Sons and Daughters. The big mystery!
Usually, in this game, it´s not so hard to figure how the things works. You take a pen, a few notes, scratch your head a bit and you find,
more or less, how the things are arranged. Well, each rule has his exception, and this one, how your offspring stats and skill are generated its a deep mystery to me. So I´m going to put the results I get and see if any one can put light and insight on this matter.
We are talking about 5 kids. The kids of my 5 legitimated, blessed by Odin and Freya, wives. Arya, Caitlin, Nicole, Adrianne and Aisha. they were raised in a Nursery with two nurses, Caitlin and Aria, free of any other obligations, with the following atmospheres:
Intelligence 73
Kindness 52
Discipline 70
Corruption 57
Combat training 100 (Yes, Both Caitlin and Aria have the Warrior trait
Happiness bonus 52
Focus -10
And looking at this, I have visited them every single day and of his played with them and educate them. I have figured that, with a 100% of combat training, I can skip this steep. 2 hours and -10 of stamina per action it´s a heavy toll and it was not easy to do it every single day, and 3 actions was too much. My stats are 32-23 in Str - Dex, 81 in stamina, 66 Will and 104 Int.
There are things that are exactly the same for all kids. All of them have Happiness 64, Kindness 30. 50 stamina, 25 hits, Affection Amiable, Charisma 30. All of them have 10 in range, melee and survival, 15 in acrobatics, performing and gardening and 20 in dancing. I must say that I´m a bit surprised of the (lack of) yield of the 100 Combat Training atmosphere. And no, it have not been translated on traits. I have 2 perfectionist, 2 jaded, and 1 warrior/materialistic/Techie. Only 1 warrior its few for 100% combat and 5 kids. No brawler, no bloodthirsty, no crack shots. May be there are traits that are dormant? 7 traits for 5 kids seems very few traits.
I have 3 Int 90, from Aria, Nicole and Caitlin, Int 70 from Aisha and Int 43 from Adrianne. You can thing that it´s clear. My 3 wives with Int 65+ get offspring with Int 90 and then the less bright ones have less intelligent kids. Well, Aisha have Int 47 and Adrienne Int 46, really close but there are a serious gap between both kids. May be one was over 45 and the other under 45 when they get pregnant an there are a cut at 45?
Str goes from 16 to 45, and the kids seem to follow the same order in Str as the wives. Dex goes form 84 from Aria´s to 36 of Caitlin´s. And except for a swapping of positions 1-2 (Aria-Adrianne have 63-68 Dx and their kids 84-73) the kids follow the same order of the wifes.
Willpower: 4 kids with will 45 and one, the one from Caitlin, with Willpower 10. And the willpower of Caitlin it´s not, by any stretch, low. She rans 3 of 5, just middle ground.
Discipline. Caitlin and Aria 20 and the rest of kids 10. All my wives but Adrianne(13) have Disc 70-ish.
Beauty: Nothing to complain here. 60 to 95. Curiously, the more handsome it´s Nicole´s boy. and Nicole have the lowest beauty of all my 5 wives (only 50, while Aisha have 85).
Academics/ science, we went from the 70/70 of Caitlin´s daughter, the high 50s low 60s of Aria and Nicole, the 40-60 (+20 for Techie) of Aisha, and the mid 30s from Adrienne Kid. Seems to be related to the kids INT, with may be some bonus for the academic achievements of the mother. Medicine its 10 for all, and admin 5 for all except for Adrianne´s kit that, for no reason known to mankind, have a 15.
Corruption. I have a look and see 15-15-14-10 (ah!, yes, Caitlin´s daughter) and...1. Nicole´s kid. why? Nicoles have 86 corruption. No vanila, no pure ....
And Devotion. 14-20-47-57-62. A wide dispersion. None of the mothers it´s of Aesir Faith. Seems to be somewhat related to the mother´s devotion. Caitlin have devotion 4, and his daughter have devotion 14. Aisha have 52 and his daughter 62, but the other 3 wives goeswnt from devortion 25 to 35, and his son´s and daugthers spread from 20 to 57
And that´s all. In any one want´s to play Mendelev in Raana, here are some data