
Jan 25, 2018
You know, I'm still a bit unsure why it is called a "Battle Brothel" actually. I do recall playing this demo, and its pretty unique. Interested to see how a female protagonist would work out though, since from the demo it certainly seems its not as simple as a gender flag check on dialogue.

My first thought on "Battle Brothel" was that there was some kind of battlefuck element to it, honestly. But perhaps its that because there is battles in the game AND you own a brothel, hmm...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Yeah. You can buy extra girls and have them just sit out when it comes to the brothel. I had an angel and fairy that never were used in the brothel and I kept for myself in that, if that's whatcha mean. Roster can expand far beyond the 6 you can use at a time in the brothel. That does have ntr elements for sure but they are avoidable with skills/items. I usually just had the albino harpy scream the ntr guys away or I only used girls I didn't care about on them like the randos I picked up at the start of the game.

All planned sex scenes are from the player POV, although I might have some voyeur scenes later on. Some of the companion courtesans (the more serious ones)will have an option to stop seeing clients if you develop a romance far enough with them, and some don't really have clients at all due to their personality or circumstances. Others however, find it hard to be monogamous, regardless of their day (night?) job.
Hmm, that's a bit worrying if you can only stop them later on. Might not be interested in this after all if most of em start off already banging others.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I'm having such a hard time rn not rolling my eyes right outta their sockets at all this obsessing over "muh ntr" -.-
That tends to happen when a game with ntr elements doesn't have an ntr tag. The tags aren't just to bring in people who are interested in that content, it's also to allow people to avoid things they don't care for. I'm guessing you wouldn't wanna be surprised with scat or something in games correct? Same with ntr.

The tag description here: "Ntr [Designed to cause jealousy by having the romantic interest involved with someone other than the MC.] "

Characters that you're meant to have an attachment to banging others = ntr tag here. From what the dev said, sounds like it does have some ntr stuff if the characters you can get with are banging other characters.
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Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
There's "brothel" in the name. Needs some really fucking loose definitions of "NTR" for any amount of nitpicking over what exactly that tag should or shouldn't apply to not be rendered quite redundant by that alone.

Which is kind of part of why I find this whole persnickety obsessing over it thoroughly ridiculous; there appears to be an annoyingly large amount of people convinced any scenario that doesn't have their ingame narcissistic projectionavatar as the sole owner and focus of literally every female's attentions is oh noes NTR irrespective of how absurd that line of reasoning would be in the context.
Like, y'know, a business venture that by definition deals in what the late, great Terry Pratchett termed "negotiable affection."


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
There's "brothel" in the name. Needs some really fucking loose definitions of "NTR" for any amount of nitpicking over what exactly that tag should or shouldn't apply to not be rendered quite redundant by that alone.
Not really. Are the characters you're allowed to date having sex with other people? Yes = NTR. It's not complicated. If it was always optional that they have sex with others, that would be questionable. The dev said the characters are already having sex with others and you may have the option to ask them to stop. There's nothing questionable about that as long as I'm understanding the dev correctly. Again, like what you like, but use the tags properly to avoid wasting people's time and having the "But this has NTR in it" spam. You're just asking for it if you don't want to follow the tag descriptions here. And the people doing it and warning others about it aren't in the wrong.

It's not about whether you or I consider it NTR, it's if it meets the tag description, and it sure sounds like it does. Just because some other people might not tag their games properly isn't an excuse to not tag this properly. So I don't know what you're getting at with it having "brothel" in the name. The bit I've played of this it seems aimed at more of a dating element already than most brothel games as well.
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Sep 20, 2017
Hi, what do you mean by walking orientation? I've made some improvements to traversal since the last version, but nothing major.
In 0.03 when you use the keyboard you would move in the orientation of the camera (left = left with some up value, moving with click would do this as well) but on this latest version left is left and with the camera angle its hard to move or interact using the keyboard.. moving by clicking did not change tho.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Are the characters you're allowed to date having sex with other people? Yes = NTR.
And this is *exactly* what I meant with "loose definitions of NTR".

It's not about whether you or I consider it NTR, it's if it meets the tag description, and it sure sounds like it does.
That tag doesn't have a description (many don't), so it rather sounds you're projecting your own preconceptions pretty hard here. :|

Goblina Lover

May 20, 2017
pretty good, but my only complaint so far is, 1:no windowed mode 2: NPC bug out too easily, not saying its not entertaining but


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2019
In 0.03 when you use the keyboard you would move in the orientation of the camera (left = left with some up value, moving with click would do this as well) but on this latest version left is left and with the camera angle its hard to move or interact using the keyboard.. moving by clicking did not change tho.
Ah, you're right! I changed that because some people didn't like how the old traversal worked. I'll look into having a toggle, but in the meantime, switching to 3D (default button key "u"), or using the mouse will fix that.

Hmm, that's a bit worrying if you can only stop them later on. Might not be interested in this after all if most of em start off already banging others.
Most of the companions are sex workers, so I'm afraid that comes with the territory. It's probably better if I list the characters and their active sex lives for more detail:

  1. Zafra: active courtesan but no current clients. Planned to be the hardest to romance due to her backstory and personality.
  2. Diana: active courtesan with very few clients. Diana is moving on up into the upper tiers of the guild and no longer has time to... entertain.
  3. Windress: active courtesan with very few clients.
  4. Kore: active courtesan with many clients.
  5. Kaywin: Not a courtesan. Very flirty but otherwise you never see her with anybody else.
  6. Thassia: Active courtesan. Will sleep with anything and everything.
  7. Isutyr: Active courtesan. No clients because she's currently in hiding.
  8. Hatsuo (male): Not a courtesan. He flirts around but you don't see him with anybody.
  9. Jasen (male): Not a courtesan. He's not with anybody.

I guess I can add a NTR tag, although I wasn't sure this thread needed one.

pretty good, but my only complaint so far is, 1:no windowed mode 2: NPC bug out too easily, not saying its not entertaining but
Lol yeah, I updated NPC hitboxes, but some of them are still... wonky. Plus, F4 for windowed mode is probably easiest now until I add a menu option.

You know, I'm still a bit unsure why it is called a "Battle Brothel" actually. I do recall playing this demo, and its pretty unique. Interested to see how a female protagonist would work out though, since from the demo it certainly seems its not as simple as a gender flag check on dialogue.

My first thought on "Battle Brothel" was that there was some kind of battlefuck element to it, honestly. But perhaps its that because there is battles in the game AND you own a brothel, hmm...
It's 50% because I thought it sounded cool, and 50% because you're right, there's a lot of fighting in the game. The Guild was also founded by camp followers (army whores) that formed their own military force after the army they were attached to was defeated.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Ah, you're right! I changed that because some people didn't like how the old traversal worked. I'll look into having a toggle, but in the meantime, switching to 3D (default button key "u"), or using the mouse will fix that.

Most of the companions are sex workers, so I'm afraid that comes with the territory. It's probably better if I list the characters and their active sex lives for more detail:

  1. Zafra: active courtesan but no current clients. Planned to be the hardest to romance due to her backstory and personality.
  2. Diana: active courtesan with very few clients. Diana is moving on up into the upper tiers of the guild and no longer has time to... entertain.
  3. Windress: active courtesan with very few clients.
  4. Kore: active courtesan with many clients.
  5. Kaywin: Not a courtesan. Very flirty but otherwise you never see her with anybody else.
  6. Thassia: Active courtesan. Will sleep with anything and everything.
  7. Isutyr: Active courtesan. No clients because she's currently in hiding.
  8. Hatsuo (male): Not a courtesan. He flirts around but you don't see him with anybody.
  9. Jasen (male): Not a courtesan. He's not with anybody.

I guess I can add a NTR tag, although I wasn't sure this thread needed one.

Lol yeah, I updated NPC hitboxes, but some of them are still... wonky.

It's 50% because I thought it sounded cool, and 50% because you're right, there's a lot of fighting in the game. The Guild was also founded by camp followers (army whores) that formed their own military force after the army they were attached to was defeated.
You should add the tag just so you can avoid the incessant brigading of muh pure virgin harem seekers that WILL derail the thread and cause drama down the line. They are literally incapable of any ounce of nuance when dealing with the concept that people might have sex with someone else.

Goblina Lover

May 20, 2017
You should add the tag just so you can avoid the incessant brigading of muh pure virgin harem seekers that WILL derail the thread and cause drama down the line. They are literally incapable of any ounce of nuance when dealing with the concept that people might have sex with someone else.
i was hoping it wouldn't come to this


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I'm having such a hard time rn not rolling my eyes right outta their sockets at all this obsessing over "muh ntr" -.-
Could say the same to you. Coming into a thread just to insult people over "Muh ntr". Pretty silly when I can use your exact quote to counter your messages. You're doing exactly what you're trying to rag on other people for doing. Actually worse, because as far as I know, the other people here that were trying to discuss whether or not this had NTR elements weren't insulting others.

That tag doesn't have a description (many don't), so it rather sounds you're projecting your own preconceptions pretty hard here. :|
The tag does have a description here btw, not sure what you're talking about:

Which is kind of part of why I find this whole persnickety obsessing over it thoroughly ridiculous; there appears to be an annoyingly large amount of people convinced any scenario that doesn't have their ingame narcissistic projectionavatar as the sole owner and focus of literally every female's attentions is oh noes NTR irrespective of how absurd that line of reasoning would be in the context.

Like, y'know, a business venture that by definition deals in what the late, great Terry Pratchett termed "negotiable affection."
Coming from the person who took the time out of his day to try to attack others in multiple posts for having different preferences than them, and you think you can call other people narcissistic for their tastes in porn? Seeing anybody who disagrees with you as a punching bag to be used to vent your stress/issues would be a great example of narcissism, don't you agree?

Real question is why are you trying to upset people here? Just coming into a thread to spread negativity? You alright? It's a tag, not the end of the world. If it meets the description it should be there, if it doesn't, it shouldn't. I posted because it sounded to me like it should have the tag, that's it. I was trying to confirm it. If the first thing you dropped was a respectful comment about how you don't believe this should be considered NTR (Like I tried to do), woulda been fine and we could have had a nice chat : p

Issue isn't whether games/threads have NTR tags/content or not, it's why the fuck can nobody discuss things like this like adults? Come on people, we're all fucked up perverts, be nicer to each other. Your weird fetishes aren't any less weird than somebody else's weird fetishes. This should be like the least hostile area on the internet. You can actually disagree with people without insulting them. Maybe there's some issues with the difference between the site description of NTR and the usual description of NTR. A lot of people don't seem to have checked the tag descriptions here.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
The options menu has the option for text speed twice, once under "general" and once under "text speed"


Feb 19, 2018
I can only tell you why i like it.
Woman are selling there bodies to make me money makes me feel like i own the woman(notice a lot of brothel games use slave whore's instead of whore's who get payed?)
It is all about the power trip.
It is the idea that i own her body to the point i can rent it out to make me money.

Power is one heck of a drug.




Jul 17, 2018
well, a bit problem here....
when i try to hit the new game, It goes naturaly (Music on with a black Screen) And suddenly the error Messages pop out and said "Cannot read property 'resolution' of undefined"
well, here is the full report :

[ERROR 4/3/2020 05:40:31am] TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolution' of undefined
at WebGLExtract.canvas (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/libs/pixi.js:29556:40)
at Function.Bitmap.snap (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/rpg_core.js:934:49)
at Function.SceneManager.snap (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/rpg_managers.js:2109:19)
at Function.SceneManager.snapForBackground (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/rpg_managers.js:2113:35)
at Function.SceneManager.snapForBackground (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/plugins/YEP_BattleEngineCore.js:2642:47)
at Function.SceneManager.snapForBackground (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/plugins/YEP_MainMenuManager.js:4598:49)
at Scene_Map.terminate (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/rpg_scenes.js:643:22)
at Scene_Map.terminate (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/plugins/YEP_CoreEngine.js:1406:35)
at Scene_Map.terminate (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/plugins/MOG_AnimatedText.js:233:35)
at Scene_Map.terminate (chrome-extension://odlameecjipmbmbejkplpemijjgpljce/www/js/plugins/MOG_DizzyEffect.js:281:38)

How can i do to fix it ?


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2019
well, a bit problem here....
when i try to hit the new game, It goes naturaly (Music on with a black Screen) And suddenly the error Messages pop out and said "Cannot read property 'resolution' of undefined"
Does this happen every time or are you able to get past it? I haven't seen this error reported before but I'll look into it. Also, would mind sharing where you downloaded the demo from?

how to fix it ?
Seems like there is an error with WebGL, which is strange as its packaged with the game. Same as above, would you mind sharing where you downloaded the file from?


New Member
Apr 15, 2018


Exactly. There's a big fucking difference between being a pimp and a cuck. Brothel management =/= NTR.

Maybe there's some issues with the difference between the site description of NTR and the usual description of NTR. A lot of people don't seem to have checked the tag descriptions here.
The tag description literally starts with "Designed to cause jealousy". Pimping out some chick I own is not designed to cause jealousy, so the tag already doesn't apply.
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