Others - Completed - Matchmakers Inc. [Final] [Bnbigus]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Well made
    fair enough Stories with End to main story
    Some the best voice work
    Fair enough though could be improved looks+animations
    Skip button for most broken into sections like some VNs but rare in these
    A bit to much pony considering has single images of other characters
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is an all around great game. Just enough gameplay with the bullet hell stuff to call it a game. No choices or anything, but lots of great animations and I honestly only have a few pointers critques to offer.

    Before all that though I would like to say that as far as I know there are no fail states in this game it will only take you a little longer if you are struggling with the bullet hell parts. I actually liked that. There wqas no pressure to learn the patterns it was just a casual fun experience and there was plenty of variety.

    Attacks might look similar but there was enough variation that they didn't perform exactly the same way.

    My criticisms (Some probably only apply to me.................most of them more than likely haha)

    1. Wasn't a fan of the colors used for the words in the story sections they made it a little hard to read for me. This also applied to some of the bullets being red so theywere had to distinguish because the bullet hell background is sort of a dark pink?/Fushia? idk you see the problem herehaha.

    2. A lot of pony stuff here. Probably ousting myself but I don't really mind that altogether it's just that I think I enjoyed the idea of interdimensional variety better. There were a lot parodies of other things and some characters taht had art in the game in the photography room that I wish would have gotten story arcs. (ESPECIALLY KRYSTAL).

    3. There were a lot of times when characters didn't have their boobs on display. Or even during the scenes teir clothes would be on or the postion would be in such a way that they had their back to "You". Just a small pet peeve. I don't mind a good ass shot but it goes back to variety and the spice of life and what not.

    There was nothing negative enough here for me that warrants me taking a star off though it's a good game, fun. and the animations were really great. Like out of the park for me. I recommend it and lastly if you don't want to go through a particular character you can skip around. I went through them in order but everything is available from the start. To top it off many times in the top right you can skip the dialogue and even the minigame if you don't want to play them!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    "I went in expecting copper and I found something even better than Gold. I found Love."
    - Mr. Matchmakers Inc. & Gex (probably)

    The Dev in this one actually put some work in and you can feel it from the surprisingly well-put, cutesy VA and animations that actually doesn't creep the shit of you. It's a bit lacking in the gameplay Dept. though.

    Graphics: This game gets a big thumbs up from me in the Graphics Dept.. The characters are very well drawn and you will love it if you are a fan of the cutesy&sexy western cartoon style art. And it's very well animated too. It's not one of those "Make it blink a l'il and make these 2 soulless looking cut-outs bump into each other every few seconds." crap-tier animation, no siree. The animation here clearly took time and effort, and while not a masterpiece, the facial expressions and the movements were good enough to please my..well.. thing.

    Sound: Was I surprised when I found out there was Eng VA for this game. And it wasn't some shitty, "Oos" & "Ahs" every few seconds. Like actual dialogue! Yes, you heard (heh!) me right, actual dialogue! And it was quite good too, and my l'il boy down stairs agrees with me. Like when does a porn game, scratch that, when does any game have good VA ever?!

    Story: This game has a story? But jokes aside, it does have a bit of what can be called a "Story". And I don't mean that in a bad way. Clearly this game wasn't trying to target the Story Loving RPG crowd. It has a brief story to get the ball rolling, like what you get in Porn Films. It's nothing special, but it works. And when paired with the Great graphics and the Amazing VA, it actually becomes kinda cutesy & enjoyable.

    Gameplay: This is where this game takes a hit. While not bad and functional, it's very repetitive and becomes a grind real fast. The score requirement is way to high to actually be enjoyable and feels like a chore to play. Technically, you can't lose, but wish you could.
    You can tell the Devs were really proud of it when they put in a button to SKIP IT ENTIRELY. (Note: Skipping requires Patreon Membership. There are other methods too)

    Misc: The feature to view those amazing extra animated arts was a nice bonus. The ability to skip and get straight to the action is nice too. This might be nit-picking, but a way to get even quicker to the sex scenes by directly choosing the scene we want would be great instead of having to sit through the text flood every time I want to see the scene.

    Overall: There is little to hate with this one but lots to love (quite literally in this case). The Best parts were the Graphics&Animation and the VA. The gameplay part was a let-down, but hey, you can skip it! I hope in the next update they put in option to directly get to a scene. The VA is nice and all, but it gets stale after hearing it for the umpteen time. Overall, a Solid 4/5, needs MegaCharizard.

    Edit: Updated to 5/5. New content update added Rainbow Dash. And more to come. The quality of the new content is just as good as the other ones. Cannot wait for the last 2 characters.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game. The art style is awesome, the added voice and music is always a plus in any game, and the characters are well thought out with funny dialogue. It actually nice visiting all the different characters (13) i think so far. The Shooting mini game isn't really a bother at all, just have to get use to the patterns. I hope more characters are in development.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall awesome game. Love that there's a variety of girls to choose from.
    Animations and voice acting is great, and the music and SFX are a nice touch too.

    The dialogue is short, sweet and to the point. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and it's a nice addition to the game.

    I'll admit that the bullet hell mechanic took a little bit to get used to. But once you try it a few times it quickly stops being an annoyance and just becomes second nature.
    Likes: atur
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    [Review of Ep. 1-3]

    I wouldn't have chosen bullet hell as the genre to mix a VN with, but Matchmakers Inc. proves that the idea is viable. It's an interesting concept, and one that works on paper — one-handed, high-octane gameplay makes a boner much easier to maintain — but Matchmakers Inc.'s execution needs work.

    Each of the three story missions plays out exactly the same: bullet hell, blowjob, bullet hell, sex, done. The bullet hell segment is the worst offender; including the tutorial, it's copy-pasted seven times. The sole differences between each segment are what sprite the player shoots at and how much health the target has.

    The cynic in me wonders if the bullet hell is as tedious as it is to give players a reason to unlock the "Skip Battle [Patrons Only]" button, but I choose to believe it's just a mechanic that needs refinement. Even a change as small as one or two unique attacks for each character would do wonders.

    Even in its unfinished state, Matchmakers Inc. has potential. The art is nice, the animation is great; if inconsistent; and several scenes are even voice-acted. It's just held back by a lack of variety and an uninteresting gameplay loop.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 440241

    Episode 3 introduced a huge improvement in the bullet hell stage of the game. Still no upgrades, but according to the author those are planned for a future version. Plus the art is good. A human character is planned for Ep. 5 if you're not into furry stuff.

    Edit: Above is my old 4 star review. Despite people telling the dev for years how they can improve the bullet hell gameplay, nothing has changed since Episode 3 except that Patrons can skip it. Refusing to improve the core mechanic of your game beyond letting people pay to skip is bad design. Most of the available characters are now MLP ponies so if that's not your thing there isn't much content to enjoy. So disappointing that something with so much promise has utterly failed to capitalize on its potential.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    5 stars for the art, 3 for the rest, the animations and artstyle are really good, but the gameplay is worse than the 40+ year old game it copies, the text is funny and all, but they really gotta change that minigame because it's really what keeps this game down from a 5 star game (be sure to visit the dark room, there are 3 scenes on the tapes)
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Animation/Art

    Boring gameplay that is skippable if you pay money. This makes it hard to go between scenes and still be hard because after the first scene they throw another mini game that will take over a min to complete and you'll probably be soft before you're done.

    The text is funny if you like on the nose humor.

    All in all good scenes but boring gameplay and fringe text makes it a 3 star.

    On a side note it would be nice that, while you get more score on the mini-game, the quips from the dragon change instad of just getting the same 4 lines over and over.