As wrote above, the game has so far been divided into two "main paths": MC and other women and Nicole with other men!
As described
Enlight432 above some choice affects on sharing or cheating "sub paths".
Personally, in the scene of Nicole’s kiss with a man, i didn’t feel that she saw MC.
I tried to play in different ways, Nicole only kisses a man if we choose that she gets closer to men and not MC to women! Two choices influence whether a man will grope Nicole's breasts or not:
1. raise the issue of drinking or not
2. let him hold her hands or not
If everything is no then just a kiss, if everything is yes then groping tits, but at the same time, if the MC wants to interfere, then Nicole in any case does not kiss the man! And this leads me to the question:
- Will we always make "key decisions" (will Nicole have sex with others) regardless of choice or not?
As for the cheating path, everything is blurry for me, because the only choice that affects this is that MC allows Nicole to get closer to other men, even if we made the "right choice" before and after ("love path") she still kisses him, but there is another choice that clearly shows what Nicole is doing! We add another "bad choice" to allowing Nicole to get closer to other men (all other choices are good), we don't talk to her about wine in a restaurant and this is what she does when we ask her for the man to take his hands off her:
View attachment 4436518
And these two "bad choices" lead to the man kissing her and groping her breasts!
The game hints at the fact that when Nicole drinks, she has no control over herself at all.
Mother's call..!
As for me, it’s too early to add Nicole’s mother to the game, despite the fact that we already have two stunning blondes, a colleague of MC and a stranger from the restaurant!
Did the dev intentionally make them more beautiful than Nicole or is it a matter of taste?
And one more question: can Nicole cheat on MC not only with men but also with women(NTRlesb)?
Let's go back to mom calling.
Well, again i can understand that this update is small, but after the cliffhanger end i miss the "spice" in every ending!
The situation with the call could be played out in two ways or more.
- If we make a "good choice" then the mother calls, we as players see this clearly on the phone screen!
View attachment 4436613
At the same time, Nicole doesn’t pick up the phone and she and MC continue to fuck until the end(they cum)!
- Or depending on a "bad or mixed choice", there is no mother inscription on the phone screen its an
unknown number that calls and does not allow the heroes to finish sex!
And here we can get a couple more pahts from the previous choice:
1. "Sharing path":
- MC asks who's calling, Nicole picks up the phone and says it's the man from the restaurant, they don't stop fucking and Nicole moans and talks to this guy.
2. "Cheating path":
- Nicole sees that an unknown number is calling and interrupts sex(end sex) with MC. While MC is refreshing himself in the shower, Nicole is talking or texting with this man and when MC walks into the room, he sees that Nicole is holding the phone with one hand ,on her face a naughty smile, and with the other she is quietly caressing her pussy!
and the end...