Is there any use of slaves in such state? Can they work and make money or are there just useable as sex toy?this works with high willpower slaves as well. bought sofia, terrorized her and then put her on the rack, then fucked her every day, in that order. 3 days later, 0 escape chance.
sure, you can still train them and send them out for jobs.Is there any use of slaves in such state? Can they work and make money or are there just useable as sex toy?
Yeah, i'm sticking with the same couple of mercs.I just picked Bud because he's so cheap. You can get the rifle company dudes as well. My early game party was those two plus Rebecca, all equipped with rifles.
And yeah shotguns, pistols and melee weapons are usless/fall off hard once you can afford rifles.
Bringing "noncombat" slaves can still be worth it, as even if they don't deal damage themselves they can tank a rifle shot, and can get a lucky hit or two with the rifle (reducing healing costs)
The amount of hunting you can do isn't hardcapped per se, it depends on the time of the day and how much game is left. Also read the hints, if you clear one of the bandit groups (Marston Ave) the price for rations goes down by half.
For money, cleaning up bandits should keep you afloat. Again, if you do the main quest you get 4k or something thrown your way. Also you can send your slaves to work during the day, giving you a stable income of 25-50c /day/slave. With that alone you should be close to breaking even. Then you can invest in the businesses.
Also, I hope you are healing your mercs and not just hiring new ones?^^
Huh, havn't had a food shortage yet.What level is your garden at? You have garden tools? When famine hits prices for food goes way up. i just sold 1400 food at 10c each. What for the messages about food spikes.
True.I'm on 8dII. Tried soldiering and you are correct; There is a bottleneck as eventually you run out of mid level targets. The mercs needed to take down the high level targets and gear are cost prohibited for a weak slave/mid tier merc team.
it's counter-intuitive, but I've found going intellect first makes more sense ultimately for a combat build. You gain training in combat as you train your slaves, and you can pull income in the academy while training slaves in the evening.
Not sure, but the mercs aren't a loss. If you keep the same two mercs around long term, and one of them is Rifle Savant (who is basically free) then maintaining the two mercs barely costs anything once you've bought them armour.How close are you to getting arena open? You may have to cut your losses on merc armor, drop the mercs, and stretch your funds while you work on influence to unlock arena. Once that occurs, your financial woes as a soldier become much more manageable.
Yes something like that, which is not a problem at all by the way.As for Hunting, you are hard-capped on attempts per day. If you show up first thing in the morning, you get four attempts before it gets dark.
Actually most of those shady businesses make for a pretty good passive income.There's the place near the hunting ground, but a lot of the others look like shady ventures that will likely either not pay off or give me big negatives.
They can. I'm not sure if it's changed since I played last but afaik you just have to assign them to the job before putting them into the annex. So you may have to shuffle some slaves around if you need to pull a girl out and assign her to a job before putting her back in the annex.Can girls in the Annex still work jobs/go to university?
I kinda want to get a couple of extras for passive income then stuff them into the annex after training them a bit.
But I don't seem to be able to interact with them in any way once they're in there.
Yes this.They can. I'm not sure if it's changed since I played last but afaik you just have to assign them to the job before putting them into the annex. So you may have to shuffle some slaves around if you need to pull a girl out and assign her to a job before putting her back in the annex.
which ones? I couldn't find investment opportunities, and the wiki was oddly mum on the subjectThen you can invest in the businesses.
Try clicking on bandits all over the map, you'll find some special cases soon enough i wager.which ones? I couldn't find investment opportunities, and the wiki was oddly mum on the subject
I wish I could remember the specifics for you, but I know there's two bandit groups/ "businesses of questionable legality" you can invest in, and iirc they have the same icon as other bandit groups so you may have been avoiding them unintentionally. There's also a trade caravan thing you can invest in if you clear out the tribals outside of townwhich ones? I couldn't find investment opportunities, and the wiki was oddly mum on the subject
Have a consolation like.Edit: Damn, beaten to the punch by like twenty seconds
Oh, I thought there were actual legitimate businesses you could invest in.Try clicking on bandits all over the map, you'll find some special cases soon enough i wager.
Admittedly would have been a good idea to mark bandit groups that can be invested into in a different color than red.
There are, but very few.... for now at least.Oh, I thought there were actual legitimate businesses you could invest in.
Maybe, i have not noticed that one. If that is true then it's a nice touch.IIRC there was even a mention that clearing out bandits increases your income...
The dockyard punks or whatever they're called, they spawn in the docks and have their own counter to keep track of how many are left. When their numbers are above a certain amount they disrupt your business and reduce your income, you have to pay them off or else kill enough of themMaybe, i have not noticed that one. If that is true then it's a nice touch.
Invest in bandits all over the city, then clear out the competition to help out "your" bandits and therefore increase your cut... sounds wonderful.![]()
I think i remember about that one, but haven't bothered to clear them out because it takes a while to mop them up since their respawn rate has a delay. But i haven't heard of other groups like that, i wonder if there are more.The dockyard punks or whatever they're called, they spawn in the docks and have their own counter to keep track of how many are left. When their numbers are above a certain amount they disrupt your business and reduce your income
I killed them all in my last save, it did take a while but they're not difficult enemies so I mostly just made checking the docks every day part of my routine. If they had respawned, i'd kill em again. Then eventually that wore their numbers down low enough. The slow respawn rate works against them, too, since once you bring them down below that threshold they take a long while to build their numbers back up again, and it's very easy to simply keep wiping them out once every three to five days, ensuring they never can rebuild their numbers.I think i heard about that one, but haven't bothered to clear them out because it takes a while to mop them up since their respawn rate has a delay. But i haven't heard of other groups like that, i wonder if there are more.
Also you probably can't permanently kill them off, so maybe paying them off will be more effective long-term if you can't be arsed mopping them up all the time.![]()
It would be nice if we could invade wherever it is their base of operations is located and raze that place to the ground so that they stop respawning. Maybe this is actually already planned... who knows.I killed them all in my last save, it did take a while but they're not difficult enemies so I mostly just made checking the docks every day part of my routine. If they had respawned, i'd kill em again. Then eventually that wore their numbers down low enough. The slow respawn rate works against them, too, since once you bring them down below that threshold they take a long while to build their numbers back up again, and it's very easy to simply keep wiping them out once every three to five days, ensuring they never can rebuild their numbers.