about it! It gives us indescribable feelings when we see such beautiful and detailed comments about our work!

I also have mixed feelings about the rework of the "Ginger Devil", but I trust that she will look amazing as always, though don't you dare change Xerrin and her "2 huge, squishy pillows"! Well, not too much anyway ;)
OMG I'm honored to see that you guys still remember Xerrin and her "huge and squishy pillows"! Whoa I don't know what to say just got a huuge smile on my face! Thank you <3
Btw, don't ever worry, neither our ginger devil nor her bestie mama will be "downgraded" in any ways, just gonna be "optimized" and hopefully the results will satisfy everyone!
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Lanxorn