VN - Ren'Py - Milfylicious [Ch.II v0.29] [Maximus]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    You're a genius Harry... only you're not called Harry but you ARE a genius; or so they say?
    After the sudden passing of his uncle the MC finds himself inheriting his estate and life's work; the persuit of a non-resistance energy conductor. Such a noble cause deserves some special a whole company and mansion ran by the milfiest of MILFS each devoting their life and body in persuit of your goal. The hitch? You can never get married or have children by your last name...

    I've said it once and I'll say it again; Milfylicious might just be one of the best AVN's on the site and though it's only 0.23 it REALLY shows some promise. Enough so to make me comment and write this review (check my profile; I don't do that much)

    * The models are gorgeous and tastefully dressed...
    * These gorgeous models also have diverse personalities
    * Animations are smooth and full motion...non of that stop and go stuff here
    * The side stories are interesting which is to the credit of the way this Dev writes his story... no "oh gee look at the weather" - and sex ensues...
    * Diverse stories behind all of the cast

    * The main story IS a tad stop and go... although it's mentioned in passing we see hardly if no development in that regard. It's Obvious the personal stories of the women are way more on the foreground
    * A LOT of side characters that maybe won't be side characters in the end in which case there's a LOT of characters

    * Mommy-dearest's Arc was a tad rushed... She goes from "nah I would never do that" to the point of almost having a threesome with her son over the course of a couple of scenes.
    * This is going to sound stupid but... no drama in regards to the MC... he literally won the superbowl with a ticket he found on the street so to speak. He seems TOO lucky
    * Pedantic but I did find 1 or 2 spelling/grammatical/flow errors

    Final Score?
    8/10 would LOVE to inherit my uncles estate now... but I have no Uncle... and I doubt he would have an estate like this if I did

    Special Note to the Dev
    DARN YOU... Guess I have a thing for MILFs after all then
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game (y). It’s not only a game in itself, but more like an adventure. Have you ever dreamed of playing with best looking and physically appealing girls? I guess this is the closest you’ll get to that. :cool:
    I personally like Rachel the best, but again its my personal opinion. @Maximus14 is one of the best DEVs I have came across till date, while playing these games. (y)

    Just one request to @Maximus14 will be, to kindly stick to timelines set by yourself as always. None can deny that the game and its story has a lot of potential. So if you keep on sticking to timely updates, I believe you will gain more and more followers down the line. Please keep up with your good work. All the best from my end. Thank you. :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a great one. The women are greatly designed. They also have their unique characteristics which bode well for future character growth.

    I love the sound effects (sexual and very sensual). Am hoping for clearer dialogues (specially the sexual and sensual lines)

    Lastly I love the plot. Can't wait for the finished product as a whole. And maybe some more sequels or prequels in future projects!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. The interactions and actions are so well done. All the women are fucking hot but Linda is my favourite of all. The scenarios in which the actions take place is amazing. The 3d models of the women are absolutely amazing. Some of the characters are inspired by real life characters but that is totally fine. The lighting works great. The choice of different outfits and character routes are really well done. One of my only concerns is if the women will get pregnant if MC continues on his path in this way. The story has already mentioned that the MC will never father a child but I wonder if this is going to change in the future with at least a few women getting knocked up giving this story an interesting twist. At the rate this story is going I have no doubt that it will continue to surprise us. I sincerely wish the game to continue on this path and give us much more exciting scenarios. And finally, I want more of Linda!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Super great game! It doesn't get more than full marks Super great story, wish from probably everyone!!! and what should I say to my “staff”? just how far is the story planned until the game finale?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally I try to wait until the end of a game to leave a review, but this time I was compelled to drop one now. IMO, this is an awesome game. Fantastic renders, nice story and character development, and lots of milfy content. Some minor inconsistencies, but nothing too overt.
    Renders - 5/5
    Storyline - 5/5
    Character Development - 5/5
    Consistency - 4/5 (possibly due to switching back and forth between nice/dominant, Linda's ex-husband's name change, minor stuff).
    Content Delivery - 5/5 Dev sometimes patrols the channel and may provide feedback. Updates appear regularly along with periodic status updates

    This covers content up to release .23.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I genuinely like this game very much.
    Most importantly part is that the game is exactly of my liking.
    It features Master slave style
    How it starts like you get your own mension every character are so Obedient. You have that power.
    Really thank you for this game keep up the great work.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Look, I get what the game was going for here but the girls are extremely bland and generic, the writing and story are basically non existent outside of a very dull plot to set up the harem of milf you'll be banging. You also have no choices on how you want to approach any of these women, what you want from them, how to address them or they address you or any type of control of content you want to see. This means that it's basically just an on rails kinetic novel with below average renders, girls, story, and renders without it technically being a kinetic novel. There are so many other games on here that do this type of thing better.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The story itself is interesting enough and the writing not bad but that isn't the biggest problem.

    The female models all look copy and paste with XL boobs and butts, no real variety. You see one you see them all. It would have improved things if there were different body types.

    Another one that buys into the misconception that a MILF has to be a middle aged women with over sized boobs and butts when the only requirement is that she is a mom. Age and body shape doesn't play into it. I suspect that many of the MILFs here aren't actually one as they aren't anyone's mother.

    Also another Dev overcompensating by giving the MC a ridiculously oversized penis. It's comical in proportion. Devs really need to come to terms with the fact that a normal average penis is fine.

    Other than that the V/N looks fine. It's a shame, this could have been pretty good with models that look more realistic and were more believable, male and female both but not having them detracts from the story.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Top notch renders! The story is nothing to write home about, just a harem fantasy but the renders more than make up for it. I had really a fun time playing it. The only complaint being there's not enough of the game currently lol.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + The story seems interesting, with details about how Lord Starmount's system works, how MC's great uncle chose him over twenty-two other male relatives of him with the tests (puzzles mostly) he did to them when they were just children, how he is going to become nearly powerful as the bearer of crown of England, how his ancestors were real founders of Nikola Tesla's free energy project and he stole from them and MC's mission is going to be pursue same mission pursued by other generations of men before him, etc, were quite interesting.
    + Most of women/girls look hot.

    Bad Points
    - The render quality is good, but the art style looks pretty old, because of that most women have kind of rough face drawings, and pictures & animations don't look that great either along with the lighting being not good enough.
    - Sex scene animations need some work, especially on their physics, because with current physics they kind of look robotic.
    - Choices don't matter, you can't avoid any path you don't like, any scene you don't wanna see, etc, so basically you have no power over the story as a player and MC, I mean you can't even choose who you are going to lose your virginity, which is weird and nonsense since it's happened while you are playing as an MC and not before on the past, etc.
    - There is too much text in the game, for example when you are having sex you keep seeing a pile of text about the scene over and over again, and after some time it becomes very boring, having less text for at least monologues of MC would be good.
    - Nearly every woman/girl in the game being lesbian makes no sense.
    - Because of how the story written the only thing we have is sex with no build-up and even MC and any girl gonna ''romance'' a little bit it's nearly always happens after the sex.
    - Anna's obsession with MC and constantly attacking other girls with insults, etc, acting like she is the boss, etc, is quite annoying, and worst part is we can't do anything about it at all, as a player we have zero choice over it and it's just nonsense.

    For The End
    So in the end this is a ''game'' with hot-looking women/girls and a promising story, yet there are toons of stuff that needs to improve, for now, I'm going to give 3 stars from 2.5 stars and hope the game will improve for better with upcoming updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Character figure 10/10
    Game story 10/10
    Animation & scene 10/10
    The animation speed is wow...perfect i mean everything is top notch definitely support this developer on patreon he deserve this...
    More the support he get better the renders and everything gonna get time to time...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a really enjoyable VN experience. My thoughts are mostly in-line with the other high star reviews so I won't take time repeating whats been said.

    My nitpicks:
    -Could use a bit more dialogue, and a little less monologue/observational text. Even just shifting some of the things in mono/observe into dialogue would be good. The renders are good enough that not everything needs to be explained. Though I acknowledge this habit is becoming very prevalent in VNs.
    -A bit more diversity in body types would be cool. The observational text will say there is difference, but in reality they are all excessively buxom babes. I'm not saying roll out the A cups, but at least a few in the mid range would spice things up.
    -Lastly some in-game indication you've reached the end of current content, rather than just greyed out boxes (which could leave you thinking there is an issue) would be nice.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played a lot of different VN games on this site, but this is probably one of the best ones/one of my favorites. The renders/models are exceptional, the scenes have great animation, and the story is decent. I am into MILFs so this game is everything I am looking for in terms of aesthetics. An underrated part of this game is that the scenes are well-written in the sense that it adds details, some buildup, and dirty talk which improves the quality of the sex scenes.

    The amount of content for how long the game has been out is very promising + points as a good sign for the future development of the game.

    Overall 10/10 game, I will be following and looking forward to future updates. :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my favorite games. It is no doubt one of the best harem games in this site. The renders are great and the animation is quite good. The story is nicely adopted to harem setting. There is no unlimited teasing and you can see the peak of the game just by playing the beginning. If you want a good harem game with good action and reasonable teasing, you can't miss it. The girl on girl act in the threesome with MC in game is super hot and you won't find the lesbian/girl play act annoying.

    Story: 4/5, can be better but good in enough overall

    Render: 5/5, the renders are really good, one of the best I have ever seen

    Animation: 4.5/5, the animation is quite smooth and performing well in my playthrough. Better if more animation scene.

    Lewd scene: 5/5, Perfect. The setting to the lewd scene is really good. Especially the taboo one.

    Last but not least, the family of MC (mother and aunt) is one of the most exciting part of the story and it is still progressing. Be patience and wait for the inevitable 'interaction'.

    Cons: Need more good background music for different scene. Story and character development need improvement.

    Overall, this game is one of must-play harem game, especially for harem lovers. It is truly a masterpiece.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my favorite games on this site, The Girls are pretty hot , the story is interesting, good Renders and a lot more,wish the best for the dev,just hope that he doesn't drag it down.

    Very hot models
    Good story
    Good animations
    Regular updates
    Responsible developer
    Different kinds personality
    And of curse a lot of hot Milfs:love:

    The Milfs in the game are so hot that I can't wait for updates:D:ROFLMAO:
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Slick Bean

    Wonderful game!
    Great collecton of rightly proportioned, fully matured women.
    The kind of really adult and grown up entertianment any full grown adult can get into.
    We should enjoy gaming this title - as the world is full of doozies and floozies, so much that when a true well articulated woman comes along and has something to proove, well beyond the pure biology of man and woman shenanigans - we are by that point compelled to follow in her footsteps, all the way under her heavy aching cshorcing hot and shivering body, as this game provides with each and every gorgeous bombshell - a safe spot of confort and good feels.

    We are eased into this goofy warm sence of confort and pure awe and candid desire, ready to jump on the band waggon of whatever the wonderful cotton candy woman from this game world are proposing, mezmerising to the point of utter abbandonement - and ride this fresh overwhelming wave of frivolous hype and vigor to full throbbing fruition.

    This game is where the good times and the hot scenes blossom into the fully fleshed out adult gaming experience we are sure to enjoy playing this game.

    The plot is as simple as going to work every morning, yet the spice is just right with the lady antics being so easy to recognize and get into, settling in the plot of a world where everything is planned out centuries in advance and the other characters do have their own life path well enough dotted on their callendar - so that MC is not just barging into their lives, turning them upside down all of a sudden - but he be easing into this place of candor, of vigor, of throbbing adoration and enthusiastic engagement inside the intimate and the quirky personal zone of outstanding gorgeous bombshells.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of Milfylicious v.0.22 ...

    ... as a game:
    * Decent/Good story.
    * Really good dialogs.
    * Has a nice BG music. No sounds.
    * No bugs, no crashes.

    ... regarding its erotic side:
    * Character design is great. No men. Girls are stunning and lustful. There are not almost any differences between girls personalities.
    * Scenes are well directed. Plenty of kinky stuff.
    * Animations are decent/good. This is the main aspect to improve. They remind me to 3y old game animations.

    * Has voices, no sounds. I prefer only sounds or sounds+voices.
    * Has image and scene gallery.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well i definitely enjoyed the game. Quality renders and animations. Incredibly hot voluptuous women. The story, while unbelievable, I found it comically enjoyable and I had no problem suspending disbelief immersing myself. Who wants a realistic AVN all the time? that would be really boring... lol.

    Anyway, the story really solidified it's caliber in the later half of the game with you're Mom, Aunt and Nicole. It was so hawt and well written.

    Can't wait to see how it progresses.

    Also, the music was great and the the voice-over simulating the scene of the women was kinda hawt too. Unique to say the least.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The art/models are phenomenal and the sex scenes are good, and I give this a few stars for that, but that's about all this game has to offer. Shallow, that's the word I would use to describe it. The porn and general "sexy" side of this game is top notch, but a porn game still needs either a good story, interesting gameplay, or both to be worth more than a cursory glance, and this game has neither of those things.

    Story - The lack of compelling gameplay would be fine if the story was interesting enough to read on it's own, but it isn't. Your uncle or great uncle (can't remember) or whatever dies and you inherit all of his assets including a fancy mansion, essentially infinite wealth, and a staff of extremely gorgeous women who are obsessively devoted to you with the fanaticism of a deranged cult before they've even met you. So basically the story is just an excuse for wish-fulfillment. You are the bestest handsomest smartest richest man in the world and you have a small army of supermodels who are always horny and always want to have sex with you and confess their undying love and loyalty to you within days or even hours of having met you. To be fair porn games are kind of supposed to have some level of wish fulfillment, that's kind of the point, but this is just so over the top that it's ridiculous and takes me out of it.

    Meanwhile the whole story of you being some kind of super genius who will improve the whole world with your brilliance is little more than window dressing that receives scant attention. And beyond that there's never any conflict or relationship building or struggle at all in the plot. It's basically just a series of scenes where you walk into a room, see a new attractive women who praises you for simply existing, have sex with her, and then go into the next room and repeat with the next woman. And beyond that none of the women are even really "characters" in any meaningful sense. They are functionally interchangeable with no real personality beyond "super hot and hopelessly in love with the MC as soon as they see him". Basically as a story beyond just sex scenes, there's nothing here. I would go so far as to say that the main character is something of a Mary-Sue which makes it hard to truly be interested in anything that happens to him.

    Gameplay - The excuse plot of a story I could live with if the gameplay made up for it, but it doesn't. Some porn games include sandboxes or mechanics or something where you have to take actions or build relationships or "do" things in order to earn sex scenes but this doesn't have any of that. Alternatively many VNs don't have that but they do have branching paths and choices to make that influence the story - but while there are occasional choices here as far as I can tell none of them really matter or change anything. Basically there's no sense - however flimsy - of having earned any of the sex scenes, which for me at least kind of undercuts some of my interest in them.

    Summary - there's no meaningful story, no meaningful gameplay. it's basically just a fast track from sex scene to sex scene with nothing else to go with it - you could take out almost all the dialogue and just release this as a gallery of unrelated sex scenes and the experience would be functionally the same. Again the art and models and even animations are all great, so I give this project credit for that, but I just wish there was something a little meatier and deeper under the surface to go with it.