Yep just foud the ferry for this and confirmed that this works without the quest. Now I have the space marine and the blackguard finally
That same ferry has been such a constant source of inspiration to me for endless months as I have spent my MC:s and his chosen beauties time on that vessel of wonder.
Just to amuse myself -and hopefully one or two other players here - I reveal one suspicious observation and several deranged hypotheses my MC has invented to explain it off. TLDR BS-warning:
The trip to there ALWAYS seems to take exactly same time and an hour or so longer (but still precisely same again) time back no matter the weather!
This is the first pelagic phenomenon of this type I have ever met during my long and boring life - part of it happened at sea.
- Gulnar's ferry has some ultramodern technology assembled. (My MC would love to hijack that boat, but that at least is not possible. Fortunate, probably.)
- there is a very, very constant sea current going on that pushes Gulnar's ferry in one direction and hampers it's return considerably.
- the crew, maybe passengers too, just like to fish on return trip, so it takes longer. The drag from the baited lines and so on. That kind of thing is so usual that there is no need to mention about it, everybody on Raana knows about it and accepts the unavoidable.
- there might be gravitational anomalies involved, so the trip from Darkmere to Hamah happens
downhill and return is
uphill. This is a common thing on sea. Nothing peculiar with that.
- clocks on Raana are 'directional'. They work differently when one moves west than when going east.
- seawater on Raana behaves quite differently on Raana than, lets say, on Earth. No storm there causes waves. (That might also derive from
non existent winds at Ikaanian sea. The storms are extra problematic and truly shocking just because at sea there are absolutely no winds involved.) The good thing is that even bad weather doesn't really affect ferries in any noticeable way.
- physics work differently on Raana than here on Earth. Quite possible. That might actually happen everywhere and probably will. We just don't know the back-laying reason for it yet. Two Moons have hit scientists with lunacy anyway. Shit happens but nobody cares.