2.) None. There is currently no danger I found for my Scavengers while playing the game. Loden, Jack, Ansel, and Bud have not died or something. I've also heard Alex say there's nothing in the code to endanger them.
3.) I just put them in school, trying to get a well-rounded stats for them. That's why I only have one workshop because that job is for the generic guys who are not active fighters. The girls rotate through school, Nika's to develop charisma, etc. Right now, there are more jobs being developed and listed in #progress-list like Nun, cutpurses, bootlegger, forager/hunter, butler etc., but the truth of the matter was that the jump from 0823 having a maximum of 8 slaves you can assign to stores (because the 12? stored in the annex could not be assigned anything) to 083 having a house with 80 NPCs (96 now) was massive, requiring a full rework of how every NPC is stored, and the number of jobs available did not expand, probably because the addition of male slaves and the quests (Aria questline and the Prowler questline) took priority.
I am not going to jump into an argument about pricing. I just want to comment about this part.
The goodies (MoR Enhanced and early access to alpha) does not hinder the development of tooltips or marking unique NPCs and it's very much a suggestion posted in the #suggestions channel in discord by tier 4 subscribers. Tier 4+ subscribers do not have inherent access to those information in-game. They can only start with higher stats and more traits. They have an easy start but even they could miss out on the fact that Valkyria shows up on only one day out of the entire playthrough and never again or that they accidentally kill/donate/sell Cassius Bauer, the most powerful well-rounded combat NPC in the game, thinking the girl with him in the group was the actual important catch.