It's been a couple years since I've played this and there are many things I've either forgotten or did not exist. Here are a few of my questions:
- What is the purpose of furniture? Is there any point in furnishing my house?
- Which factions provide benefits even when not vassalized? Is it all of them, or just Carozza Hall and various religions?
- What is considered a "good" gross daily income (income before expenses are deducted)? Also I've noticed a bug where the pantry girl title didn't take effect until re-assigned. For example, a girl has 59 domestic skill when I assign her the title. Her skill rises to 60 but my luxurious food expenses do not get discounted until I revoke the title and give it back to her.
- From checking the code, I see that the experience gained by a girl from sex depends on the duration performing that sexual act. Once a girl reaches 100 exp (and capped at 120 exp), then it requires a duration of 90 or 95 minutes. Is it even possible to have sex last that long? My MC can only last 10 rounds of sex at most with the average time per round being ~8 minutes.
- Is it always best to try and lower the willpower of all your slaves/servants/mercs/etc to 0?
*Furniture in Rooms have effect like increasing the happiness and/or Content of the people ininside the room.
*Fort Sera, the Academy and Carozza Hall. All the other factions and religions only provide benefit when Vassalized and the religions requireing you to have there belief when increasing the influence with them.
*The one where you have no problems with paying your bills.
*Only for slaves when you do not to raise their affection and/or willing to sell them. High Willpower Slaves with High Affection can have benefit too.