Have you ever read a book, watched a movie, or played a game, where you KNOW there is a story there, that could be a fascinating one, and so you struggle through it, only to be frustrated, because it seems that the story is either in the creators notes somewhere, or just in their head, but simply IS NOT put to paper, or screen, and it leaves you frustrated?
That is this game, in a nutshell. You can tell that the world as a whole has a back story. You can tell that each character has a backstory. You can tell that the Dev is a story in mind to tell, that they know what all the pieces are, how they fit together, and where the story will go...
But they fail to tell us most of the story.
It's like seeing the Mona Lisa in your mind. Knowing every line, ever contour, every color used, every brush stroke... and your attempt to recreate it on canvas results in a child's scribble of a smiley face.
That is how I perceive this story. Despite how thought out, meticulously crafted, and thorough it is in the devs mind, we get a scrawled out smiley face.
There is no exposition given. The MC either doesn't think to ask questions, or when he does, the questions are ignored, or the scene gets derailed.
100% honesty here. while the girls are cute, I hate the graphics, over all. The animations don't look good. There is clipping EVERYWHERE.
I find the sex scenes to be fairly boring. I find the dirty talk to be repetitive and, frankly, gross.
There is at least one character I actually dislike intensely, that I'm forced into sex scenes with.
Choices barely exist.
Visually, and gameplay wise, this game has a myriad of problems.
In spite of that, I played to the end of episode 2. When episode 3 is finished, I'll probably play that too. Because I'm chasing the Mona Lisa that I think the dev sees in their head, and I want to see it in the scribbles.
If NOTHING about this game was changed or fixed, save the writing itself, so I knew more about who I was, who the people around me were, what the plot actually is.... not spoon-fed to you, but learned and earned, I'd probably give the game 5 stars.
Because I'm sure all that information, and more, exists, and in its existence, would make this a game worth playing.
But a bare minimum amount is conveyed, and most has to be sifted through and interpreted. Every scene, every conversation, that in any way goes to expand on the plot gets derailed, and I'm forced to grade a scribbled smiley face as just that, plus a star for the more detailed image I'm hoping the dev actually sees in their minds eye, of what the scribble actually is.