Masters of Raana - Phase II
Screenshot 2: High Willpower, Intelligence. Academists parents? Committed Espionage? A mysterious girl. Wonder what she'll say once I turn her into an obedient fuc... I mean, a loving wife.
For a moment there I really hoped her father's name was Perry.
Straw man, there is no crowd saying "melee first" or its better than ranged. Just the blanket statement that "melee is useless" is incorrect. Yes, since auto weapons prevail now it has even less use, but it wasn't that long ago that soldiers fought with melee often enough that they carried melee weapons. Once distance is closed many individual close combat battles were fought and won with melee weapons, kukri, trench knives, trench club, push dagger, etc.
Plus, it's just fun to have alternative combat options and they need to be useful.
You always had some circumstantial reasons as to why combatants with gunpowder weapons would fall back on melee. Low accuracy. Slow reload. Lack of ammunition. Weapons too ungainly to be effectively used in close combat. Need for stealth.
It doesn't matter if you're fighting in a city or in a mist-covered forest, squeezing that trigger is always going to be faster than any melee attack. Modern semi-auto, much less automatic, weapons will always offer better chance to survive the encounter, never mind what Hollywood movies like to show.
Unless someone's waiting behind the corner to take a swing at you, or some similar ambush scenario that simply forces one of the combatants into pure reactive action already within melee engagement range. Even then, I'd personally much rather have a firearm on hand than some contact weapon.
Now, if Grim added something like Dune's slowshields, that would actually give a big reason to have melee weapons user in your party without getting gamey about it.
Which... in all honesty, I'm personally good with. It IS a game. But reading that one guy's "swerds can cut eff arms" post was just pure "post-animu-watching hype" cringe.
"Katanas cut fru tanks!"