Can't figure out how to do the Michelle quest, I added her to my household as slave, does that mean i can't make her a follower?
If you already have four followers in your combat squad, then you will have to go to the household tab (click manage, and household tab will pop up) within your residence to deselect one of them. Afterwards, a knife icon will appear underneath your slaves in your main slots. Make Michelle one of your main slaves and click the knife icon, which will showcase a red plaque, indicating she's apart of your followers. To be sure, go to your followers tab, and Michelle should appear amongst the four.
If by chance she doesn't appear whatsoever, despite following these steps, then you will have to go to the Debug tab within your residence (click actions and events first), and click the "clear all followers" option, which will reset all follower slots. Assign who you want again, as well as Michelle.