I've only ever gotten kissing points.... 100's of cunnilingus later, still stuck at 20.
I would need an exact walkthrough and what/where/when to click
phase 1) Collect underpants
phase 2) ...
phase 3) Profit
I was lucky to find out you can gamble at Dockgraves and fold each time for a chance to raise gambling, int, and/or willpower.
Making it $50 per chance. I believe in the code its 1% random to gain int, and 1% random to gain wisdom.
$50*100=$5,000 average to gain int and/or wisdom (plus gambling skill point gains sprinkled throughout).
Of course you still have that 1% if you fully gamble, even if you win, so once gamble skill is very high, and you are reaching 800+ hands, you can pretty safely fully gamble for profit.
I rather not save scum... [well moot point, as ageing and kids and pregnancy are not reflected well in this game, yet]
Maybe instead of chance for random skill point gains, make it a value based system, sort of like experience.
Or like those gacha games, add a pity system.
Could probably do this via adding fractions to skills, like kissing skill 30, where you currently gain .05 points per kissing action at skill level 30, then if kissing goes up a point or two, it will yield less fraction points per action; .04, 0.3, and so on.
Now I'm not saying to get rid of chance, but in addition to random chances, it could maybe make gaining skills a little less "I've done this a 1,000 times, still no increase" nightmare fuel.
Here's my basic sex game. Early on when I'm not very charming or manipulative I first raise their Affection and Happiness with the 'compliment' feature. Nowadays I want high willpower girls so I use 'Compliment Intelligence' and 'Encourage' the most. High willpower girls have a number of advantages and will increase stats like 'Charisma' and I don't mind them getting a bit uppity sometimes because then I have the satisfaction of knowing the naughty little slut
deserves her whipping.
Once I get Happiness in the eighties or so and Affection to 'Loving' I try 'Passionate' seductions. If I'm grinding Charm then the Foreplay is all 'Caress' until it greys, one 'Kiss' and then Caress etc until Grimdark scolds me. Then the sex usually starts with a casual anal ask, and then I take it easy at first and start slow and don't go to Hard. Later on I still start slow but go to hard right after a slow and normal. That's after about 20 or 30 Anal experience. The step-by-step is a Casual ask for Anal, Click through and then a slow, compliment, kiss, normal, finger in ass, hard...and then I switch to Vaginal. Do a 'normal' then compliment, then another normal and then a hard if her vaginal is at least 20 or so but a normal if not.
Then I switch to Oral. Put finger in ass and continue until she's at 8 arousal, then deepthroat. Once she has a decent (30 or so) Oral I make her hold it for 60 seconds (no more--I hate when they faint on me) but until then I just let her up after one or two button-pushings. Then I 'resume blowjob' and she should orgasm. Once she has 40 corruption and I've not whipped her lately she'll get five lashes and then another deepthroating, orgasm, then five more lashes and a deepthroat and orgasm, provided I last that long, my MC is generally about to come. At the very beginning I just come and see if she swallows, once corruption is north of 20 and/or Oral is 30 or so I come in her mouth and make her hold it for one tick. Once corruption is about thirty she'll be licking everything up, until then I sometimes try for the first one but not always if I think she'll refuse,
Later with a girl whose corruption is 40+ I have a standard sex template I almost always follow while she's under 90 kissing and I'm not grinding Charm. First 'Aggressive' seduction, then two kisses, two pussylicking, two kissings etc until she's gotten a gain of two in Kissing. Then 'Aggressive Petting' and continue, then 'Dominate' and have her spread her ass (my girls are always naked/in harnesses) and then another 'Aggressive Petting.' If I'm unlucky with her 'Kissing' gains I'll stop and make sure I get those two Aggressive Pettings in before returning to try to get a full two Kissing points for her.
Next I do a 'Dominant' demand for anal sex, click through and start slow (her arousal will be so high that's all it takes) and then 'Compliment' and 'Kiss Dominantly' and then a normal thrust, then the finger, and finally a hard one and a switch to Vaginal. A 'Normal' vaginal, then a compliment, then another normal and a hard. Maybe more if she's picked up a Nympho point, but not too many because I want to finish down her throat. Thus I switch to 'Oral' and immediately put my finger in her ass and order her to stick her ass out if necessary. Then I either deep throat or continue until she's at 8 arousal and deep throat. Then resume blowjob and give her five lashes and another deepthroat, and repeat that once if I haven't come. I blow it down her throat and make her lick everything up like the good little slut she is.
Done regularly that will result in you seeing a lot of the sex renders each time and she will generally get Oral, Anal, and Vaginal points as well as the two kissing points you can almost always get along with a few shots at Nympho points. You'll get a shot at Kissing, Copulation, Cunnilingus, Manipulate and Bondage points. You will get those, but once copulation is 90 you won't get more of that. The others appear to be uncapped as I've gotten each one of the others fairly recently. My Cunnilingus score is 107, Bondage 167, Kissing 180 and that's with no save-scumming or save editing of any kind.