RPGM - Missy [v0.9.5] [Trinian Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game! I like the storyline and the quests are also quite good. I linke the spanking-scenes and that the game can be played in multiple ways. The characters are beautiful, they look great, and the gameplay is also very good. I hope it will go on and on... so five stars from me!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I love the premise, I love the writing. I love the story.

    Also, I gave up playing it, because it's such a drag to play.

    - There is too big maps
    - There is an unhelpful quest log that assumes you know where everyone is
    - There is buggy quests that can't be completed or don't work at all

    - And worst of all there is this daily grind, doing the same things again and again (and again)

    I just did the Slave to Love quest and you can advance the steps once a day and you need to go to class EVERY DAY. With 3 breaks and 3 sessions of content you have seen a million times. It's soul crushingly boring and awful gameplay.

    It's just not fun. It really isn't.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game, I like the story, and the female protagonist and female domination tags. The quests are also quite good, and I like that the game can be played in multiple ways. The characters are beautiful, they look great, and the scenes are also very good. I enjoy games like this, so it gets five stars from me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.8 - Honestly best lezdom game on the site so far, it's just full of charm and personality. It plays to RPGMs engine strengths and avoids 99% of the pitfalls of such games. No grinding, no tedious and unclear quests. (Especially with the new guide mode). An easy recommend if you're into high school girl setting and humiliation kink.

    While there are dom and sub paths, currently the sub path is leaps ahead more fleshed out but what's already there is very well made.


    • The writing carries the game and is the bread and butter.
    • Cool procedural schooldays
    • Subby players will love making Missy burn with embarrassment
    • Very active dev updates
    • No regular RPGM game bs and time wasting. It's an actual rpg with exploration and choices. That are fun.


    • The graphics aren't something to write home about but the style consistent and never distracts
    • The music exists

    • This is for my personal degen taste, it's just a bit *too* on the safe/light side and could do with some more spicy stuff
    • Updates can't come out fast enough

    5/5 stars it's always a pleasure playing something you can feel the dev is having a fun time making.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Just cleared the current version (0.8.8) of the game. One of the top lezdom games out there with plenty of kinky scenes, but with some cumbersome drawbacks as a result of being a RPGMaker game/certain choices the game makes.

    + Some of the best midcore BDSM/power-play scenarios available for lezdom enjoyers - particularly if you prefer to play as a subbe. (The scenario and scenes in Reign of Jess and Avenging Angel are my personal favourites)
    + About 10+ish hours of content as of now if you pursue all the scenes.
    + Easy scene viewer for completed quests (including alternate scenarios that you didn't get) through the spare room's closet, eliminating the need to save excessively as long as you complete the quests.
    + Narrative option to skip battles and view the victory/defeat scenes that you want, forgoing the battle grind.

    - Game (particularly the 4 class per school day cycle) can feel repetitive if you are chasing for specific scenes/if you are only pursuing the last questlines. Too much walking and waiting in between classes to trigger the event/scenes that you want. Also, yard scenes during breaks get old really quickly.
    - Guided mode for quests stopped working properly after the first hour's worth of quests - I had to navigate myself the rest of the way through.
    - Side quest unlock requirements/progression triggers can be confusing at times.
    - Some occasional bugs, such as getting locked out at the end of the Reign Of Jess Part 3 quest if you leave the port without saying goodbye to Emily.

    Overall - amazing experience that I trust will get better throughout the months with an active, listening dev. Fantastic game that I couldn't recommend enough if you can get past the usual RPGMaker formula.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.8 & played pretty much only as a sub.

    A game with some of the best sub stuff i've seen that unfortunately get's somewhat lost in a grind typical of RPGmaker games and some strange design decisions. Like pretty much every RPGmaker game, this would so much more bearable as a renpy game.

    The maps are too big and you spend most of the play time just walking from place to place and skipping the same scenes over and over again trying to get to the good stuff and it takes forever. The good stuff is still somewhat worth the grind mind you.

    I absolutely loved the story and scenes in the latest Reign of Jess updates involving the MC.

    Mild spoiler.

    MC gets blackmailed by bully at school and you know the rest. Just as it's about to get good the playable character changes to the best friend and you just see glimpses of whats going on with the MC while doing another marathon walkaround in another city and you have no control of the actions of the MC. And when it finishes everything just resets. Maaaan it pissed me off.. :)

    Anyways the actual scenes are hot as hell and there's some more sprinkled throughout the game.

    More control and less wasting time this could easily be a 5 star game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm kinda torn here - I get lost sometimes in the game and don't like to have to go to the menu and find missy's quest; or try random doors etc.
    But the dialog/ writing is very funny. And while the graphics could be improved the scenes are generally very good.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    • Pros: exclusive focus on lesbians. Very rare.
    • Steady update cycle
    • Cool dev
    • Humorous writing
    • Endearing protagonist (mostly)
    • Most of the sex scenes are hot
    Some criticism:
    • all woman world feels silly
    • Sex isn't really seen as taboo or intimate in this game, and is often treated with the amount of seriousness as a backrub. I wish it was taken more seriously at least from the protagonists perspective, because there being basically no corruption at all just makes her feel like a masturbatory aid more than a real character.
    • Many areas are about twice as big as they need to be. Fast travel is handy but walking across classrooms and halls and parts of town over and over can be tedious.
    • There aren't enough procedurally generated events, especially sex related ones, during school days. I also wish they changed as you progress through the game. Helping your friend get her panties unstuck from the bushes becomes less sexy after about 10 times.
    • The update cycle while steady, is rather on the quite slow side. I don't hold this against devs too much since they have a life outside their games, but it really is slow for comparatively little additions.
    Overall I enjoy this game very much. The dev seems to take the development of the game seriously, but not necessarily the games tone. Most of the negatives in this game will hopefully be mitigated as the dev fills up the rather empty-feeling bits.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Where to start...First i think dev shoud remove the text on front page about there being something for dom players since a pure dom player wont enjoy this in any way, let me explain.

    First i got pretty hooked doing the shool stuff kicking bullys asses playing 100% dom enjoying it alot as well great fun, but then i had to get a job for some old bitch that wants young girls to work for her and to do sexual things with her and to top it off shes even recording it on video, thats when i found out this most defently isent my type of game.

    You have no choices against the old bitch, you just take whatever she does to you, she ask you to go topless and you do, then nude and you do, then she puts her fingers into FMCs pussy and you just accept...so game to me went from 100% dom to 100% submissive with absolutly no choice in it and i just dont like being the submissive FMC at all.

    And i can see alot more unaviodable submissive stuff is planed, so it really is just for players that are into submissive fetish, for doms it will only piss you off every time your forced to do that stuff.

    But its not the only issue with the game, it takes a bit more to lower the score to 1 star...

    Next is the sandbox its simply just awfull, you just get trown stright into it knowing nothinig, so you start runing around aimlessly to find the school then after that your invited to tea with your friend at her house? great now we have to waste time finding her house.....this is a none stop thing so unless you want to run around every area and make a hand drawn map your self to make game more playable you shouldent really play this, since it includes alot of wasting time.

    Next girls...its HS1 so they all look alot alike and they really are just meh, to make matters worse you need a ton of grinding to get a lvl up 15 points at max 2 points per day per girl.

    Next theres barely any reward for any of it, sex scenes are repetitive and pretty boring to say the least, game is not animated either so the time you need to put into this vesus the reward is just not worth it.

    Game really needs a much better system to track quests and show where you need to go, you can mark one quest at the time in quest log but it means close to nothing since it still dosent show where to go when you activate a quest.

    Music is meh, standard tunes that gets boring pretty fast.

    But even for those into submissive stuff i dont see how it can be rated so highly just sandbox alone is very bad and sex scenes are still poor as well.

    Also game talks about how you can shape what FMC will be like, but its just not true, i played 100% dom and yet FMC is being 100% submissive even licking an old cows pussy and FMC is enjoying it, sure as fuck not how i played my FMC.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I saw this game for the first time yesterday and did it twice in a row.

    The confrontation between the main character and his classmate, who was his nemesis, collapses and the main character falls into slavery, and it is always fun to see the triumphant expression of his nemesis in contrast to the protagonist's miserable expression.

    I hope that this structure of the protagonist's misery and his rival's pride,
    amid ridicule and pity from those around him at school, will continue for the time being.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the hottest titles in development on this site. I cannot recommend this enough if you have a kink for domination/submission and bully dynamics. I've only played one path, being submissive as possible, but it's been a blast. If it was brought to steam I would buy it. Brings back many, many dear memories. :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    first of all. I was stuck for 8 hours playing this game and I still feel like the story is just beginning, omg the amount of sub events and the quality of options is insane (Tip: the Quest menu is perfect for knowing if you finished all the current content) Seriously, if you are one of those who likes female domination but you don't like to see men bothering you on stage, this is your game.

    1000% recommended. I have to say that like many from the comments, the last mission was also stuck to go to chapter 4. But I think the creator found the perfect solution, when starting a new game you can select the chapter with a character that appears on your room. This allows you to skip this mission and complete with your choices during the story.

    Seriously this saved me, I had completed all the content up to chapter 3 and I didn't want to start from 0 to see chapter 4. I practically didn't lose my progress since the story had the same choices that I had made before.

    Congratulations to the creator, I hope he continues with this project and many more (especially of this femdom genre only women ;)). I was able to notice that he is very attentive to comments on the game and always tries to solve any bug. 10/10 as a video game creator
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're someone that doesn't mind a lot of repetition, this is a fun game.

    * Good writing and dialogue across the board
    * Very sexy setting (hot slutty schoolgirl in a perv world)
    * Engaging characters

    Those are pretty big positives and are honestly enough to make the game worth checking out. Unfortunately, I can't really give this game that 5th star because...

    * Even for an RPGMaker game, it's very RPGMaker. If you are someone who dislikes RPGM games because they tend to waste player time, well, this one will piss you off.
    * Lots of unnecessarily drawn out movement to get from one scene to another (better than many RPGM games, but that's a very low bar)
    * Poorly marked destinations, so you have to dig around in walkthrus or just knock on lots and lots of doors until you memorize "which building is X" (or are taking notes)
    * Gratuitously-long, uninteresting fights. Everyone's hit points could be cut in half and the game would be better-paced for it.
    * Many repeated events
    * You can't save at decision points
    * Lots of content locking. That is common, but in a game with so many repetitive events and no save-at-any-time, it's infuriatingly easy to miss stuff (or if it isn't 100% locked, it has been made very tedious to get to).
    * Unnecessarily high goals (15 relationship points with a girl who will only let me earn 2 per day-cycle? Really?)
    * Although not as bad as many RPGM games, lots of maps where the combo of poor pathing and moving MOBs makes moving around annoying. (Ex: Try to move down a narrow sidewalk, if the game paths you around a blocking mob the game stops and throws up a "I should not walk on the grass" message. Not bad for immersion, but infuriating for game play.)
    * It's Honey Select (v1, apparently). The models are kinda cartoony and meh.
    * The sex is a pretty repetitive. OK, that is a common problem in lesbian games, but it's basically lick-lick-trib every time, with the odd fingerbang. Been playing about 2 hours and really nothing creative( toys? anilingus? something? Even 3somes are rare.)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was literally incredible.
    I can't seem to find anything which makes the gameplay not that good enough (well except the walkthrough for the quest)
    Definitely on my Top 3
    It got alot more interesting in the 3rd update
    Plot gets more and more interesting
    Loved the addition of wrestling too. Game just needs more h-moves tho in combat and probably a sexfight tournament
    Looking forward for the next update
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. The writing is engaging.
    The models are unique and hot in general.
    The game offers the choice of being dominant or submissive. I only played the submissive route. In that route, I like that there is the option of betraying your friends to fit in with the dominant and immoral bad girls.

    For things I would personally enjoy to be added in the game:
    I would like Missy to start getting turned on by hurting her friends . For example a sex scene where Poppy is fucking the MC with a strap on and insulting her friends and Missy climaxing by this. I'd like the game to become more hardcore. More cruel and degrading towards the MC. Although there are very good degrading scenes already.
    I didin't play the last update, and I don't know if it was implemented, but I'd like to see pegging. If possible also urination and scat (understandable if it's optional).

    It's a great game, the characters feel distinctive, each with their own personalities. And although the characters models are anime like, they are charming and different to each other in aspect.
    Great game for lezdom lovers (I don't know if there is a vanilla route). Not grindy, with good amount of content and with great dialogues and sex scenes.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game should have been named: High School for Bitches, by Bitches!
    Once you start playing it's gonna be easy to see why.

    The game is pretty average overall.
    *Sex is pretty average.
    *Fights are average.
    *Gameplay is average.
    *Story i found to be slightly above average.

    The dev also breaks the fourth wall constantly but it's done in a rather amusing way where the mc will address you often simulating discussion, asking questions even... i found it rather fun.
    For this amusing trick i grant this game another star on top of the usual three i give when i rate average games.

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    Let's leave it at that then. Have fun playing~ :cool::coffee:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first found this, a few days ago, the author said this wasn't like other typical RPGM games.
    And he(?) was right! This is more like an interactive comic book. I haven't seen another game like this. A well worked out adventure game, but no grinding like other games, and a LOT of pictures to back up the story.
    Waiting for more updates.
    Love how Missy "knows" you are controlling her and actively talks to you.
    Enjoy the "other RPG game references!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Spent around 12 hours yesterday in this game and here're my thoughts:

    N I C E. As a yuri enthusiast, absolutely loved it. The game has the potential to become top1 for me. I'll go to areas of improvement right away. Just gotta mention - Trinian, you're doing the god's work.

    MC sub is a bit forced. I currently have 0 sub and MC still gets dominated in most of the events, except for the ones where you win (fight/bet). And those have more sub content as well. I hope later in development this gap will be filled.

    As somebody said, it's pretty difficult to find things. I had to reload a couple of times quite far back to check quest dialogue for directions. I suggest adding these to character's lines when a quest is active. For example, second chapter's quest - after you leave post office you should be able to get a reminder where her ex is located etc. Preferably in the quest book. It's QOL with no downside.

    I'm currently mid-chapter 3, so I probably don't have a full picture, but
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    Again, the game is great. Can't wait to see more.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    For a site full of h games, there's surprisingly few lesbian games of quality. This probably tops my list already, this early on into development.
    The school day mechanic is already pretty well done, with interesting enough branching paths this early on in development. There's a lot of potential in this and I'm overall very excited!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a nice game with quite some story content so far.

    • Nice story
    • Choices seem to matter
    • Scenes can be sexy
    • It's nice that this being a schoolgirl is taken into account into the combat.
    • The school quests/classes are a bit repetetive
    I hope the school part will be extended in a future version.