RPGM - Completed - Marriage Or Pervert ~The Small Penis Warrior & The Perverted Magician~ [v1.04.2] [AVANTGARDE]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I disagree with most reviews—this game isn't nearly as bad as people make it to be. The current translation is more than decent enough for a short h-game—it's not some MTL, but actually a solid fan TL. The game itself is pseudo-netorase, or meta-netorase so to say. Most scenes are a result of your own choices, basically MC is a hidden cuck who doesn't acknowledge it in the game itself until the last part of the game (some endings and scenes are missable, btw).

    What I like about this game is that pretty much every scene is from the male protagonist perspective where he spectates as the girl is corrupted or fucked, which I like way more than secret cheating for NTR games. He's pretty much aware about every sex-scene, but does nothing and doesn't even try to fuck his GF until the ending, which I guess can annoy some players, even among those who came for NTR. But if you view it as him having a cuck fetish and doing everything on purpose because he secretly enjoys seeing his GF corrupted, then the game is actually pretty hot. With a more nuanced writing, it could've been very similar to that Knight Whore game. On a side note, it really doesn't have many CG, but it's voiced and has some hot sex dialogues, which evens it out for me personally. I actually enjoyed it more than the developer's next game about Hypno Peeping NTR (which barely had any peeping, lol).
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    There isn't a way to play this game that is a winning move. If you're a virgin run enthusiast, this is the driest jrpg of all time that also knows it because it hands you level and gold cheat codes right at the start. If you are looking for an interesting corruption and ntr story, you get some terribly bog-standard protagonists that only exist to play their bog-standard roles.

    The art of Ichinomiya Yuu can only do so much. Get a wank from a full save (hell, just fap to the CGs because the voice actor isn't anything special) and move on with your day.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty terrible to say at least.
    Gameplay and the story is horribly made, which I could ignore and enjoy the CGs and the art style, but sadly even the scenes are horrible and the game does not make any attempt in trying to fit into world and tell a story and have any corruption elements or anything, nope just plain non-sense.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has mind-numbingly boring gameplay grind that just depends on you leveling up. There is no other reason to play it other than seeing the NTR events, which means you should just use a save file (as completing the game with the cheats you are given won't unlock the gallery.)

    The NTR/monster rape scenes are... okay at best, i feel horrible for trying to grind all of them manually.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is probably the worst NTR game I have played this year, theres not A SINGLE SCENE that makes sense, I'm not exaggerating, I only play NTR games and I'm telling you that if you actually like NTR this game wont be for you, I couldn't even get a hardon playing through the whole game!

    There's like 9999 enemies in every area just to eat your time and the scenes are NOT WORTH IT, if you really want to try it, go for a full save and see the gallery, almost every scene is reused!!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a pure trash. Every lewd situation has zero sense, it is like someone says to mc hey can i grab your butt and she is like "ok". I can not understand why someone mentioned you can like this game if you like ntr, because there is no ntr in this game or it is just super boring and stupid. Female mc can be raped by slime the first second you leave the village without consequences. I am giving it 0.5 star for art and 0.5 star because someone translated it into legible english from mtl
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Ehh its not a bad game... I mean the story wasn't really that good and the CG was also pretty lack luster. I also generally dislike games where you have to be defeated to get scenes. One of the big issues with games like that is you don't know which enemies have CG and which ones don't and there aren't really indicators. So you can only test lose to each enemy. In this game there is actually not a lot of enemies you can lose to and get images for (unless you lose to the same enemy then you get the same CG). So you end up spending more time on the game trying to play find the CG by losing.

    I will say that they make it easier by having forfeit but it doesn't actually make it any better. Especially since the CG isn't honestly that good.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an "okay" game overall, not good but not bad either.

    i'd say it's 4 stars if you really like NTR because the game really delivers on that aspect, on top of that the art is REALLY good as well as the translation.
    The sad part about this is that there's not that much content, and a lot of CGs are re used 2 or 3 times with little to no differences.

    All in all, the game is still worth a single fap playtrough and then downloading a 100% savefile would be the better option.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR. This game is fine but its like the mediocre version of every other RPGM Big breast main character girl games. Play it if youre out of content for games of that sort and DESPERATELY need a fix. Or if you REALLY like NTR, but even then youre better off with a doujin.

    -Main Girl is Cute
    -The game is short and has very little grinding
    -The story is serviceable and not completely cringe.

    -All the scenes are basically recycled in some way or are just boring
    -The guy getting cucked has negative personality making much of the NTR stuff boring
    - Just play Melty's quest, School Pres Yukino or Nymphomania Priestess if you haven't because those games do the things this game wants to but better and its not even close.
    -Or just look up the artist CG because the game isn't even interesting.

    PS. As of the most recent update the translation is fine, its still not professional but just ignore all the other reviews ranting about that. Out of the 2/4 routes I played and nearly 300 text boxes i only saw 1 that was untranslated. Its really fine and you've for sure seen worst if you are resorting to playing this game.

    All in all, this game is mid and you should just play the better RPGM girl protag games. If you want an objectively better in all aspects version of this game just play Melty's Quest. Fuck it, play through it again instead of this.

    3.3/5 not enough pussy.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Played this game a looong time ago. The art itself is absolutely phenomenal, but that's really the end of it. The game itself is pretty bad.

    To get the HCGs, you of course need to surrender to enemies or submit to demands on the way to the final boss. Which by the way, is easily reached in a little under an hour. 30 minutes if you skip every single piece of dialogue. Even faster with the free level up treasure chest in the starting village.

    The story? The hell are you interested in the story for? It's in the title. Loser beta cuck MC with a tiny dick gets turned on at being NTR'd. Funny enough, Yuria rightfully gets pissed at him and chews him out in one of the H-scenes.

    Considering that she was waiting for the MC to make a move on her, wanted him to take her virginity as early as the first fucking scene, and he did nothing and she kept giving super obvious hints. Yeah, I'd leave him as well. Was a satisfying scene to see her rip into him for being the worthless cuck he was. Vanilla route is not worth because there is not a single CG with sex.

    Either way, game sucks as a game, art rocks the bloody heavens. And this gets a 2 star, normally would be a 1 star. Art carried it, if you're wondering who the artist is, their name is Tsukumiya Amane.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's say 1 star because you can't give 0... Or maybe because art is ok...

    Ok this MTL was the problem ?... But that's not the problem. The game is the main problem.

    Main focus is NTR & corruption of your "long time friend you want to marry". No problem with that on my part... Buuuut :

    Lot of scenes behind : you must loose... And the game is stupidly easy. Even without cheat, you beat the game in 1h. So the game want you to surrender every fight or be to stupid to play a really basic jrpg.

    Rest of the scenes are behind : you want to whore your girlfriend for no good reason ? Nice, some good old Ntr that don't give a fuck about writing...

    Only for those who don't read, don't really want to play a game & only want some cg
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    No idea how people liked this. I have a high MTL tolerance but I seriously can not understand anything that happens in this game. The sentences are such gibberish, nothing makes sense. The scenes are kinda hot looking but this is NTR where I think dialogue is very important. Guess you can download if you wana look at the well drawn scenes but I understood 0% of the dialogue.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The art was really good.
    The ntr and cuckolry stuff is excellent.
    The problem is that this translation is just too horrendous. I am giving it 5 stars just because the art is awesome and I'm into ntr so yea 5/5.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 492881

    The game itself:
    Graphics 10/10
    Story 10/10
    Characters 10/10
    Cuckoldry/NTR 10/10
    Content 7/10 (yes i wanted more!!!)
    My fap final vote: 10/10!

    The translation is 0.4/10! If this game gets a proper translation it can be the best game in the world!