That was great! I am very happy about the voicing, was that AI? I noticed there are more actual words with slut outfit, or was there also in white outfit that I didn't hear because she was overly submissive and music was loud (like when you make the font small)?
I cannot wait to see how you voice the sensory deprivation scene, your description of hearing her breath and heartbeat only is very promising.
Supposedly, I keep up with your updates more than any other dev, but not checking recently has paid off, as I was pleasantly surprised by a lot.
I am confused as to several things between the writing and the fetishism:
Why do Dick & company have to be black? You've indicated multiple times you're not Anglosaxon, where the fetish widespread (and based on the supposed (mental and spiritual) inferiority of darker skinned people, particularly Africans and I suppose phobias as to whether women would prefer an animal/tool over their husbands), so why can't it be simply a BC-thing?
Are Dick &c. libertines or misogynists? I guess the two aren't mutually exclusive, but like during the postion of the phonecall they're calling her an idiot but afterwards they're checking in with her to know if she's ok? also on Dick's attitude in general; does he believe she and Liz are particularly submissive/slutty etc. or is it that all women to him are like that?
By way of suggestion, I'm wondering if the choice of outfit should have an effect on Mila''s personality well-after the scene. Clearly both scenes star different Mila's, a bratty-ish? vs. a timid sub, a vixen vs. a puppy, and everything she says reflects that, but after the scene, there's no obvious difference. I think there could be much more. To give a clear example, where there would be a big difference: during the phonecall, slutty Purple Mila whould tell Paul to fuck off (or even tease and humiliate him

?) whereas White Mila would tear-up like you, beautifully, have her doing... I mean I think this would require nothing beyond a change in dialoge and maybe one different face, right?
Loving the songs also btw..
Anyway, thanks for a great update