Unity Midnight Sin [v0.4.3] [Faerin]

4.10 star(s) 34 Votes


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I think you're misunderstanding him. He doesn't say that this gameplay is loopy but on the contrary that there is no "gameplay loop" to keep him interested, probably referring to what I know as a "compulsion loop" - get a challenge, master the challenge, get a reward which helps you with another challenge you maybe didn't master before. Can be a lot of things.


Engaged Member
May 19, 2018
Correct, you dont know what gameplay loop is.
Just to clarify what you are saying is there is no gameplay loop and that this game at the moment is too linear and that there is not a lot content.

Okay let's deal with them as you're a game developer yourself and to use an analogy you don't build a house on bad foundations and you don't build a game on bugged engine, just like MotH and MwM most of the first year was done building and fine tuning the engine that is what has happened here as well.
The content has only really been added for the past say 3 or 4 months but from now on it's content all the way so just like MotH there will be developments being made to the storyline and gameplay, I think I stated earlier in a reply that this will be a mix of MotH and MwM.
So maybe give it a few more months and come back and see if you think the same


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2017
I think you're misunderstanding him. He doesn't say that this gameplay is loopy but on the contrary that there is no "gameplay loop" to keep him interested, probably referring to what I know as a "compulsion loop" - get a challenge, master the challenge, get a reward which helps you with another challenge you maybe didn't master before. Can be a lot of things.
No, I understood him. He just doesn't know what he's talking about, as a core- (or compulsion-) loop is the risk-reward-growth kind of loop he defined in his last post.

GAMEPLAY loop is Tetris - do the same thing over and over and over and over... (oh, wait: I'm repeating myself. Sorry).

If he would have said that in the first place rather than tell me (us?) I don't know what I'M talking about, we would have had a very different discussion.


Engaged Member
May 19, 2018
Do you want to start a shitshow? Because that conversation can start a shit show.
I think it's a bit late for that don't you

Why? Because that would enter the territory of discussing if Visual Novels, mostly Kinetic Novels are games or not.
(If you go in a online manga reader, press space to advance the page is very similar to many pure, kinetic novels are)
VN's in my opinion are not game they're what they say they are Visual Novels

With that said in my very first post: "
I have to say... this game lacks... gameplay? Faerin`s games usually had some gameplay loop. But this one is pass-time, pass-time, pass-time, event, pass-time, pass-time, end day, pass-time, pass-time, pass-time, event....
The time/schedule mechanic has near no impact... "

If you consider this: "pass-time, pass-time, pass-time, event, pass-time, pass-time, end day, pass-time, pass-time, pass-time, event...."
As a gameplay loop i suppose it has a weak one. What ties with what i said right after. " It feels more like a VN than anything... and i kind dont want another dev that use the VN format... "

What ties
" Like, with all respect: take the your head out of your ass and either start selling the game as its indented to be, a VN(almost a kinectic novel). Or start to take criticism in consideration. "
That's the thing we do take criticism into consideration, you quoted Salome to back you up but his post wasn't criticism it was an opinion that there not a lot of content and the the dev should change the engine so he got a reply in the same manner
You did call my colleagues fanboys and that that was a bad mix when creating a game all I can say is Faerin seems to think it works and has a portfolio of successful games to back that up

Now if you dont consider it a gameplay loop, or not a Faerin`s loop.
Then the game should have consequences for "Passing time" outside of an event. (the obligatory rides enters as an event)
Like in MotH and MwM had. Where even if there was no event at the time, there was something you could do to advance the state of the game somewise.

Right now theres no state of the game to be advanced that is not "did you see Scene X so we can mark it as seen and show the next scene?" Which the base of Visual Novels.
Like I said to you in my earlier response the content has only just been started to be rolled out and there will be more added the core objective of the game is to bed all the girls that's the gameplay loop, compulsion loop, what ever you want to call it
and other side stories and mini games will again feed into that main storyline


Engaged Member
May 19, 2018
Which is fine. But like i said: Sell it as a VN then.

The guy said the exact same thing. But instead of considering it, you are acting like a fanboy. And that's how its. If there's a bad mix they should be more worried why they are being called that.

And again: Faerin can and should do whatever the fuck he wants.

But also, like i said in the very first post:

It feels more like a VN than anything... and I kind dont want another dev that use the VN format...

Dont need to go full Fanboy because someone said it.
In my responses to you I have been respectful and not once gone full fanboy as you call it, yes at the moment the game feels like a VN and I can assure by the end of it it won't be one as Faerin has said himself he's a game maker and would never make a VN so again like I said give it time.
If I may ask at what point did you start playing MotH because in the beginning despite the UI it was like a VN as well
But I do have to say that at times during this conversation not with me but others here as a dev yourself you have been unprofessional and have been answered in kind
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Engaged Member
May 19, 2018
My bad, i edited the post. (They are acting like fanboys.)

PS: If i have been unprofessional? How are these losers still in the team? I am here as a fan/user that happens to work as a dev. They are here as a dev OF the game. I dont have to be professional, and both would be fired in most companies buddy.
Actually like I said before they are part of the dev team like myself and we as a whole speak here on behalf of the dev as that is what he wants so he doesn't have to spoend time answering endless questions that will take him away from development
They are still here because despite what you or anyone else thinks about them the dev trusts them and so do I.
Over the past three games this one included we have dealt with a lot of people who rather than offer critique want to criticise they are two different things and this spiralled when you continually asked about a game loop, which was construed as criticism.
As for the unprofessional part, sorry but I have to go along with Sycho on this one that at no time has Faerin ever gone into another developers thread and offered advice or criticism.
You have and it didn't sound like a critique it was more like criticism we do take things on board and Faerin often comes here and thanks people for it and sometimes includes it in the game, sorry but yours initially didn't sound like that, whether that be a language barrier or what I don't know.
Either way my point stands come back in a few months and try it again and see what you think then if your point is still valid I will hold my hands up but I don't think it will be
4.10 star(s) 34 Votes