Well I enjoyed this game very much. It's very story oriented game, so the story was obviously what I paid most of my attention to, but couple other things could've been handled better. Animations looks stiff and background models at some places should've been better. Also without the walkthrough it would have been much harder to reach the 'perfect ending', as I had no idea what exaclty effected that. I'm rather harem fan, than single romance, so was a bit annoyed by the fact that every bit romance besides Melody basically ruled the best ending, but the author wrote it as he liked, so I guess no point in complaining about it.
BUT if I was to really complain about something, that would be one text bug. Sometimes, if there was a long statement (by long I mean longer than full four lines), any text below fourth line was also below the game screen, so rest of the words was totally unreadable. And I couldn't make it visible by stretching window, or doing anything else. As this game is purely story focused, when things like those happen, that I am unable to see some parts of the story, this makes me enjoy the whole game much less, so it would be best if this annoying thing would be fixed.