My faithful accountant Armand has informed me that there's something off with the crates of 20 tendstims in the General Goods shop: After a steep price raise with the new patch they often cost more than the single tendstims in the same shop. In my normal playthrough a single one costs 22 $ while a batch of 20 costs 490 $, i.e. 24,50 $ per unit. For my grimdark character the prices are 52 $ for a single unit and 1090 $ for 20 units, i.e. 54,50 $ a unit. Shouldn't there be a discount instead? Or is that shrewd weasel Abbot Roo trying to rip me off?
And another question concerning the patch: Is there still a bandit faction? And if so, is there a faction overview for them like for the other ones? Or are they a too disparate bunch to be called a faction?
And while I'm at it - there's a very small typographical mistake in the player's faction overview: The "- business power -" headline in the lower right corner has its end hyphen in the second row, pushing everything else down a row. Not that it matters much but I was puzzled at first, because it looks like there are two rows in that rectangular, the first one with a hyphen instead of a number.
Lastly a request to Grimdark: Since you're changing the End day engine anyway, could you please add a notification if a member of ones household has its birthday on the new day? It's mostly for roleplaying issues of course but I guess the effort wouldn't be too big and it would let players experience scenes they usually can't. It is quite tedious to look them up individually, especially with an evergrowing household. I've missed several birthdays already, including my own

- up to this day I've got no idea when I was born, which may be quite common in Ikaanos but is still a sad state for a future Master of Raana.