Comics Collection Melissa N. Collection [2025-02-24] [Melissa N.]


Jul 5, 2017
Yes, it's the same people, but what I see happening is that there are 2 separate feminization things going on in both cases.
Abdrew- Eva and Sofia disguise him as Elena with the actual idea that it can be reversed - they only go so far as the "minor modifications" that Elena originally thinks the doctor will do. Unknown Evil character, aligned with Seferi, pays for surgery free for all); here's a weak point that I admit - the daughters seem blind to this and if taken at their word, still believe Elena can once again be Andrew.

Joel - Eva and Sofia believe (so they say) that Joel has just been disguised so that Toska can't get to him until Toska. Then Joel can go back to being Joel. Seferi and his cohorts know Joel is gone forever and they plan to use new Joel somehow in their takedown plan.
Again, this requires the daughters to be pretty unobservant and inquisitive, but that seems to be the case, as far as I can tell.

That would be the idea.
The daughters created the $1000 woman, Seferi and company created the $6 million dollar woman
The daughters played a very active role in Andrews feminization. They didn't just create distance between Andrew and Marina from the get-go, acting as an in-between for them to communicate and effectively driving a wedge between them. Sofia doesn't want Andrew to back out of the first (p. 32) and longer-term (p. 170) feminization. If the sisters are working with Seferi, they'll know Elena won't be there for just one time as Toska has plans to work with Nikos for the long term.

And the sisters aren't there to just create Elena for one time. They're injecting botox and collagen-decreasing stuff in Andrews face to permanently age his face. When Andrew pushes back, Sofia pushes him forward anyway. They gaslight Andrew into doubting himself about the drugs given to him at the party and Sofia even dodges the topic and wants to return to feminizing him asap (p. 172). Sofia also continuously gaslights Andrew into accepting his identity as their mother, just like Eva is.
Sofia then lies on p. 253 about the message Marina sent. Which is interesting as on page 831 it's clear there is some noise on the line when Marina tries to phone Sofia.

So yeah, I'm not sold on the sisters being merely innocent bystanders or unobservant people only interested in having a mommy to sunbath with. They've played a very big role in Elena's feminization and somehow they also have a direct line with Seferi to discuss Joels future. Sofia slightly more so than Eva.


Dec 1, 2023
The daughters played a very active role in Andrews feminization.
While I do think your theory is plausible and the sisters have certainly acted suspiciously throughout the entire story, I think you've got some facts wrong and have made some leaps of logic that I'm not seeing.

They didn't just create distance between Andrew and Marina from the get-go, acting as an in-between for them to communicate and effectively driving a wedge between them.
There's no direct evidence that they're intentionally driving a wedge between Andrew and Marina. Marina made the decision to go to Crete on her own based on Andrew's behavior, and she chose to leave her phone behind. When she returns to Athens, they're able to meet privately and visit the clinic together until Marina is called away by James (not the sisters). Andrew is then unconscious for 4 weeks, after which Marina visits him in the hospital where they come up with the plan to stay in character at all times unless one of them uses the earrings codeword. They then tell Nikos, Eva, and Sofia to adhere to this plan as well. Shortly after this, Andrew visits the salon with Angeliki, sees Gjoka, and loses his memories of his time in the hospital, including the codeword. This is what causes the breakdown in communication between him and Marina until he regains his memories. After sleeping with Nikos and regaining his memories, Andrew intentionally avoids Marina because he's ashamed of his actions and can't face her. She finally confronts him at the pool party, he admits to sleeping with Nikos, she storms off. Then the next time they see each other they fight again and she asks for a divorce.

The sisters may very well be responsible for steering events behind the scenes, and it does seem like they're very invested in the relationship between Nikos and Elena and don't care at all about the relationship between Marina and Andrew, but I don't see any direct evidence of them intentionally trying to keep Andrew and Marina apart.

They're injecting botox and collagen-decreasing stuff in Andrews face to permanently age his face.
What they did was not permanent:

It wasn't until visiting the clinic that the doctor made permanent alterations to his skin:

This was not the reversible procedure that the sisters sent him to the clinic for in the first place. The doctor did way more than what the sisters proposed, and as of this latest update we now know he was paid to do this by whoever Seferi is talking to on the phone. It's entirely possible he's talking to one of the sisters, but perhaps not.

They gaslight Andrew into doubting himself about the drugs given to him at the party and Sofia even dodges the topic and wants to return to feminizing him asap (p. 172).
Gaslighting would imply that they know for a fact that he was drugged and are trying to convince him otherwise. This could be the case, but it could also be as simple as they don't believe he was drugged because his story doesn't sound plausible. That's the same reason Marina didn't believe him at first.

Sofia also continuously gaslights Andrew into accepting his identity as their mother, just like Eva is.
This only seems like gaslighting until we learned that Andrew and Marina came up with a plan to strictly stay in character at all times and they instructed Nikos, Eva, and Sofia to do the same.

Sofia then lies on p. 253 about the message Marina sent.
What do you mean? What lie? She played the message for Andrew just a moment before she said that and it's exactly as she described:

Which is interesting as on page 831 it's clear there is some noise on the line when Marina tries to phone Sofia.
Again... what? I see nothing on that page that indicates noise on the line. And even if there was noise on the line, what are you inferring from that?

But anyway, I'm not really trying to debunk your theory, because I definitely think the sisters have some ulterior motive that is probably not in Andrew's best interest, and certainly not in Marina's best interest. But I'm not convinced they're working with any of the other conspirators (Seferi/Joel/Angeliki/Joanna/Mystery Phone Person).


Jul 5, 2017
There's no direct evidence that they're intentionally driving a wedge between Andrew and Marina. Marina made the decision to go to Crete on her own based on Andrew's behavior, and she chose to leave her phone behind. When she returns to Athens, they're able to meet privately and visit the clinic together until Marina is called away by James (not the sisters). Andrew is then unconscious for 4 weeks, after which Marina visits him in the hospital where they come up with the plan to stay in character at all times unless one of them uses the earrings codeword. They then tell Nikos, Eva, and Sofia to adhere to this plan as well. Shortly after this, Andrew visits the salon with Angeliki, sees Gjoka, and loses his memories of his time in the hospital, including the codeword. This is what causes the breakdown in communication between him and Marina until he regains his memories. After sleeping with Nikos and regaining his memories, Andrew intentionally avoids Marina because he's ashamed of his actions and can't face her. She finally confronts him at the pool party, he admits to sleeping with Nikos, she storms off. Then the next time they see each other they fight again and she asks for a divorce.

The sisters may very well be responsible for steering events behind the scenes, and it does seem like they're very invested in the relationship between Nikos and Elena and don't care at all about the relationship between Marina and Andrew, but I don't see any direct evidence of them intentionally trying to keep Andrew and Marina apart.

What they did was not permanent:
View attachment 4474881

It wasn't until visiting the clinic that the doctor made permanent alterations to his skin:
View attachment 4474886

This was not the reversible procedure that the sisters sent him to the clinic for in the first place. The doctor did way more than what the sisters proposed, and as of this latest update we now know he was paid to do this by whoever Seferi is talking to on the phone. It's entirely possible he's talking to one of the sisters, but perhaps not.
Collagen is what makes the skin young and vibrant, among other effects. Getting rid of it collagen ages the skin faster. Aging the skin that way very much is permanent. Saying it isn't is just wrong. The wrinkles and lines they mention on p. 180 aren't there temporarily unless there's other big alterations performed on the skin. And them being the owners of the most requested exclusive beauty spa surely they know that.

Now the question is if Melissa realises the twins are wrong...

Gaslighting would imply that they know for a fact that he was drugged and are trying to convince him otherwise. This could be the case, but it could also be as simple as they don't believe he was drugged because his story doesn't sound plausible. That's the same reason Marina didn't believe him at first.
Which would be fine if they would ask more questions instead of Sofia ignoring it, saying Marina would be even angrier with Andrew if he backed out of the feminization process before he brings up the drugging and going back to feminizing asap. Andrew has reservations and flat-out says he doesn't want to live as a woman for several months. Being unobservant is one thing, but those girls are something else entirely.

Let's put it like this: if they weren't in on a scheme to feminize Andrew for some larger scheme they would do exactly what those who are into the scheme want them to do. To the letter.

This only seems like gaslighting until we learned that Andrew and Marina came up with a plan to strictly stay in character at all times and they instructed Nikos, Eva, and Sofia to do the same.
That plan came about long after the girls did it to him. That plan didn't come about until after Elenas extensive surgeries.

What do you mean? What lie? She played the message for Andrew just a moment before she said that and it's exactly as she described:
View attachment 4474914

Again... what? I see nothing on that page that indicates noise on the line. And even if there was noise on the line, what are you inferring from that?

But anyway, I'm not really trying to debunk your theory, because I definitely think the sisters have some ulterior motive that is probably not in Andrew's best interest, and certainly not in Marina's best interest. But I'm not convinced they're working with any of the other conspirators (Seferi/Joel/Angeliki/Joanna/Mystery Phone Person).
They're the people to tell Marina Andrew would be a woman for months after they put him in Nikos' bed after that first time we see Toska. There are a million ways to go about there. But they opted to deliver that message that had Marina from seeing it as a fun joke to being angry enough to leave Andrew to go to Crete on her own.

They also didn't warn Nikos about Seferi and the time he spent in jail because of Toska. Even Elena questions that, attributing it to them possibly being observed (p. 1532). You could argue Angeliki is the person observing them, but she's just an employee and not their handbag they carry around everywhere. Of all the people they didn't warn Nikos about it's the person who happened to have a direct line with them to feminize Joel later on.

We've previously agreed the situation between Andrew and Marina has grown very sour because of awful communication between the two of them. Eva and Sofia very often are at the core of this communication. On top of that they drove their father nuts by continuously sharing pictures of Elenas feminization, knowing his history with Giuseppe.
Sure, it could all be a coincidence and I'm probably wrong about half of this. But they have a means, opportunity and motive. That's more than most other people in the story.


Dec 1, 2023
Collagen is what makes the skin young and vibrant, among other effects. Getting rid of it collagen ages the skin faster. Aging the skin that way very much is permanent. Saying it isn't is just wrong. The wrinkles and lines they mention on p. 180 aren't there temporarily unless there's other big alterations performed on the skin. And them being the owners of the most requested exclusive beauty spa surely they know that.

Now the question is if Melissa realises the twins are wrong...
In stories like these, the vast majority of medical procedures and prosthetics are science fiction. It's just the default assumption I make going in. I mean, he was fully recovered from a vaginoplasty in 2 weeks and it didn't require any dilation or artificial lubricant...
Unless someone else in the story comments that removing collagen would be permanent, I believe that the sisters are speaking the truth here.

That plan came about long after the girls did it to him. That plan didn't come about until after Elenas extensive surgeries.
I guess that depends on which specific instance of gaslighting you're talking about. I was referring to how they've been acting toward Elena since the dinner party.

They're the people to tell Marina Andrew would be a woman for months after they put him in Nikos' bed after that first time we see Toska. There are a million ways to go about there. But they opted to deliver that message that had Marina from seeing it as a fun joke to being angry enough to leave Andrew to go to Crete on her own.
That's all true, but what does that have to do with the phone message and what specifically do you think they lied about? Telling Marina the truth would also make her furious. We don't have any idea what they actually said to her, but I will say that at the pool party they seemed particularly callous toward Marina's feelings, so it wouldn't surprise me if they delivered the news in a harsh/blunt manner, but that doesn't mean they were lying.

We've previously agreed the situation between Andrew and Marina has grown very sour because of awful communication between the two of them. Eva and Sofia very often are at the core of this communication.
If this was a key part of the plan, I feel like the sisters would have made an effort to keep Andrew and Marina apart even after she returns from Crete, and also later in the hospital. They had essentially reconciled when they met privately after Marina returned and before going to the clinic, and they were also on good terms when she visited him in the hospital. The way I see it, there were two key events that destroyed Andrew and Marina's relationship, and neither of them had anything to do with the sisters, nor would it have been possible for them to predict: 1) Andrew lied and told Nikos that he loved him in order to get him to go along with his and Marina's plan. This caused Nikos to aggressively pursue Elena for real. 2) Andrew lost his memory, which made it seem to Andrew like Marina had abandoned him, and made it seem to Marina like Andrew was ignoring her. And at the same time, Andrew fell deeper into his method acting persona, which caused him to start falling for Nikos for real.

But they have a means, opportunity and motive. That's more than most other people in the story.
This I absolutely agree with, and I have no doubt that they are pleased with how things have unfolded. I just don't know specifically what they're guilty of yet.


Jul 25, 2021
Honestly, no idea. The problem is that if they're plotting "against" Andrew, there's no reason to tell the truth right now. Conversely, if they aren't then they should tell the truth right now. As such, no matter what, what we'll get from them is something that's supposed to make them sound innocent in all this.

Thus, what we're presented here as an explanation is that: Sofia in particular but also Eva seem to think that Andrew wants to be their mom. And for some reason, they've enjoyed having a mom.

I really don't buy this. They knew this was to convince Toska. They knew Andrew was pretending to be Elena for longer to keep up appearances with Joel. Which implies that they fooled themselves just because they so desperately wanted a mom.

But... they're grown ass women. I get that there's clearly some psychological trauma here. Some abandonment issues. On the flip side, plainly speaking, I don't see at all how Elena has been filling that void. They've done next to NOTHING together. This is a dumb comparison, but any of you see that Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie? And there's a montage where Eggman and his grandfather "catch up" doing all these "familial" activities? I've not really felt that Eva and Sofia have done really anything similar.

Like, there's a severe lack of empathy here in that thinking process, right? Seferi's had the most normal reaction to all this. Can Eva/Sofia not really imagine "hey, it would feel really fucked up if I were suddenly forced to be the opposite sex, older, and married to my in-laws"?

As such, I'm going to just go wild. I don't think this was intentional, but in a vacuum, my read of this situation is that Eva and Sofia are wrong and Nikos was a terrible father. He physically and emotionally abandons his kids whenever the subject of their mother was brought up (drinking constantly). Eva doesn't say at what age, but either he flew off the handle at literal children, or was going off on adults for digging into something they have every right to want to know more about.

To the point that an adult woman is crying having to think about how her father is when they bring up their mother. Does that feel like the actions of a man that treats his daughters with "respect"?

If Eva and Sofia are being truthful here (big if), then the picture that's been painted for me is that they do feel good having Elena in their lives because she's been distracting Nikos. That's honestly been the only real difference. Eva and Sofia don't know what a "good" or even "normal" dad would be like. Like a lot of reports about grooming targets that end up marrying early, they have no idea what a normal relationship should look like so they often get stuck in an abusive relationship.

Similarly, they don't know what having a "mom" is like. We don't know how Nikos treats them normally. But if he was controlling, overbearing, or anything like that, Elena suddenly changing their lives by being with Nikos: I could genuinely see how they'd interpret that as "wow, moms make everything better!"


Dec 4, 2023
I didn't really understand the point of this part either. It's pretty much several pages of the daughters saying they don't know who their mom is, which could have been condensed down to one panel.
Since it wasn't......the thing that takes up a lot of space here is that they missed having a mom and they did attempt to find out who it was, but thru Nikos and by attempting to contact other people. So possibly whoever paid for the surgery was actually trying to give the girls the mother they never had - exploiting an opportunity that presented itself.
This doesn't explain why Nikos is so dead set on not telling them, or how this works into someone wanting revenge on Nikos. Perhaps it is Joanna, seeking revenge on Nikos for abandoning her and taking the kids and never acknowledging her existence, but knowing how much the daughters want and need a mom, seeing an unforseen opportunity making Elena permanent.


Dec 1, 2023
Hmm... yeah there's really not a lot to say about this update. We still know nothing about the girls' mother, and either they're lying and are evil or they're being truthful and are not evil. So... doesn't really prove or disprove any of the many theories we've been floating about them.

I don't see at all how Elena has been filling that void. They've done next to NOTHING together. This is a dumb comparison, but any of you see that Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie? And there's a montage where Eggman and his grandfather "catch up" doing all these "familial" activities? I've not really felt that Eva and Sofia have done really anything similar.
Yeah, this is the biggest problem if they're being truthful. But to be fair, there's a significant amount of time (several weeks) where Andrew has been Elena full-time and we don't know how any of the characters interacted during that time. And not that Sonic is a dumb comparison, but perhaps a more apt one would be Heads Up. Olivia's real mother is a shitbag who has basically abandoned her and saddled her with a great deal of stress, and Jason-turned-Diane is now actively trying to be a good mother to her and offer her the support she desperately needs. It's the perfect setup for them developing a close mother-daughter relationship. I wish Mirror had shown us something similar (assuming the girls are indeed telling the truth).


Jul 25, 2021
But to be fair, there's a significant amount of time (several weeks) where Andrew has been Elena full-time and we don't know how any of the characters interacted during that time.
Then give us a montage. That's why Sonic came to mind (looked up the clip):

Something to sell me on the idea that this relationship exists, rather than just telling me. Or hell, I'd take some scenes where Elena (unprompted) reflects back positively on things she's bonded with the sisters over. Actually, I might even prefer that if it means that we don't get extended flashbacks. It wouldn't be elegant, but there would at least be something that aligns with what the sisters are saying here.


Jul 25, 2021
Wait, are you actually asking for more flashbacks?
I thought I was pretty clear:

Or hell, I'd take some scenes where Elena (unprompted) reflects back positively on things she's bonded with the sisters over. Actually, I might even prefer that if it means that we don't get extended flashbacks.
But seriously though, my main gripe with flashbacks is with how brutally long they are. Hence why I brought up Sonic 3's montage. It would still feel like a retcon, but imagine if we had a part where Sofia/Eva tearfully talk about how much they've enjoyed being with Elena.

And there was just 4-5 pages where each panel is just an evocative image and a small text box of the sisters or Elena reflecting positively and remembering that good time.

I think that kind of flash back would be fine. Potentially great characterization even. Not necessarily elegant, but certainly preferable over either 1) Characters lacking motivation and characterization, or 2) Multiple parts where the flashback is filled with padding.

We're in a "whodunit" mystery story. Bar minimum, I expect some level of flash backs especially when the "big reveal" happens.

I just want the plot to make progress when they inevitably happen.

Alicia Mae

Dec 13, 2023
The girls definitely seem traumatized by not having a mother, and by Nikos’ reaction to them digging around. I think it’s fair to say that they don’t want to speak too negatively about him because:

A) Despite his shortcomings he did provide them a comfortable life
B) They want Elena to stick around

Nikos’ reaction of drinking and shutting down sounds a lot like guilt to me. Maybe he’s the reason their mom isn’t around anymore, and he can’t bear to tell them the truth.


Jul 25, 2021
Maybe he’s the reason their mom isn’t around anymore, and he can’t bear to tell them the truth.
Do remember that apparently, the truth is supposed to "repair" the relationship between Elena and Nikos.

GREECE1620.png GREECE1621.png

Although, upon re-read, it might be two separate things. But I do think the implication here is that learning the truth will help with their relationship, and thus their wedding will go ahead. Also, at this point, Angelos thinks that their relationship issues are stemming from Elena being trans.

Maybe it really is just meant to be sadness, but I find the pieces here fitting weirdly.

Also... I just realized: how the hell does Angelos know the truth, but the daughters weren't able to find out for themselves? Angelos is SURPRISED Elena doesn't know, as if it's something that isn't that well hidden. And yet, the two people that probably SHOULD know, don't?

I will say, upon re-read, I did come up with another interpretation on what Angelos said. It's a little bit of a stretch, but if we take a more sinister read, then it's a threat: Elena should find out what kind of man Nikos REALLY is (a dangerous man) and the wedding WILL go forward because Angelos "knows" Elena won't have a choice in the matter.

Alicia Mae

Dec 13, 2023
The surprise is likely from the fact that Nikos withheld such critical information from his fiancée, whom one might expect would know him more intimately than anyone.
That was my read on it too. Imagine not knowing who the mother of your daughters is. Even if it’s not common knowledge to the whole town, it still feels like something you’d want to know before getting engaged!

Also, if you’re willing to get engaged not even knowing that, your love is so deep, you’ll probably accept any answer. Might be why he’s so convinced they won’t have to cancel the wedding.

I think Elena is about to confess to the girls that she likes being their mom, hopefully leads to the mommy-daughter time that we’re all craving.