I think that's coming though, he and Shincore are working on a random slave generator and then we'll be able to capture naughty little sluts and give them the whippings they deserve and not spread their body parts all over perdition. That makes me sad every time I have to do it.
Be really nice to be able to *CAPTURE* [EVERYBODY] about 90% of the time, & only have to *KILL* the very worst ones. (Murderers?)
Unless you think it's ok to kill men, but not women?
Personally, I think sex doesn't matter. Murder isn't biased to gender. If you're *DEAD, does it really matter who pulled the trigger?!?
IRL, *WAR* [little kids can SHOOT GUNS!] isn't limited to age/sex/gender; Easy to feel sorry for certain people, but if they have a weapon, no less of a threat than anybody else. Just ask any Vet who's had to shoot a child, w a MG; Or a woman/girl, w an IED; etc
But I think we should be given the same options the cops (and military) are: (or, are SUPPOSED to, but that's another story!)
1) Give them the chance to surrender, ("put down you weapons & you can LIVE!) and
2) If unarmed, handcuff/tie up, & bring to public justice. [or if female, take as slave?]
The whole "SHOOT 1st & ASK QUESTION LATER" is as FUBAR here, as anywhere!
PS hopefully their "generator" can do male NPCs too----work in household. (hey FREE room & board & you don't die or go to jail!)
Or maybe an option for lower offenses? [instead of just KILL]