HTML - Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.5] [GrimDark]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't believe that the dev implemented the 80+ bonuses I mentioned, I said this many times but this game and the dev are a 5/5. The story is well written, the cgs are fine, and most important the dev wants the game to be good, he/she reads suggestions and discusses them and eagerly fixes buggs in basicly no time (atleast what i experienced). This game unlike many others gets better and better with each version. I almost don't want to play this, so I can re-experience this game when it's done.

    Just insane mechanics, story, and overall skill level, there are still balance issues you can exploit when played for a couple of hours tho.
    It also feels a bit weird to get into especially if you want to be a fighter early on. Also, I don't quite understand the aging mechanics, like what it's used for. Or things like what happens if the sky army drops to zero?

    Overall there is still a lack of Information, like attributes gains at the end of the day, The expense list seems also to be lacking information and is therefore useless.

    Another thing is that it's impossible to get the gardener to 130 gardening skills in a normal playthrough it just takes way too long. (Took Juno's first day, put her straight into gardening, the day she got 80 she joined the Academy. This particular run is 536 days and she currently got 95 in gardening, while I finished every side and main quest.)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I have played this far too much for how grindy it is.

    If you are like me and are often disappointed after noticing a game has the depth of a puddle, after the initial fascination with the game systems wears off, avoid this game.

    The grind is truly exceptional, but it at least hides how stupid and poorly thought out some of the game mechanics are.
    You know what is extra fun in such a grindy game? Being able to completely fuck yourself over in character creation, before you have any idea how skills work and how to increase them.

    The game suggests, that you can raise skills by using them, but there are lots of skills that will not increase no matter what.
    Many are effectively limited to increases from skill books, which require a lot of intelligence to extract all of them. Skill books are very much a finite resource.
    Intelligence? Good luck raising that.

    Taught at the academy for years and got absolutely zero science increase?
    Well obviously you have to go to a bar and get points from random conversations.

    The skills you need to train slaves? The most important ones can not be raised after exhausting finite books and courses. You better know what they are and make sure to get them during character creation or you will have a miserable time.

    Some skills do increase by use, giving a slow and steady increase in effectiveness, but for some inexplicable reason, many do not regardless of how much sense it would make.
    This can not be difficult to add, especially since it works with many already.

    Losing in combat can cause skill and attribute loss. Some of those are easily trained back up in a day, but depending on your luck, you might something permanent.

    Combat exists. Yeah thats about it.

    Once you reach a middling amount of skill with ranged weapons, you will always hit and vice versa. Dodging only works against melee, which is already weaker than ranged and needs an extra turn of set up. Perhaps if you have a truly ridiculous amount of strength melee gets better, but you will always eat an extra attack at the start of combat.
    So late game combat consists of combatants always hitting, sometimes critting and armor with flat soaks reducing the damage.
    It is completely braindead and just not fun. You can't even create completely overpowered characters with effort, since skill matters nothing after a point. Also it does not appear to increase damage.

    Some of the training actions do not serve a purpose, since easier versions do exactly the same thing.

    Doing anything worthwile is incredibly grindy. You know those games where you click hundreds of times, navigating through the same screens day after day, not getting anything for a long time? This is one of those, unless you know exactly, what you should do and then the effect is only lessened. Most of those clicks are completely brainless.

    I get that this is supposed to be something like a longer life sim. Slowly getting better etc. There is too little randomness and content here to support that currently. It gets old pretty quickly.

    For most of these things exist obvious fixes. but as with so many porn games more immediately visible content is probably prioritised without regard to how shaky the foundations of the game are.
    I played this game before, but the grind made me stop much earlier. I am pretty sure most of what i just complained about, was already present.

    Why still 3 stars?

    Everything else is good or better and i did play it for a lot of hours, even if i somewhat regret doing so now.

    I do not like rating games based on future potential, but most of the things i mentioned should be easily fixable as long as the devs do not postpone doing so for too long and there is already quite of bit of otherwise fine game here.

    Would i have had more fun replaying any of the other games in this genre? Yes.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. Open map sandbox. Do what you want when you want. Random gen slaves just got added to subscribers, so the game has infinate playtime or replayability. Plenty of quests. Images are amazing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    There are few HTML based games on this site that I enjoy and this is one of them. It is an open world RPG sandbox type of game.

    • Good overall design
    • Good UI
    • Excellent storytelling and NPC backgrounds
    • Excellent writing
    • Good to excellent character models
    • Good RPG & sandbox mechanics
    • Lots of different weapons and armor
    • Crafting system
    • Education/Training system
    • Decent combat system
    • Good slavery system

    • Still in early development
    • A huge amount of grind (may not be a con to some)
    • Missing sex pictures for too many slaves in the game
    • Combat needs some improvements such as random starting distances and randomly deciding who gets to go first (player or enemy)
    • Only being able to interact with two slaves out of eight at a time is a huge frustration and my largest complaint with the game. You have to play musical chairs and swap slaves in and out of the top two spots in order to interact with the other slaves.
    • Developer stuff - variable names have no consistency and are not user friendly at all for anyone wanting to edit or mod the game
    • Player can only cum once and then he is 'Sexually Depleted' - very unrealistic
    • Days fly by like the wind and it seems like you can't accomplish much per day
    I am rating the game 4 stars for now, however the author could easily turn it into a 5 star game if the above issues were addressed.

    Content direction is puzzling since things already in the game aren't finished such as missing images for existing content (slaves mostly). I would complete all existing features before adding new things. I don't like to see WIP messages across my playthrough!

    Overall a fun and exciting game if you can tolerate the extreme amount of grind. Everything takes a lot of time in the game so days fly by quickly (which can be frustrating at times). I would personally allow the player to accomplish more things per day.

    I recommend this game and encourage others to give it a try!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played many html games and the truth is that I get bored very quickly.
    With Masters of Raana the opposite has happened to me, I have become addicted, the game is spectacular!

    With a deep Lore, but it doesn't throw infodumps in your face, you discover it at your own pace.

    The quick search for info on some of your slaves' stats is a bit tedious through the menus, but I imagine that will be corrected over time, it's still in early development.

    The worst thing about the game are the sex scenes, it's a bland 3d, I hope they improve it a lot, or better yet use 2d from some good artist.

    It has all the elements to be a masterpiece!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It has potential, but is currently underwhelming. It is clearly trying to be a game like Strive for Power, and it has nice artwork, but its gameplay is essentially a lesser version (especially regarding combat), and its characters do not stand out as much as the story characters in Strive for Power. It also seems to require an inordinate amount of grind (and for some reason, a lot of arbitrary waiting) before a player can access much of anything meaningful regarding any aspect of this game, and it is unclear how much grinding it would take before I could even start to even make gains towards a particular goal. It tends to come off as unnecessarily tedious rather than realistic.

    It seems like a stripped-down version of Strive for Power, and the designers for this game should really take a look at games like Strive for Power and figure out how to make this game similarly interesting and engaging, because I just keep finding myself losing interest here.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best porn games I have ever played.
    It's a perfect blend of open-world role-playing, adventure, base management and slave training/management.

    Of all the slave training games out there, this is the first time I've really felt the effects of my actions.
    In games like Strive for power/conquest, slaves are randomly generated, and because of this game limitation, I never really felt invested in them or cared about them. In Masters of Raana, the slaves are all hand-designed, have their own backgrounds, dialogue, personalities, and animations for any sex/bondage actions you perform with them.
    Similar games like Dicktator or The Headmaster have the problem that a lot of content for certain women is hidden behind the story progression and often behind the story progression of completely different women.
    With a few exceptions, Masters of Raana does not have this problem.

    The female slaves are all very well designed, so much so that I really grew to love them all and they became something like my prized possessions that I didn't want to give away/sell.
    So in that regard, the game feels more like a harem management game where the harem is made up of slaves that you train for yourself and not to sell. Even though you have that option.

    Side note: If you don't like the random elements in this game and tend to save scum to achieve the desired result. It is very easy to cheat in this game. For example, if you always want to succeed during a training session, you can simply set the result of the random throw in the html file.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, it has that vibe from old school slave management games but with a lot more gameplay and things to do, still it also has one of its biggest problems, it feels incomplete, like it has systems that really should connect like the household and slave system, still giving it a 5 for what it currently is, hopefully it does what most slave management games couldnt, have a complete release.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is surprisingly good, maybe one of the best html games on this site, if not the best html game. I'm not giving 5 stars easily, there are very few games I rated this high, but I think this one actually deserves it. I waited a bit with a review to see how the game would develop and I'm impressed.

    Seriously, I can't find anything I can criticize, we have a great world here with extensive lore, beautiful girls, climatic music, very good fapabilty and the game without sex part would be even fun to play too. Not that I would recommend removing that, the sex part is absolutely essential and fits very good. There is also some challenge for people that want that, but also pretty easy mode for the others.

    And the dev delivers, which is also rare here, so the future looks bright.

    I really recommend trying this gem.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Gunner Rey

    This is one of the most promising games on this site. The girls are gorgeous and look like real women and the writing is quite a bit above the standard for erotic games--especially for the sex scenes. The game is an open sandbox with quests and even this early in development there's many hours of playtime and you never truly run out of things to do.

    You can play it any damn way you want, as a protective guardian figure looking out for these poor little sluts who're likely to be used and abused in a hard cruel world and try to make it a better place, or as one who enjoys using and abusing the helpless naked sluts and want to give it to them even harder and crueler--which is what some of these depraved little sluts prefer.

    Either way works, as does hybridizations, and you can also play it as one way when you start and switch it up as you get better at it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game since its first release, very impressedby the progress and exited to see where this is going. Interesting and involving sandbox, decent renders, constant updates and really active developer. All in all it's a five star game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game, world is pretty fleshed out, and the art is pretty consistent, which is good, since a lot of games use art with different styles for the same character, which can be quite jarring. Frequent content filled updates, gameplay is fun, especially for guys who grew up playing browser games haha. Great game overall. Look forward to the future!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played to v0.8.0.2. I like a lot, if we have in consideration that is running in the web browser.
    The game has a good number of quests at the moment and the character design is good.
    I think the game has a lot of things to improve (too much WIP), but I played previous versions and everything is on the right track.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    A very interessting and promesing sandbox game. The game tries to give you the feeling of a good old P&P RPG campaign with the dice system and different backgrounds and that it gives the freedom to live like in a TES game. The game has a very responsive dev that nearly always listen to constructive feedback and always tries to improve the game even more with it and cut out any rough elements that still need polishments.
    Though despite this WiP good will there is one point that is for me to grave to ignore it for 5 stars and that is missing explenation.
    It has barebone tutorial and even a Wiki that is always tried to stay up to date but there a still points that the game leaves you find out for yourself and not on the good kind of. Like how does a dice roll work here or what attributes do. So you are left for guessing if what you do is now promising or stupid.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    By Jove! This game needs serious reballancing as this just a boring grindfest with little to none rewards. What is the point of levelling up by one mere point a day in virtually any stat if the main factor is a dice roll anyway? Let's put the non-sexual, survival RPG parts aside for a while and look at the slave management portion.

    Psychological realism of interactions between the MC and his live-in slaves comes out as nerdy and awkward to say the least. So you think that with relatively high manipulation and charm skills your MC will have an easy task of pimping his way into a slave's heart, without ever having to send her to your barebones 'dungeon' to beat the crap out of her to lower her 'willpower'? Think again! Being genuinely nice actually increases the willpower of your slave and can make her defiant. You compliment her, but it doesn't land well, because diceroll = not good for you, fool! Doesn't really matter that you live in a well mainteined house, put food on the table every day, take the girl out and then... just be a man and demand that she washes your back that you break for the two of you day in day out and she's angry... because the task is so demeaning and willpower draining. Why isn't she impressed by your industriousness and self-reliance, the garden, workshop, academic achievements? You wake up in the morning, hunt for food, give lectures at the Academy, sell stuff with profit, come home and ask 'how was your day, honey?' to which your strong-willed slave (living in a world where slavery is normal) replies she's not talking to you after what you've done to her, you monster! You took her out to a nice fast food joint, ordered an everything burger for the both of you, joked around, raised her mood and disposition towards you and then you went and spoilt it all by doing something stupid like demanding she scrubbed your back and sucked you off. Which she did and now she's angry. And there was no option to thank her for the blowjob after all, so this might have smoothen the situation, or explain yourself in the morning by saying "Listen hun, I know I acted like a beast last night, but you are so delicious that I turn into one just by looking at your lips. Besides, you could've said no, but went down on me anyway. So my guess is, since you did not bite my dick off, it wasn't all that bad for you, was it? Why don't we try this again sometime to see if you really, absolutely don't like the taste of my cock, ok? Your oral stats are quite high, so perhaps there'something off about my dong, which I would really appreciate if you told me, so I could, I don't know, modify my diet or hygiene routine...? C'mon! Talk to me, babe!"
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game. Game play and writing are excellent so far. One of the few adult game a actually want to play through. The porn is just extra and feels like it should be there as part of the game.

    I hope this gets finished.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    you may or may not remember me from way back, dev. I left a comment about the game being bad at that time, but im happy to say that the game has improved significantly since then. You fixed the things i was complaining about and expanded the game a lot.

    I can tell that if this game keeps getting the attention it deserves it will become one of the best slave trainers out there. Theres still a long way for this to happen, but the game is not bad already.

    I understand how the dev likes to create custom slaves. I feel that there should also be random generated slaves too however. That way the game can eventually be played endlessly, plus i can experiment with stuff and not worry about the slaves. Adding the option to kill slaves wouldn't be bad of an idea either. Overall the more options that give you as much freedom as possible, and ignore being politically correct or soft is something i value in slave trainer games. Main character creation could use some more options too.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent basis for a game ruined by the devs insistence on adding new girls over finishing any that's already in the game. So you have no idea, which girl do I buy? Which has any cg at all? The vast majority of purchasable girls have none. You can only keep 2 active girls at once also, with 4 more inactive slots that you can pay 10k for. Its incredibly limiting. You can do quests to get girls with no warning and be unable to accept them.

    The training aspect is very repitive and overly limited in how you can make girls like you. Because almost every option raises 'happiness'. But not affection. I don't know if happiness is tied into affection at all, but if it is, you must be able to go pretty far into the negatives of one or both of these stats after a single day of interacting with a girl, as my first girl has been venomous for like 20 days despite taking every option to raise happiness every single day.

    You can get money to buy a couple of fetish items and clothes, but as noted, most girls have no cg for this, so its mostly pointless. They're just text and they all react more or less the same to everything.
    This is especially baffling with the bdsm sex v other kinds. Girls will forcibly stop oral in normal sex or spam messages about not enjoying it (despite specifically having a trait that says they do like it and you being their master and their being seemingly no laws preventing forcing them), then they'll spam messages about loving it in bdsm and not try to escape even with no gags. Do they like it or not? Why does the girl who has no 'likes oral' trait or exp like bdsm oral, but the one who 'likes oral' and has exp hates it? Why does every girl hate normal, but like BDSM? Oral stands out the most, but its like this for everything. Being rough in bdsm is okay if you're good enough, its nearly always bad outside of it. It just is.

    There's also combat in the game and holy crap is it awful. No one can aim at all. Not your guy, not the enemy. You can buy mercs that mean you probably will win... in literally 10 minutes after a combined total of over 100 misses. Or that can bug out. My save had a merc spawn in with no sprite, who I can command, but can't actually do or seemingly take damage with. If he attacks, it just skips his turn. If he's hurt he seems to have infinite hp. Makes the combat fairly hard when I'm permanently down one guy.

    If you just play with the first girl (like the only one you can buy with finished cgs), don't perma-venomous her because her 'fragile' trait means 'goes into negatives on the drop of a hat', then you've probably experienced everything worth experiencing in the game right now.
    On that note, be an old man. Because she likes old men. Just ignore the age + or minus and pick old man because the only girl with actual content likes old men despite the game explicitly telling you old men are bad with young girls.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Summertime Nickname

    One of the best game ever in F95 zone.
    If I ever created my own game, it would be this one - but in the Fallout 2 universe. It has an economy - and armor and weapons - and a harem of slaves and itorians. There are also quests. And ways to earn at the beginning of a career. And there is even hunting. In short, I love it. With version 08, everything should be even better.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the better developers in this site, consistent and well paced.
    Game has a heathy amount of content despite being less than a year old.

    It plays similar to older style html RPG games where you control one character that roams the world freely discovering things.

    Here though, you are mostly playing around your home and branching out getting new characters(mostly slaves/mercenaries) to help you, while you work in various jobs before gaining enough stats to explore that further parts of the world.

    Each slave has their own quirks and take time to warm up to you at a different pace. You can use a variety of methods to win them over.
    While you also slowly build up your home as it makes life easier for you outside.

    All the while you slowly uncover your past and why people are out to get you.

    One of the few games hasn't disappointed yet, with devs that seems to know what they want and keep a good pace at it. Definitely worthy 5 stars.