Is there preg renders?GD-studios
Will Cum load ever affect Vaginal and Anal sex?
I know inflation would be asking alot (or maybe now since you could just use the preg renders?)
Yeap, when you marry someone and take them off the gel your wife can have children.Is there preg renders?
Yes you can get your wife pregnant and it shows the belly plus you can use the clinic to have them grow up fast and then you have your 18 yo child do what you want them to do game wise.Is there preg renders?
Randomly generated slaves are the flagship feature of the upcoming 0.8.2 update. (Very rough estimated release sometime in midsummer, after two smaller updates) The system itself is largely complete on the coding side and has been released to Tier4+ subs as an alpha to test. The addition of random slaves will allow for slave trading to be more viable (since nobody wants to part with the wonderfully handwritten unique slaves) as well as opening up various possibilities such as capturing female combatants as slaves (planned for a combat revamp update down the line.)What's this I hear about random slaves? Do they have any renders to them or are they just text only? I haven't played this game in a long time, is it a new planned feature or is it already in the game?
Clip from MoR Wiki: "...Respect boosts all domination and charm attempts. A slave is more likely to participate in sexual intercourse or do as you command her (even if she doesn’t like it) if you've defeated an army of soldiers and freebooters in front of her eyes."what does slave's respect do exactly?
I imagine that results for most part from their traits. fx. 'Warriorress' :how to boost homeschool education training points? some slaves can have up to 2-3 point per training, others can only go 1-2 per training, why that?
I think certain girls have an interest in certain areas and that will increase the chance for an extra point. I kinda remember Rachel having hopes and dreams about being a dancer and she seemed to get more 2 and 3s during Dance to boost homeschool education training points? some slaves can have up to 2-3 point per training, others can only go 1-2 per training, why that?
This shouldn't just be explained in a wikiI can definitely see why one of the newbie guides in the wiki recommends breaking each of your slaves as you get them BEFORE you get any new ones. I could see this being especially true if they're an advocate
I was playing yesterday, too. I had played the day before that as well and I continued today.Was playing yesterday for awhile and had rounded up about 8 slaves while focusing on upgrades and building money and influence. ...
Yeah that's the problem I ran into in my previous play through. By about the end of the 3rd month I had a bunch of slaves at close to 100 willpower with at least 2 of them being advocates and probably some of them being feminists, didn't notice. It was too hard to break anyone's will at that point. In my current game I did still grab Juno right away, and it does take some time to break her, but by the end of week 2 I've got her down close to negative willpower so she should actually HELP break new slaves that I get at this point.This shouldn't just be explained in a wiki
The game pretty much throws Juno at you and offers Rebecca for cheap, which is like a deliberate trolling effort to make the rookie player's life miserable
The easiest to get, pretty much thrown-into-your-lap slaves are ones with Advocate and Feminist which are the ones that actively and rapidly ruin your mental well being if you wanna do slave breaking! Sure, Advocate is super useful ONCE you break them but you have to break each and every one with these traits with extreme prejudice BEFORE you can even think about bringing another slave.
You take those two in and have no way of preventing their Advocate and/or Feminist traits working. The game isn't suppose to throw the most toxic ones at you to deal with when you are in a stage you barely understand if at all what you are doing and up against with those. It shouldn't be lure you into take ones with Advocate/Feminist without actually telling you how toxic these can be and that you should immediately set everything else aside and work on breaking them ASAP.
Same deal with the academy girl but she is at the very least requires certain conditions. But Juno for example lands in your lap if you aren't careful and there you are stuck with toxic. The game should be way more helpful and hand-holdy with new-players.
By the way, it appears to be that Advocate works on your household even if the only one with unbroken advocate is fighting in the Arena. I have Aria in the arena, unbroken of course, and the willpower in my household keeps rising steadily.
I can't figure out for the life of me what increases willpower in every girl when Aria as the arena, nobody has Feminist and Rebecca is a broken in so her Advoce should be lowering willpower. And yet the willpower of all my slaves keep rising relatively rapidly. 1-2 every 2-3 days on average.
How do you train discipline? Wiki says put her into riding school. Bought best equipment for Amelia, left her in riding school for 100 days and she hasn't gain a single Discipline point.I want their discipline bumped up to the 70-80 range first for training.
It looked like these options from the wiki are probably the most effective way but they're all kind of random so IMO you want them all active at the same time to increase your chances:How do you train discipline? Wiki says put her into riding school. Bought best equipment for Amelia, left her in riding school for 100 days and she hasn't gain a single Discipline point.
Only when she developed workaholic she started gaining it.