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RPGM - Missy [v0.9.5] [Trinian Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version played: v 0.2.2a
    Routes played: Protagonist takes the submissive role.

    - The four-wall-breaking and personality of the main character is quite enjoyable, which really could have gone wrong. So, kudos to the developer.
    - You can choose to be either dominant or submissive.
    - The amount of characters you see ingame are pretty cool to see, especially at the school.
    - The world, while still being are crap-sack world, isn't as bleak or cruel as seems to be the case in a lot of games.

    - The maps are pretty big, without really needing all that space for now.
    - The 5 star rating is more because of its potential and I may reduce it when the game is later in its development cycle.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the game. A wide variety of activities. There are no tragedies sucked from the finger. The sub / dominant relationship is very well implemented and does not lead, unambiguously, to a bad ending (I especially like this). A lot of good humor as a highlight on the cake. I wish the author creative success and good mood. I look forward to new versions.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I have really enjoyed the game, and look forward to the next release.

    The content is just up my ally for kink and fun.

    One thing I would find a bit more helpful is in the quest a bit more of an idea of "where" things are. Navigation when you first start is a bit trial and error and there is no needs for that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Missy is an interesting game with a great variety of characters to chose from.
    You will follow arepeating game loop that consists of going to school daily and then afterwards solving quests or just walking around the openworld of the game.
    Here you can encounter new quests repeat events or achieve other relationship quests.
    The content is focused on lesbian content and submission/dominance so if you are not interested in that this isn't your cup of tea.
    the schoolday will consist of a variety of repeating events or story missions that will influence your standing and relationship with other characters.

    It is nicely executed and the author pays a decent amount of attention to world building it's a great game you should try it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I think that game has a great potential. With only girls, it is very much my taste. I also love the domination and humiliation aspects.
    At the moment, it looks like Missy will always end up in such situation.

    Very well done for a v1
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent so far and shows a lot of potential. Although the game is primarily female on female I hope in either future updates or sequels/prequels we see male NPC interactions with the PC, most likely through invading barbaric tribes as described in the lore should the PC ever have a reason to leave the city?
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I thought: RPG engine meh... But then! Holy shit! For 0.1 version it have really much content. Mine gametime was about like 3 hrs.
    Found only one bug - after maidjob you go upstairs to learn for sex and some dialog which is not yet in game float up.

    - lesbian world
    - submisson theme (not much for protaganist yet )
    - many content as previously mentionted
    - golden balance for text/ero - no gigantic walls of text and enough fap material
    - school is alive! Don't know how author did this but everyone goes in flow. If it's a lesson begin then girls's masses run to the their classrooms. If it's a break then they rush to outside or to dining room. Really immersing and original feature.

    - can't save at school anytime (if you missclick dialog option you have to load and start ower)
    - no skip option for same dialogs (with mix with previous it becomes annoying)
    - small resolution (I fixed this with Borderless gaming software)

    Hope dev keeps developing and game's community grows )
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This has quite a lot of content for a version .01 and quite a lot of attention to details with most random npcs having unique dialogue. There is a lot of side content and different things happen depending on how you win fights.

    This is all lesbian all women with humiliation content. So if you like that sort of thing like me you'll enjoy this game.

    However all this attention to detail may result in very slow updates.

    Negatives: 1 Can't save in school. Again since there are lots of side stuff and choices not being able to save to try everything is kind of frustrating.
    2 Seems to be in a pretty old version of game maker meaning no mouse support. Also no auto run.