HTML - Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.6d] [GrimDark]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    horrible grindy game you be better of just taking out the image and look through them than "playing" anything here, the game about as fun as watching paint dry. Most of the people who play this game are either using the cheat command or just really avid gambling addicts that enjoy pressing the reload button hoping for rng jesus to smile upon them.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A wonderful game that I keep coming back to over and over. Each new update fills it with enough content to keep my occupied for days.

    Gorgeous girls, interesting lore, great quests and a very active dev. An easy five stars.

    I wouldn't call the grind a bad thing as other reviewers state. It's there for a purpose and it gives a sense of fulfillment. It should take time and investment before you're able to storm the palace and overthrow Ikaanos governor.

    It's also surprisingly advanced and runs stable for being in the html format. Porting this game from html over to a 3D environment would make it an epic AAA-title. Fingers crossed that will happen one day.

    Final verdict:

    ART: 5/5.
    MUSIC&SOUND: 4/5.
    STORY: 5/5.
    FAP VALUE: 5/5.
    Likes: SamHaim
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    There's a fair amount of content, though some would claim that it's fairly repetitive. I would agree in the sense that there is a fair amount of grind in this game, but I personally believe it is an entertaining grind. Good models with decent variety, and the story is intriguing so far. Four out of Five recommended.
    Likes: SamHaim
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Ford Mustang

    A good game at first but getting really repetitive at some point.

    Unbalanced economic system, the only thing worth doing is selling prisoners you capture fighting, even with the saturated market.

    Using dices in everything is cool but here they kill the replayability and roleplaying, and promote save scumming.

    I feel it is a game with so many things but lacks harmony & story driven.

    Most of the girls in MC harem are used sex toy by other mens which is really a turn off for most players.So, if you dont mind we add sluts, whore, ex sex slaves, then this is the game for you.

    alright game if you are bored & dont have anything else to do
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played this one alot over the last couple years, its worth a proper review!

    Its a great sandbox scifi RPG with lots of strengths and variety and a deep story with many characters with quests and intricate backgrounds. You do what you want to; its possible to just like get one slave be happy or to try to do everything. You can fight, teach, hunt, improve/sell slaves, build industries, take over factions, etc.

    The dev is amazing and seems to be perpetually working on this 12 hours a day minimum, which is nice! And available on Discord etc.

    Like any game there are are a few weaker points but I cant rate it any less than five stars. Room for improvement: Bit too grindy, as the dev wants you to to realllly work for it to perfectly train slaves or afford nice stuff. So prepare to play a lot! Bit too many characters, you end up not remembering every girls' story. The negatives basically revolve around 'grind too much' often. Some interactions might also feel generic sometimes but that keeps getting better. There's also Bud. A weird NPC you dont actually need to interact with who wants way too much of your time if you do. Find a creative way to kill him or wipe his mind, there's sci-fi drugs for that :)

    But play it! If I rate it 5 stars despite a few little flaws, its because its something quite special, I swear. You would not normally expect that of a HTML game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty cool game. There's a lot of mechanics which made it a bit overwhelming at the start but it didn't take too long to get a grasp of the basics. The best part of the gameplay is that there's a lot of things to do and lots of ways to make money or progress. There's parts of the game that aren't fully fleshed out but that's to be expected for a game in development. There's a decent amount of content though and you can definitely invest a lot of hours into this game.

    Honestly I don't even care about the porn at this point I'm just playing to play.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy the game; it offers a lot of freedom within its world and the activities available. However, I sometimes find it can become monotonous when you’re repeating the same actions over and over. I hope future updates will introduce more interesting activities and things to do to help break up the routine. It can also be a giant time sink.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    B1ggus d1ccus

    Master of Raana is a game that immerses players in a world filled with rich lore and captivating characters. With its sandbox-style gameplay, players are free to explore at their own pace, uncovering hidden secrets and intricate plots.

    The game's storytelling is very good. The narrative is engaging and full of lore and "flavors", keeping players very immersed. The characters are well-developed and memorable, each with their own unique personalities and motivations. The developers have done a fantastic job of creating a world that feels believable and lived-in.

    The sandbox nature of the game offers possibilities for experimentation. Players can choose their own path, whether it's following the main questline or venturing off to discover side missions. The world is vast and diverse, though a bit WIP.

    Overall, Master of Raana is for fans of immersive RPGs. It has captivating lore, memorable quests, and sandbox gameplay, it offers a truly unforgettable gaming experience, which I wasted a lot of my time on.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel obliged to give my appreciation to this game. (y)
    It is the only HTML game that really made me want to play and also I played it several times, you can see the dedication and I really hope it continues like this, maybe I am sinning of fanaticism but I spent almost 1 week dedicating my time to this game during my free time and I think that even with all the hours I have dedicated to it I haven't seen all the paths yet.
    It's a bit difficult to win the love of the slaves but I like it, you can really be the guy you choose (good, bad, rich, poor, respected or not).
    If you're looking for a game that will really engage you and really care about your decisions and the way you shape the MC's personality, this is it.
    I don't recommend to those who are looking for just sex scenes and then leave, it's a game where you need to spend time so if you're just looking for sex you'd better look for something simpler.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    MoR is a very cool RPG slave management game , one game file can last forever , you can train up your slaves , invest , capture slaves and sell them, a nice arsenal of weapons at your disposal , and you can hunt for food. u start off at your new home passed to you and have to figure out what to do . many different stats to train and traits u can pick at the beginning for your Main Character . Its lengthy and you can devote many many hours to it and still have stuff to do. you can also upgrade your house which is nice , you can play it if u have 2 monitors or not, sometimes i like to turn off my 2nd monitor for better immersion myself. u can have over 90+ people in your house with various things they can do. The setting of the game is also what makes this game enjoyable the planet or the city isnt nice to u and you need to survive its dog eat dog out there and can be pretty hard especially with the various difficulty settings. Overall this is the best Slave management RPG game out imo so id say check it out sometime and see how u like it i definitely enjoy it. The Dev GrimDark also really does a great job on updates and content as well , very cool Dev im definitely looking forward to all the next content
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I played a few weeks ago, and I don’t remember the version (I think it was v0.8.3.3). This review is a summary of this post.

    Positive Points:
    1. Depth and Content: The game offers a vast amount of content to explore, from building your own empire to diving into political intrigues, promising a rich and varied experience.
    2. Music and Atmosphere: The game captivates from the start with its music and atmosphere, creating a world so vivid that the city itself feels like another character.
    3. Aesthetic and Nostalgia: The interface's design evokes nostalgia, reminiscent of old classic games.
    Areas for Improvement:
    1. User Interface: While the interface has a nostalgic charm, it could benefit from a reorganization to be more intuitive. Currently, some menus are challenging to navigate, which can slow down the player's experience.
    2. Micromanagement: The level of micromanagement can feel overwhelming. Automating certain tasks could enhance the game's flow and make it smoother.
    The game has incredible potential and provides deep immersion that ensures hours of entertainment. I highly recommend it. It’s excellent work, and I’ll eagerly follow the announced future updates and continuation.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Pre-Review Disclaimer: I am not a native English speaker, so the following review was translated by DeepL.

    The rating is around 4 out of 5. I played for about 40 hours.

    Overall: the game has a lot of content but is very grindy and contains the vast majority of fetishes (the vast majority that can be thought of on F95) as well as slave and investment management and world dynamics. The game still tends to favor breadth over depth at this point, and many of the systems need to be automated or refactored to increase gameplay and reduce repetitive grinding.

    1. ambitious worldbuilding about the evolution of a deserted postmodern human colony. The coup plot is very interesting.
    2. rich character building with huge amounts of text and varied backgrounds.

    1. very grindy, with a lot of repetition required for both combat and managing investments (factories, taverns) or developing characters.
    2. lack of variety in erotic scenes: many characters don't have special erotic paintings and most of the erotic scenes are just repetitive in the huge amount of grinding. I basically skipped them all.
    3. the economic system is too simple: the current economic system is basically empty, players can easily earn millions or even tens of millions of wealth and the whole economic system does not change in complexity depending on the player's actions. the economy of Ikaanos is basically related to only three traits (Prosperity, Corruption, and Control). For example, let's say I open a factory and manufacture guns in the game, and the selling price doesn't seem to have anything to do with demand or production. I sold 5000 rifles instantly to the market and it's price was constant, which made the late game unchallenging.

    1. deeper personal plot expansion and world construction, especially the management of the aria government.
    2. more intense business competition and economic system to make the later stages harder without affecting the earning of money in the early stages. Possibly more missions like assassinations and sabotage need to be added, and the protagonist will be subject to more business sabotage operations, which grows non-linearly with scale.
    3. more erotic scenes, more fetishes (body modifications?, Mass brainwashing?).
    4. most importantly, the game need more automated operations. It's nice that the game is set up with automatic bathing as well as assigning other slaves as trainers to help with training. Why not adding auto-fighting or rule-based auto-training? Could take a look at the free cities game, which would trivialize the grind and put the focus on character plot and world evolution.

    Overall, the game has a very attractive setting and a nice framework with a lot of potential. However, it lacks detail polish and story depth, and suffers mostly from non-automated grinding.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    neat tho the constant save breakign patches make playing this annoying long term then again who am i to judge please keep up the good work author maybe hire people to do actual h scenes to spice up the game theres relatively few of them i nthe game imo
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    A game where when creating your character you do not choose your favorite profession/skills or whatever, but the ones later you don't want to spend your whole week grinding, trying to get them in-game.

    Having random traits with the main girls makes zero sense, makes no sense with their past story, and even having opposite traits with the same girl.

    Unbalanced economic system, the only thing worth doing is selling prisoners you capture fighting, even with the saturated market.

    Using dices in everything is cool I guess, but here they kill the replayability and roleplaying, and promote save scumming.

    I feel it is a game with so many things but lacks harmony...

    STILL, the story and narrative is great, the music and sounds are great, and it has solid fundations for improvement.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my thoughts on Masters of Raana.

    I just came from the Discord after playing the latest alpha version with rebel Aria Binachi (Katniss Everdeen!!) which is supposedly the main quest of MOR. It's a great example of the depths this gem of a game offers. Every action counts and how you've built up the rebel faction and trained Aria before usurping the current emperor plays into how the new kingdom becomes.

    [+] The art is topnotch and very sexy. Most characters are slim but I like that. Also realistic in a post-apocalyptic world right?

    [+] The UI has a lot of depths and takes some time getting used to but it runs smoothly once you get a good hang of it.

    [+] The music score is professional and combat, sex, looting and other gadgets have a lot of different sound effects.

    [+] Texts and dialogues have a nice flow to them with lots of variation. It also feels professionally written.

    [+] Very addictive!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Open world sandbox. Lots of story girls with a ton of sex scenes and has randomly generated girls if you get bored/sell the storyline gals. Good quest system up until the midgame, that's when you start to have to expand your business and not go quest grinding anymore. It also has an active worldstate system that changes the map based on how it is.

    Corruption is a main mechanic, you turn feisty girls into obedient ones.

    I'm currently on my 50th~ hour and there's still a lot I haven't done (I've mostly just been training my girls).
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    It's not very often that we see a game there where the dev knows what is fun in a game and focuses on that, eliminating all the game play that doesn't serve to make it fun.

    The game is definitely designed for players willing to defer gratification. Breaking the willpower of slaves and training them to be enjoy their fate takes a long time in day-turns. That doesn't prove to be "grindy," though, because the player is also doing many other interesting things. I found myself frequently having to choose between various fun options, which would have been frustrating had there been a time limit to the game. But there isn't one, so the choice is just the order in which to do fun and interesting things.

    The game seems simplistic when one starts to play, but the design cleverly makes each NPC character different and interesting by a combination of stats and backgrounds, and each MC different by choosing different skill and ability emphasis at the start. There are no right or wrong, best or worst choices. Just different choices. It's the ultimate sandbox.

    The only things I found sub-optimal in the game were the combat system (which gets repetitive pretty quickly) and the uneven state of the current artwork (which is being expanded and updated).

    I'd encourage other devs and potential devs to take a good look at this game and see what can be done when a developer focuses solely on having the player make fun and interesting decisions.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7452035

    Scrubbed prior to account deletion. TL;DR, this game has promise but its too grindy and you'll want to cheat heavily. Filling the rest of this space with characters until I hit 200 because this board won't let me delete a review.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Raana is one of my favorite games on here. It's dark, it's grindy, it's on occasion clunky but it perfectly scratches my itch for *expansion*.
    You can do so many cool things here, explore stuff, level your character and your slaves, it's just the ultimate sandbox and I love it.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I've never played a game quite like this. The ui is bad, sure, but the grind is horrendous. At least that's what I thought before cheating in max stats and money. Then I realized the game is somehow still an unfun chore to "play."