What day is it and how many of the original targets are available?
Brawlers shouldn't hurt you much as you'll get most improvement off crits. You do need one non-Brawler to train up to ~80 or so Ranged so they can use Coilguns efficiently. I presume you have Loren and Ansel?
I didn't start going to Furry's regularly until cash was comfortable. You don't have the stamina in the very beginning anyway.
Keep the girl's willpower up and Rebecca's bitchiness won't bring them down.
Instead of "complete quit" (getting stomped on too much! UGH!) went back a ways. Current = D30.
I don't mind Brawlers ----*ONCE* they get hi Stats! [like you & so many love to quote1] -->> The problem is, 1) Trying to survive on FIGHTING (must pay 4 stims [loose $] or wait [loose $] or risk getting knocked flat. & 2) B need 2 *TWO* good stats to fight good [actually, 3 are better, but 2 is a MIN] So basically, take 2x as long to train. [Aria's the except, *IF* she' a B [um that's BRAWLER, she's ALWAYS a BITCH!]] Oh, & if pissed off/too hurt, they won't train w you anyway. [& w Reb bringing everybody down, Mostly they *FAIL!] R or M, really doesn't matter if you *MISS* a lot!
Know what I mean? (you can "win" a fight, & if several go down, or you take too much Dam, you "loose" $ [stims]
3) Some Bounties (nobody told me this!) have ***COILGUNS, MG, & DURAPLATE ARMOR!!*** (WTF?!) oh, & YOU CAN'T BACK OUT! [normal fights, if you know it's too tough, you can run away.]
--->> Since you seem 2B an "expert" on bounties, how do you "refuse" one? Or, is it possible? Which ones have MG & COIL? (or DURAPLATE!!!)
In between angry/pissed/depressed, & bad luck [Furry's] took a really long time to get hi Infl
so instead of *SAVE* $ 4 better weapons/ AR, wind up spend on Stims /ammo/survive. [taxes/rent/etc]
Orig targets: I've steered clear of those with: 1) 4 MG [docks] 2) King coilguns
How high does their WP have 2 B 4 Reb to not affect them? [Reb's an advocate, have several, so they mostly stay as a pack] Not sure it matters, LOW CHARM/MANIP = can't control anybody [+ or - ]
Like a runaway freight train, all I can do is clear track & try to keep it from derailing! lol
Honestly, from prev Exp, I'd rather get them all (ok, at least Reb & those w low stats!) down to *NEG* WP----at least then they R OBEDIENT enough to keep working (hey MEN DO, & WE get SICK/DEPRESSED/STRESSED/ETC!)
*PLUS,* w low WP, will bathe (help heal)
(some of us like our girls CLEAN
Not sure what #, but should add: --->> most normal "fights" pay very little (or NOTHING) So mostly, $ comes from Bounties/quests.
L & A---Yes. [BTW, *WHEN* do you get them? (maybe that's another key?)] They add a *LOT* to exp $, but L brings in almost nothing (Merch-$) I know u can train--but that too, takes LOTS TIME, stamina, & even then (can't train *JUST* R, it's EVERYTHING!)
Ansel's Q: if you do this too *SOON*, found you can get your BUTT KICKED! [ugh not fun!]
But again, EVERYTHING costs $$$, & early on, $'s hard to come buy. (better Weapons/AR/ammo, /etc)
-->> WEAPONS cost more now, so rarely cost effective to buy anything. [should make B better, --->>> BUT TAKES TIME 2 make them good Fighters...]
OH Finally, some Irony: Mich: She's IM (100 HP!) *BUT*, VERY low stats, (18M/10R) so a punching bag, but she almost never hits. *PLUS*, the only one who can do some jobs (everybody's too old! lol)