MoR: 811c [
from code compare]
Cudos to DEV 4 all the places he's decreased time for events!

[lost count, but over a DOZEN!] [+ several where dec stamina lost!]
Still needs some work; TALK events for example (& flat out "back" button clicks where you didn't say anything!) are at least 3x too long (most should be 2 min instead of 6) [you're only saying 1 sentence; ]
[ some maybe *TOO MUCH*? 2h ->12 mins?!? ]
FYI I try to make my times Realist IRL (my mod) For example (I didn't change that one, but if I did

Outside walk: [ok random would fit here] 30min to 1h; Unless you're staying really close to home, anywhere take a while (by foot). Keep in mind this is round trip! A "fast" steady walk (while walking couples might stop from time to time) is ~ 15min/mile; Plus you have to stop/wait for traffic, etc
Most movies 90min-2h; Likely 120-150min by the time you get home. [was 3h, in 8118 changed to 1h]
Devious: Regardless of time, actual time change should match dialog. [for Paid lecture Rec ~2h?]
"You spend an hour carefully collecting as many specimens ..." [not sure what time should be here (I didn't change) but, again, needs to match text]
"steel needles..." (generally longer you spend break into something, more likely get caught! Rec ~2 min)
"It takes almost three hours before your contact returns. ..." (again, time needs to match text. (depends on size of ledger, but could be long or short)
"I need you to hire some mercenaries and equip yourself with armor and a good rifle..." (for taking on 3 MG, *AND*, get CA for everybody, $1500 is less than HALF what you need! (CB alone is over $2k) [Rec MIN $45-5500 here] --->>> This is one of toughest early battles!
"Keep whatever remains as an extra bonus." ---Implies they'll be some left over. (which there *NEVER* is! Unless you cheat or are already rich!)
[Upgrading Michelle] ----Hard to imagine upgrading anything in 12 mins! 1h+ actually makes sense here. (more likely 2+) Even if all you do is paint!
"Another hour passes, filled with savage"----again, time needs 2 match text
"if $av_domestic gte 30>><<set _money+=200>><</if>>
if $av_domestic gte 50>><<set _money+=100>><</if>> --->>> Higher skills should pay *MORE*, not LESS! [example--line#112,627]
if $av_domestic gte 70>><<set _money+=500>><</if>>"
[similar w dancing: 50 is good, but *70* really *IS* better, & Qualifies for Pro job!]
Sidenote: Are we ever going 2 B able to get/find/buy more than 1 Teddy?
"Ten tendstim units at a discount price." Except they aren't. cheaper to buy the single, than the 10x pack, even *AFTER* the Quest!
-crossbows are still not profitable to craft. (materials $> sale $!)
[--->>> Combat Knives R much better, thankyou!]
--Recommend keeping Furry's (it's a bar) open past midnight. 2am?
-Ammo pack (post Walton/Roo Quest) does not include any Rifle ammo;
-Pistol costs much more than sword, but sells for same price.
-[from Dialog] line #62,405:
"...Aww… It’s wonderful. Especially when you deepthroat me!" (WRONG) SHOULD READ:
"...Aww… It’s wonderful! Especially when I deepthroat you!" [she's doing it to him, not him doing it to her]
"Bloodthirsty" Trait (per hints) should inc *BOTH* happiness *AND* masterlove (affection)
T4: "Master of War:" Healing Implant does not show up! [hey it's EXPENSIVE! supposed to get level 2, so $28k]
Ansel Quest: You're supposed to recover his ammo (but don't get any)
Belial: Deliver weapons Quest: Needs to be update to current weapon costs, otherwise, not profitable (better off selling to market!) [ok, note here, $'s don't match in all sections; $'s offered need to match actual delivered $; Text/Journal/etc] {line #'s 148,656-148,660}
Combat Knife (buy/sell) $'s in T4 ver [lower] don't match $'s in Public ver.