Awww, Melody is just the cutest. I guess I have mentioned it the one or other time that I'm a sucker for gingers and ponytails, but whoa, I really loved it when she had her hair down.
Download time was okay, and I spent it clicking through some rather boring exposition that droned on and on and took up Chapter 15 of another game released today. At least keeping on the Country station after American Country Countdown made it somewhat bearable. But then I switched to an old trusty favourite love song to set the mood and started reading. Also I found that the save game had no issues this time, although I had two points deducted as you no longer get the bonus scene of the previous chapter regardless of the Foosball choice.
I also did not get the ten bonus points, so I'll just have to start over and quickly skip though as I definitely want to see the extended main event.
As for relationship choices I expected a hard decision,
Four final points:
* I loved the little fourth wall breaking nods, like the acknowledgement that MC should have told Bethany off or that it felt like sleeping for a whole month.
* Having stood at graves for birthdays recently a scene hit a bit close to home and made me emotional.
* Easter Eggs: I guess those refer to something from Dating my Daughter. I know that there is a pic of Melody and Daughter in the lewd gallery, but do we meet other cast members or are there other references? I obviously don't play the other game.
* Uncanny Valley: Could it be that during the main event
Oh well, so let's start with the long wait until the next update. For those of you playing both MrDots games, enjoy DmD next month.