HTML - Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.5] [GrimDark]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game ever made to land on F95 imho.
    Been playing this a lot, is it grindy? Yes it is, same reason why Skyrim is grindy: because it's a game, not a porn showreel.

    Would achieve perfection if supported by actual animated sex scenes and not just static images, but I guess that would just bee too much, you can't have everything.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    SalemStyle Jutsu

    Honestly, best of the HTML games out there. Worth financially supporting when you get the chance. It's story rich but you are not really put on a timer to complete these missions. You can approach the slaves AND associates however you feel so you can either be a benevolent master (I know that's not a thing shut up) or an iron fist.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a tough one to review. I usually only take the time to review games that I think are amazing and give them 5 stars, and while I think this is amazing, I don't think I can really give it 5 stars as there are a few pretty substantial flaws with the game at the moment.

    On the whole, Masters of Raana is a pretty great porn RPG. It has reasonably interesting HTML-based gameplay, with 'deep' stat-based combat, sex, BDSM, and some other minigames and lots of narrative skill checks which most of the time don't lead to dead ends. The world building is pretty cool and not too 'in your face', you can choose to read more about the world or less, but you pick up important things 'organically' without having to read huge exposition text dumps. There is a reasonably interesting narrative, with a cast of characters and character agency that the player wants to exercise to affect plot outcomes; lots of tropes, but well executed -- on this front I think it's the best I've seen in an HTML porn game.

    I've just completed a full playthrough to (what seems to be) the end of content, and I had fun, but it was also pretty frustrating lots of the time. This manifested in a bunch of ways, but I think the two biggest issues are:
    1. Running into sudden 'shallow' content moments when lots of it is pretty deep
    2. Moments breaking the immersion roleplay
    For 1, it would be things like a 32 year old suddenly referring to her "teen body" (recycled dialogue with many 18/19 year old characters), completely uncharacteristic behaviour from the same character between two different scenes, really intricate side quests with seemingly massive implications for some characters, which abruptly end and are never mentioned by anyone again, etc. etc. Honestly, this seems pretty inevitable given the scope of the game and a single developer (whose priorities are rationally influenced, like all developers, by the proportion of fans who want more breadth rather than depth) but it is still kind of a shame, given that the text-based nature of the game makes it more realistic to have additional depth.

    The second thing has two main parts, I think. The first is that it's often not entirely clear what you can be doing , besides grinding stats. The game is really good at 'organically' having you figure out/find what to do next while you're on a questline, but while you're not, the world just kind of passes around you during the day, with (almost) nothing happening unless you make it happen. Nobody interrupts you, slaves never need you, nobody comes to the door etc. This becomes weird because these things DO happen while you're on a certain questline, but pretty much never day-to-day. The other really immersion-breaking aspect of the roleplay for me was the grinding.

    Now, in a RPG with semi-realistic timelines like this, there is definitely going to have to be grind. If the player character can train to be a professor over the course of years where each day is simulated, there has to be some stat grinding for that to happen. The problem for me was not that the player character has to grind out stats, it's that the person playing the game has to grind out stats in real life by clicking hundreds or even thousands of times and seeing the same passages (or sometimes even just a progress bar) for like 20 minutes in real life is not fun, and totally broke the RP illusion for me. The crafting system is the worst example of this (not sure if GrimDark reads these reviews, but if you do, please change this) where to spend 10 hours crafting heals in game you need to click at least twice per hour (and wait for progress bar animations and code to run in the background) for several minutes in real life, whereas 10 hours lecturing at the academy is a maximum of 8 clicks with some fun random events thrown in, less than a minute max. Crafting is an extreme example where I think the player should just be able to say "craft for 10 hours" with a single click, but stat grinding (through training the player, educating slaves, or learning etc. ) is way too much unfun busy clicking work for the person playing the game in real life, relative to how frequently it need to be done to progress the roleplaying. I've seen some other reviews mention having to keep stats from decaying, and I think part of the problem with that is not so much that they decay, but the fact that it's so much real-world (rather than roleplaying) effort to maintain them.

    EDIT: Crafting has been more or less addressed in a newer update with the introduction of a workshop system.

    Overall though, if you're reading this review, you should probably play this game. If you like text-based narrative-driven adult RPGs with good writing and an interesting plot, this is one of the best out there.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most promising games I’ve seen here, that’s already very solid. There is already plenty of content and complexity, and the constant further improvements are significant and are all moving further in the right direction.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Some mechanics dont work as intentioned (i.e. number of wives depending on religion, you are maxed at 1 no matter what), and the game as a whole is too reliant on grinding. Half the game is maintaining character points without them dropping, which is not fun for gameplay.

    Its got a good story setting, fun gameplay (when not grinding), and is pretty well polished. Amount of content for time since it started is also not bad. Solid 4 star game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I am optimistic about the potential of this work. There are few works that have a social immersive system and so many events. The most important thing is that every girl can be pierced! ! ! !expect every girl to have more depraved content and more cruel treatment methods.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is more or less a worthy successor to Slave Maker 3.

    But there are some differences,SM3's gameplay was 95% just slave training with the remaining 5% being other stuff you can do in the world.

    MoR is more like a 50/50 split, slave training is a major part of the game, but it's only about half of the focus, there's also a world to explore (much bigger than SM3's), combat is almost as important as slave training too.

    There's also the fact that SM3's slave imagery is pretty random quality images collected from the net by whoever made them, which also makes them usually known characters.

    In MoR they're all instead characters unique to the game, but the artwork is consistent in style and quality (it is however also incomplete, there's a lot of missing imagery, which kinda sucks)

    Bottom line is, if you got hooked on SM3, you will probably get hooked on this game too. But the gameplay difficulty is much higher, and there's actually a game in here besides just slave training.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Masters of Raana completely changed the way I viewed html-games.

    It offers many of hours of gameplay with deep slave management systems and a fantastic world lore that keeps you engaged.

    Another great experience is the empire building part. You start from scratch with a rundown house that you can upgrade and expand through investments and conquest.

    The ABSOLUTELY best experience, imho, is all the beautiful girls. There are literary hundreds of unique babes that you can do anything to like seduce, sex, bondage, take out for dinners, play games or train into professors, fighters, sex slaves or just good friends.

    I'd advice anyone to at least try this game. It's free!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    *Eeh shoulders shrug*
    I did not finish or playthrough any quest. which does not affect open-world aspect whatsoever. My opinion is soley based on open-world not story , narrative or lore.
    -For a game that has slavery as core gameplay , the slave trainer is more like slaver pamper. you can't just brute force or mind break slave alone if you want them to do thing other than being a cum dump for you. If you want them to work aka exploiting them. you have to make them happy.
    Which is kinda half defeat the purpose of having slave ?? Imagine some slave in colonoial america refuse to go to cotton field because they ain't happy and the master was like " welp no cotton for me today" even a simple task like house maid require them to be happy.

    New player would have a hard time because :
    -guide is writtten for someone with moderate game knowledge. guide explicitly said oh do bondage, that's the best way to reduce willpower. okay but what option in bondage does what ? Should I jsut smack, slap or whip them ? what about bondage fuck what effect does it have ?
    this kind of guide is like "the fastest way to get rich is to have lot of money which is easy you just buy stock" ok... which stock then?
    -This furthur compound by lack of feedback in early game due to you having too low skill to pass dice roll. so you would have no idea if you're on the right track or not other than just spent irl half a day grinding through it to figure out your self
    - fuck openworld, the only real viable choice is to do warrior-esque type start, you can literally scroll through discord and this forum and you will see 99% of people just start that way because it's the only way to make real money early game.
    You wanna start as professor earning the living by teaching ? nope grind stat first even thou you build your mc in char creation to specifically this way because the starting stat aren't enough.
    You wanna craft ? feel free to smash that click to a meager return compare to warrior-equse activity.
    - a lot of activity option lack explanation not even some description clue. eg hunting, you have 3 weapons of choice and 3 choices on how you approach the hunt and that's it. choose now no I don't have anything else to tell you jsut choose. or you can go to wiki to read which choices is best for what size of games and weather. JUST ADD THAT EXPLANATION IN TO THE GAME.
    -Game is heavily lean toward combat to the point of making other aspect or mechanic seem to be just fill-in to tick the tags.

    it's frustated me reading one of the review saying " This is what Jack-O-Nine-tail should've been but failed" when Jack goes alot more in-depth on slave traning than this game, apple and orange I guess.
    It's like I'm playing glorify(in a lewd way) Pokemon game. you catch em you train them and make them your fighting team.
    Don't get me wrong. it's impressive for what the dev can do with html game. the experience of playing just ins't all the way there.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is addictive very well made sandbox game with many diffirent job option, it isnt balanced yet but it got promises. it would be much better to use game engines which support modification but still ok
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best i've played so far, it's not huge in terms of fapping material and there are no animations, but everything except that is good.
    The game mechanics are rich and deeply structured and there's a lot of things that keeps you playing besides the lewd content.
    -1 star because the non-supporter limitations are too harsh, entire questlines denied because you are not a paying customer plus playing versions that are almost 1 month behind feels like a bit too much.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Gin Tama

    I've been keeping an eye on this game ever since it first launched on F95. I'm a sucker for fully fleshed out girls, trainer like games with complex and interesting gameplay mechanisms. Moreover each girl is uniqe with her own storyline, background, scenes etc. Looking forward to future updates! Perhaps it would be lovely to see mods or girl packs. Keep up the good job!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    it is a great game let me tell you. thanks for the hard work and everyone who worked on it. it's really rare to see a game with a sex mechanic it can make really get into it like the relationship with girls it differs i mean i really like that i do not know about you guys but i love that. other thing that great is that you can upgrade the house craft armor and weapons and some other stuff as well i meant there is a lot of stuff, I'm sorry if i did not mention something important. what's annoying to me is when i read books it a slow process and i feel like he has to shower a lot if a girl does not scrub you or the shower is not upgraded. on the other hand, there is a system where you can choose your Houshold allowance and meals i don't know what the allowance does beside from the even that one of the girls buys from the market. other thing is that you can allow all of your household have certain job to do like cooking or dancer or cleaner and so on and they have skill system you can train them you can whore them as well. it really a great roleplay game, i hope it gets finished real soon devs hint hint ;). ohh yeah almost forgot you can study at university or become a teacher if you have the required skills. what i hope is the dev can add femboy or Futa. that's it I'm sure there is a lot i did not mention but i don't want spoil anything from the story you have to try it. sorry if my review is not that good my English is my second language (add futa femboy)please .
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, superb Rpg/management elements that give room to lots of freedom and creativity in terms of gameplay, excellent writing too, both humorous and serious when it needs to be,
    I also appreciate the diverse girls models and various scenes.
    Can't wait to see more of this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Masters of Raana is a great game that I've very much enjoyed playing for the past two months. I've probably logged over 40 hours so far and still feel there's lots of content left to explore.

    The freedom, the highly detailed skill system, an awesome combat engine, for a HTML game, and the BEAUTIFUL girls create a perfect blend for an old Skyrim modder and FreeCities player as myself.

    Grimdark recently added procedurally generated slaves which has taken this game to a completely new level. This delightful addition has unfortunately uncovered the game's greatest, and only real, flaw: there is not enough room to house them all. While 20 slots might seem a lot, the detailed stories of each slave you can capture or buy makes you want to keep them. Praise the gods Grim is adding more housing units in the next big update. (y)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Immerse yourself in an evolving open world! This game flawlessly intertwines captivating storytelling, RPG mechanics, and an unparalleled sense of freedom. Explore a dynamic, living world where every interaction is meaningful and every decision shapes your fate. The attention to detail is extraordinary; from the diverse landscapes to the intricate character development, it's a masterpiece of immersion. The RPG elements are finely crafted, allowing you to craft a unique journey with consequences that echo throughout the game. In this expansive universe, you're not just a player; you're a hero, crafting your epic saga. Get ready to lose yourself in the ultimate open-world adventure!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is already one of my favourite games of all time, and I've been gaming since the days of arcade Space Invaders.
    A complex RPG and management/strategy that satisfies my 'nerdy' tendencies as well as my 'pervy' ones. It does require some imagination as it isn't a 3D open world animated game that shows everything you do, however I feel the quality of writing, the renders, the various storylines and complexity of the game more than makes up for this.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just boring, the whole design of it feels like some computer camp project by someone just learning game design. Has that 90's basic computer game feeling.
    The overall master/slave story isn't to bad, but the design of overall is just so poor and grindy it just becomes irritating.

    Other than walking around the map, or fighting in a battle there are no other animations in the whole game, what fun is that. The interactions with slaves has no animations and what is supposed to be sex is just one or two static pictures.

    Scrap this junk and start out with a much better overall modern animated design if the dev is capable of doing so.

    OMG this game is just so boring.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    [As of v0.8.2.1]

    First the bad:
    I'll start off by saying that everything in the game is reliant on RNG (some pseudo form of it anyway), and it really doesn't need to be.

    It doesn't need to be because all outcomes are pre-set binary. If you have the right number of attribute points assigned to the skill (around 70), it will end up as "success" 100% of the time. Likewise, if you're a few points short, it will end up as failure, period. You can save-scum until you are blue in the face and nothing will change.

    And here in lies the whole problem with the game and why everyone says it's so grindy.

    Because of this system, and since in the beginning you start with almost no skills, every single thing you do (outside of the simple combat) will end up as failure - always. You need to grind for days (in-game) before your attributes are high enough. If that wasn't enough, a second layer of difficulty delays your growth: intelligence.
    If your intelligence is not at least 70 (which at the start it's not), you only get a minimum amounts of growth points. The less points you get, the longer it will take to reach high enough in other areas.
    Ergo, from the start your path is already set: Intelligence. Don't even bother with anything else.

    And now the good and I'll keep it simple:
    I don't think I ever had as much fun or was invested as much in an adult game as I am with this one. It's seriously addicting. Everything from the lore and bits of story to the handling of mature subjects. The power play and BDSM is exceptionally good and is actually taken seriously this time around.

    It's still early in development (even though it has a great deal of content) so I only have high hopes for this one.
    The dev only needs to balance that RNG, remove intelligence stat (just remove it) and most of the grinding will be dealt with.

    I'm giving this one 5 stars despite the bad above. Plenty adult content with awesome handling of it, good renders with girls that have believable proportions, the writing is proper English and I just had a ton of fun playing it.
    In a weird way the game reminds me of The Gorean Saga books.

    Keep up the good work dev.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Superb gameplay design, immersive world building, and top notch writing. Been enjoying the game so far, and I like how the female characters are realistically proportioned (rather than the crazy body shapes like most other games here).