Ok for those who want to use 4punity on mobile, this is the furthest i got. So, you should install the .apk and allow it to create files on your device. Now, I don't know why it doesn't work for me, maybe because it says that it's for an older version and so it doesn't load correctly. So, you want to search for the .4punity folder (if you don't see it, make sure you have "show hidden folders" on as an option). Inside you will find 3 files. 'Music' and 'logs' folders and .nomedia. i don't exactly know what the file does, but, for the mods, just extract them directly into the .4punity folder, you don't need to create a mods folder, since it doesn't create one automatically. (You know where to put the music, but remember only .ogg!). Once you get your mods and a music file, it should load. Again, this is the furthest i got, the mods Haven't loaded yet, nor the music. If you have something to share, i would gladly appreciate that. Thanks!