
Aug 30, 2020

Bug report:

(sorry can't rem name of Quest) POST Ansel; after Belial Guns, the "25 pistols" has big problem. (finally found it out by checking a save!)
-25 pistols subtracted 2x! (so you wind up w *Negative* pistols----even if you should have some & anything you craft/buy, doesn't show up!

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
3- That won't solve the issue if your damage is nothing so you end up just being a punishing bag. You can add good armor and maybe make melee weapons not do s much damage because they require no ammo after all so we need to balance that out but they still need to do more damage and by that I mean better melee weapons in game.
A lot of the time you don't need to do a lot of damage to finish off a wounded foe, and with strength bonuses added in you do more damage with the regular old sword than you might think. It quite frankly is a waste of money to fire a coilgun at a guy with 10 hp left. Against the most common recurring foe, the Celior Forest Raiders who take Stokke Hills, there's usually no reason to fire more than one round from a coilgun from each on your team. That takes out the 'Punk' and 'Looter' who have rifles and the other two with a shotgun and crossbow can't even touch you if you have Durasteel armor. Chopping those guys up with good old-fashioned swords is easy and cheap, they can't even scratch you back. With power katanas they're filleted in one round.

Against the two on the top and left, with the 'Captain' and 'King' respectively, you might fire one more round from mercs with ammo packs, and maybe an extra one against the team with the 'King' as you want to make sure that coilgun never fires and don't want to take many rifle hits from the 'Punk' or 'Looter', but you can easily mop them up with melee weapons as well. The trick is to find the point where you pay the least in ammo but don't have to pay more in Stims because you took a hit you didn't have to.
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Jun 10, 2022
.... But in tighter areas/close quarters, etc Melee better. (In-g: loose 1 turn to "charge")
Which is why special forces, SWAT Teams, etc. carry swords?.....

The amount of force needed to swing a heavy melee weapon enough to separate bone from bone is significant. 5.56, shotgun, etc. much more practical for disabling/stopping. Melee is cute and looks good in movies, but has no place in the 21st century.


Jun 19, 2020
Wow. Obviously you've never studied battles.
Ok, wrong #1:
IRL, *MELEE* weapons are (in general) *MUCH* more powerful, *IF* someone has the skills.
For example good sword (again, Master/expert skills) could *EASILY* cut off a LIMB! *WAY* more damage than a handgun, & more than most rifles. (except machine guns/auto of course---but even a 3 round "burst" would do *LESS* Dam!)
Gun: hole in....
Sword: Loose the whole body part! (anybody missing a HEAD?!?)
Wrong #2:
No ammo (realistic) is a "trade off"----both IRL, & in-game.
Guns get 2 "shoot first, ask Q later" ; Melee must 1st ***CLOSE DISTANCE*** [although IRL you'd have buildings/trees/obstacles to help] so in OPEN areas, R weapons have HUGE advantage. But in tighter areas/close quarters, etc Melee better. (In-g: loose 1 turn to "charge")
*PLUS*, both IRL & In-g, Melee weapons req a *LOT* more training! (In-G: Dam inc by STRENGTH, so you need 2 stats high! R weapons only need 1 stat high; [ideally, both need Dex too])
Take a sword and charge at someone who has a gun then. See how will that turns out for you, Good luck (y)


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
it says not has enough anal prof use anal plug, got one and apparently not implemented yet
Yeah, you need to take her down to the dungeon and use the dildos anally to "plow through" that obstacle.

Anal plugs are soon to be implemented, however.
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Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Combat soldiers have carried bladed weapons consistently over the years and there have been times when they were needed during combat. A big problem most games have with regards to combat, which warps the perception of people, is that everyone fires their weapon and does it accurately. In the US post combat studies after WWII showed that only a small percentage of soldiers fired their weapons. IIRC they found that only a small number of soldiers in a squad would fire their weapons during a firefight. Those that did weren't very accurate, i.e. the ratio of lead fired vs damage was high. It isn't like movies, when people are shooting at you, unless you have superb discipline, it's going to effect you negatively. One reason high morale and unit cohesion were important.

One reason is because soldiers don't like exposing themselves to enemy fire and to fire accurately they would have to expose more of their body. Soldiers in combat like cover and if you watch footage a lot just place their weapon above cover or around corners and fire blindly. If a soldier was to lift his head above cover there was good chance that a lucky shot would be a mortal wound. An added consideration is that only one or two hits would take the combatant out of the action. Even in modern warfare body armor only provides limited protection. It is mostly medical advances that have reduced the number of soldiers dying on the battlefield.

Let's put this in perspective, this is a crpg not a combat simulator. IMO the combat element of the game needs to have some variety, balanced for different play styles and have some progression. I've grown to like the melee aspect of the game and have used it successfully. Granted, I don't know what higher tier enemies will exist later, but I hope that the weapon progression will accommodate it.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Take a sword and charge at someone who has a gun then. See how will that turns out for you, Good luck (y)
Not as simple as you make it out to be. Depends on who has the gun and who is charging. Both the Gurkas and Japanese utilized bladed weapon charges successfully within the last century when gunpowder weapons were the normal. You would have to take into consideration that most people would panic to a degree when faced with a hostile person charging them and to shoot accurately at close range is highly dependent on my factors including, discipline, surprise, anxiety, fear, etc. It's not really as easy as movies portray. You hear in the news many times when police end up firing a significant number of shots at a single suspect and only a few hit and most of the time the suspect was stationary.
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Aug 30, 2020
Which is why special forces, SWAT Teams, etc. carry swords?.....

The amount of force needed to swing a heavy melee weapon enough to separate bone from bone is significant. 5.56, shotgun, etc. much more practical for disabling/stopping. Melee is cute and looks good in movies, but has no place in the 21st century.
Actually, it's more about time & training. Takes *YEARS* to learn melee combat well (which is why cop SHOOT everybody [& kill] carrying anyting from beer cans to pocket knifes etc [true story]
A little kid can learn how to shoot a GUN----in less than 5 min!

Actually, from what I know, the military trains much better in Melee combat (knives, etc) than cops do.

--->>> TRUE STORY IRL EXAMPLE: Mult cops on top of *UNARMED* civilian, man was FACE DOWN ON THE GROUND, & cops [as if they weren't in "control" already enough!] felt "THREATENED" enough to take out his gun, & SHOOT THE MAN IN THE BACK! [killed him of course]
Cops (including SWAT) have been given Melee weapons for decades, but the *easiest* [& usually what they're trained in] is GUNs.
*EVEN* @ 0 distance.

SWAT (not typical cops) usually use either 1) Machine guns [assuming you don't miss, more dam/sec than most things (but like game shows, hard to control, & gunfire goes everywhere, including little kid in window!] & 2) Snipers. (not really part of this game) They play big part in warfare too; long range, few shots;


Aug 30, 2020
Combat soldiers have carried bladed weapons consistently over the years and there have been times when they were needed during combat. A big problem most games have with regards to combat, which warps the perception of people, is that everyone fires their weapon and does it accurately. In the US post combat studies after WWII showed that only a small percentage of soldiers fired their weapons. IIRC they found that only a small number of soldiers in a squad would fire their weapons during a firefight. Those that did weren't very accurate, i.e. the ratio of lead fired vs damage was high. It isn't like movies, when people are shooting at you, unless you have superb discipline, it's going to effect you negatively. One reason high morale and unit cohesion were important.

One reason is because soldiers don't like exposing themselves to enemy fire and to fire accurately they would have to expose more of their body. Soldiers in combat like cover and if you watch footage a lot just place their weapon above cover or around corners and fire blindly. If a soldier was to lift his head above cover there was good chance that a lucky shot would be a mortal wound. An added consideration is that only one or two hits would take the combatant out of the action. Even in modern warfare body armor only provides limited protection. It is mostly medical advances that have reduced the number of soldiers dying on the battlefield.

Let's put this in perspective, this is a crpg not a combat simulator. IMO the combat element of the game needs to have some variety, balanced for different play styles and have some progression. I've grown to like the melee aspect of the game and have used it successfully. Granted, I don't know what higher tier enemies will exist later, but I hope that the weapon progression will accommodate it.
Lots of good & accurate info! Good job!
2 good things about MoR:
1) not every weapon hits, &
2) incorporates training.

Interesting point though. Most sword masters (martial arts in general) are *WAY* more disciplined than your average cop (SWAT R often ex-military) or even most soldiers. (not all) [maybe discipline should affect accuracy?]

Bear in mind, IRL, typically you'd have "urban" or "jungle" etc type warfare (not TRENCH, like WWI!) where there's TONS of obstacles, corners, & places to hide. Even in Vietnam, some were able to hide well enough that the enemy would walk by less than 3 feet away! (well w/i range of a bladed weapon eg sword, etc)

Most wars were won not even by "guns" but by *MASSIVE* #s (D-day involved well over 100,000 men, & over 5,000 ships, etc) same true for air strikes, & naval bombardment. [even ancient warfare was mostly about the #s]
"special forces" [what cops *SHOULD* be!] many examples could be given----smaller #s, ***HIGHLY TRAINED***, & yes, often in MELEE combat (helps w element of surprise) but again, discipline & skill level R VERY HIGH compared to most.


Aug 30, 2020

I've done at least 1 or 2 runs (not yet in 811) with MELEE MC (hi strength hi M SKILL, + Kat [good sword] yes good or better than most MG!) & (for combat anyway) did well. [always issues charm/$/etc, but that's not combat]
YES, that still means loosing 1 turn to "charge";
To compare to IRL cops/SWAT [again, some SWAT R Ex-military, so...]
1) takes a *LOT* more time & training, to get good w melee combat. (even assassins use guns 1st!)
2) #1 means, it's generally cheaper (assuming cheap weapons) to use guns.
3) Again, the DISCIPLINE. Few have this to put in the time or training needed. (most experts started young!)
4) Even IRL, it's still mostly a #s game: Not uncommon at all (even w SWAT!) to have 10x cops, as "suspects" [which again means not about the guns] As mentioned in another post, people often *MISS*!

Give me 1 *HIGHLY TRAINED* EXPERT, in MELEE combat, yes, even a MG can be taken out. [there was a good demonstration of this in an old Macguyver episode! ok, granted, 2 people, but *BOTH* were UNARMED! yes, no guns, not even a SWORD! & they WON against a MG. Can be done. (most don't know how & aren't trained properly)


Aug 30, 2020
Combat Challenge:

This is for all you out there who think enemy Melee is too weak. Can't be about #'s, so let's do 1 on 1! [there is some argument for more Melee #'s, &/or more skilled, but that's another story]

Cultist Monk (he's ALONE) ---SWORD. (but skill is Heroic!) [Stokke Hills]
You must wear same armor he does (Padded) and can't have HP upgrade. (ie, health MAX still 100)
You (MC) can use any gun you want, *AND*, get to fire 1st. (he has to close distance) [if you want to be *REALLY* fair, you shouldn't have any gun that req Crystal hills. (he doesn't even have a Kat, why should you get an extra fancy gun?)
any takers?

[can't have a party----that's unfair #'s! can only be about gun vs sword. R vs M. ]

BTW, IRL, many people have take---been shot---over 10, & lived. But very few survive even HALF that many cuts! (even from a machete!)
[we're going to differentiate here between "cuts" & "stabs" but again, another story]
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Jun 6, 2018
mrttao - I didn't post my suggestions to the author to have a debate with you. Lesson learned I guess. Players just can't seem to resist the urge to undermine another player's suggestions
This is Brilliant!
It never occured to me that I could post on public threads and simply declare that other people shouldn't read, consider, debate, and criticize my ideas.

From now on if you disagree with me in any way you are not allowed to reply because my words aren't for you!



Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
This is Brilliant!
It never occured to me that I could post on public threads and simply declare that other people shouldn't read, consider, debate, and criticize my ideas.

From now on if you disagree with me in any way you are not allowed to reply because my words aren't for you!

Combat suggestions for the author GD-studios (I don't need assistance from players).

Make the starting distance from your opponent random or factor in the player's stealth with a dice roll. Currently, all encounters start at Range by default unless the player chooses to change this manually. What this does is makes melee weapons pointless for your opponent if the player and followers are using ranged weapons. It takes your opponent two turns to close the distance to melee weapon range. They are almost always dead before they get there. Because of this huge advantage, there is no point in the player/followers using anything but ranged weapons (unless you want the extra challenge). I always target the opponents with ranged weapons first and the melee fighters are just target practice (running towards the bullets and two turns away from attacking).

Make it random who gets to go first. The player always getting the first turn is too big of an advantage!

Lower the number of red enemies on the maps that only have one person. When I have myself and four followers, even a super elite enemy with super stats and the best gear gets mowed down like grass after 5 people take shots at them each turn. If the single enemy has a melee weapon they never end up getting a turn to strike me or my followers since they are dead before they can close the distance. Imagine you're in a fight with 5 people shooting guns at you and you charge at the player group from range with a sword (very stupid and instant death).
Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong point. My comments were directed at the author which was made clear.

"It never occured to me that I could post on public threads and simply declare that other people shouldn't read, consider, debate, and criticize my ideas."
I never said players couldn't read or consider my ideas. You made that up. You stretched the truth to the point of making it a lie. Try to be honest at least.

I've had problems with players misinterpreting my posts and suggestions in the past, thinking that I needed help. That is why I wrote this part "I don't need assistance from players."

The main issue however is that there are a small handful of players on this thread who think they are the "self declared expert" on the game and disagree with anyone who thinks differently than they do. If your opinion is different than theirs you are automatically wrong and they must correct you as if they were the sole authority on the game. They often do this to feel superior to others. They have no power in real life and so this makes them feel powerful. It is a real problem on many game threads on F95Zone.

Players are reluctant to post because of this aggressive behavior. Many players have learned to "download and ditch" and ignore the game threads for this reason. I don't have much of a desire to post on this game thread anymore for these same reasons.

If opinions were respected it wouldn't be an issue. There are facts and there are opinions. Many of these "self proclaimed experts" don't understand the difference. If your opinion doesn't exactly match theirs, then you are wrong and must be corrected (by these aggressive players).

I send all my suggestions to the author through PM now because of this problem. I will agree that I should have done this to begin with, I was just hoping this thread would be different...

Happy gaming and Happy New Year!


Aug 30, 2020
This is Brilliant!
It never occured to me that I could post on public threads and simply declare that other people shouldn't read, consider, debate, and criticize my ideas.

From now on if you disagree with me in any way you are not allowed to reply because my words aren't for you!

LOL! OMG! Cmon folks! GROW UP! If you want to play adult games, we need to act like adults. (ok, better than some)
Internet is one of the (well, it *USED* 2B anyway...) last "FREE" places on earth! Everyone should have a right to voice their opinion, even if we don't agree w what they say! They world's a better place when there is FREE SPEECH!
(besides, better 2 talk it out, than fight it out....)

Not trying to pick on anybody, just trying to say, Let's show some *RESPECT*!
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