Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Let me preface by saying that this is a very well made game. It feels like there is professionalism here and not just an amateur project. This is a well thought out complete game from beginning to end and the quality is top notch for the games you will find on this site. You can tell there was a lot of custom work put into this game. That being said, there are a few reasons why this isn't the typical game I look to play from this website.

    1) Even though the models are well done, they are very cartoony and feel like sims characters. I don't mind cartoon like characters and those games can be really good, but if I'm going with cartoon like characters I prefer more of a hand drawn look. To be honest, it is the level of eroticism associated with the art that really drives it.

    2) There is some eroticism and build up in this game but not a lot. It does have a lot of that repetitious sandbox sexual stuff that gets boring because you're just clicking through it to get the in game benefit.

    3) This is more of an adventure game first, and porn game second. That means the pacing is way off for the sexual content. Some of the sexual content was pretty good, but is very sporadic and coupled with horror adventuring which allows for the deflation of your balloon through most of the game, if you know what I mean. That may be what some people like, it's not my typical thing. I like the pacing to stay tighter so I can enjoy the sexual nature of the game through out.

    So this is an excellent game for some people and maybe just a 'semi' for those looking for something to keep their libido edging for long periods.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Finally got around to playing (and finishing) this after downloading it sometime last year, really great game and enjoyed the characters and plot immensely.

    I enjoyed the stories for each of the ladies as well as the build up with each of them, the scenes were well made and the audio certainly helped with the atmosphere and immersion the developer was going for.

    It's rare to find an adult game set in a world with an apocalypse that has an engaging story on top of the gorgeous lewds. I really wanted more after the ending!

    Looking forward to checking out stuff the creator has done since!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game of substantial length & girth. Characters are fun and fleshed out, story is not as gory as it looks in the cover art / title.
    We very much enjoyed playing it. All the best for the next project!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of those rare professional games. Beautiful environments, hot girls, great kinks, excellent sound, really the full package. Great characters and progression to really get you attached. One of the few games that actually makes you want to advance the plot for the story instead of just unlocking the next position.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly amazing, honestly the best gameplay out of all the 3d vns i played, amazing characters, story and art, a real masterpiece!

    Since the review has to be longer I would post the only gripe - the music is a bit weak? it is still good, just the one thing that could be improved :D
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Far and away one of the top ten games on the site. Always had development, hot loli action, incest action, so plenty of fetish. Gameplay was never a choir but brisk and entertaining. It was fun watching it grow, i highly recommend playing the dev's first game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fantastic game! Lighthearted and wholesome, but the H scenes still contained a bunch of kinks. Tons of content with high quality animated renders. The story is interesting and the plot goes on and on (maybe even too long?). Gameplay is a bit grindy but not too much.

    Not sure why f95 has loli and incest tags on this, because the youngest character was 19 and was not portrayed as underage, and there was no incestual relationships declared or even hinted at.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    the story is nice and the gameplay is fun enough although the stamina usage can be annoying. scenes are good and smooth, they could be maybe a little longer but there are only 4 characters and the game lacks mature characters.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    MIST is a really beautiful game. It started off pretty slow in the beginning, and can also feel a little grindy but once you get the hang of it, its one hell of a ride. You can tell a lot of effort were put into this game. MIST focuses on just a small number of characters, with each of them having their own unique personality and growth throughout the game, with the only major downsides being their design, as they look like cartoon characters. The renders of the characters and the surroundings compliment each other very well. The animations in the H scenes are really great as well.

    -Great story
    -Fun and engaging combat system
    -Well thought out characters
    -Good pacing

    -Characters are very cartoon looking
    -Unable to choose which LI you wanna pursue
    -Gameplay can feel very slow and repetitive at times
    -Linear story telling
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I like it because of its unique look and the cute girls. Th story is very interesting, especially at the beginning and in 3/4 of the game very captivating. At the end it feels sadly more and more like work. But all in all very well done. Thx 395games
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    Some reviews and comments mentioned the grind being bad. It's not. You don't need to cheat since the game already has an option to remove starvation and the need of collecting food, but even if you choose to do so, just use the mouse scroll to glitch unlimited stamina when moving and to avoid monsters and get lots of food.

    Other than that, I don't have much else to say, I would only be repeating other reviews. Game is great, one of the best Western Eroge VNs out there, give it a go.

    My only complaint is in regards to the 3D models, they are fine but weird at times, uncanny valley is the best way I would describe it. And the story could have ended a little bit early.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What a beautiful, beautiful game. It started slow, I almost didn't want to play, but as new girls came in and the story grew, it kept getting better and better, and the graph went up all the way till the end. Amazing sex scenes with really good graphics. I was very interested in the story, so much so that I'd skip the sex scenes, despite having downloaded the game mostly for that purpose.

    Some things I wish were different: The girls should've not been cartoony art style wise. The cave part was unnecessarily long.

    Oh, and also, you MUST play this game with the cheat mod. I don't see how I would've ever really finished it otherwise. Just use it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is rather linear, which in this kind of pseudo-sandbox exploration game it is actually quite a nice thing. No having to choose between love interests is also very forgiving, allowing you to focus on progressing the game. Overall the vibe is quite immersive for me after getting used to the style, the sexy scenes are not forced, so it remains enjoyable. Some of the controls weren't very smooth, clicking on things sometimes felt clumsy, otherwise a very worthy game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The animated models in this game are amazing and the sex scenes are really good.

    Though I'm not personally into the fantasy and horror elements of the game, I can appreciate how well it has been done . Good job to the creator! 9/10

    Mia #1 character
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best renpy vn that I've played. I never thought it could be made this way. I only have played click and read kind of stuff so it amaze me with the mechanic in this game. The animation is so good. It don't feel boring at all for me
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting and unique story. Really enjoyed this one. Relatively small cast of characters but enough story behind each to let their arc play out and enjoy each personality. Really like the variety of environments instead of another school campus.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Almost a cinematic experience, just happens to be porn too.
    Went in just for good CGI scenes but it was an actual great storyline and I really loved it, legit.
    Art is good, CGI is good, story is pretty unique, has some actual thought into it, the exploration is nice.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible effort for a solo dev project. Despite some pacing issues in the plot, this VN features an interesting mystery, great graphics, a stellar atmosphere, much H content and even engaging game mechanics. This all serves to make for a VN, or in truth an actual game that is dramatically elevated above most of the competition.

    Mist focuses on a small cast of characters - save for the MC, the heroines, and the antagonist there are no other characters at all. Each of the heroines is distinct, given different things to do, and is of importance to the plot, all in a very well executed manner. There are many different H scenes that are animated and even integrated into the game mechanics. H themes are mostly vanilla which is a good thing, with a certain leaning into male domination which I would have been fine without but is certainly better than the opposite alternative if you ask me. The harem route is the only route, which is a good thing as far as I am concerned. Our very first heroine, Robin whom we meet right at the start, is a blonde blue-eyed virgin farm girl with no experience with men. You had me on board right there Brother! Also the epilogue features several H scenes with the harem which is always a boon.

    It's hard to describe how meticulous the setup for the story seems to be. You are up on a mountain by your city, inspecting your deceased grandfather's cabin which he left to you when THE MIST appears with no warning. It spreads through the forest and covers everything save for your cabin, and from it strange creatures emerge to attack humans. Away from the rest of the world with no way of knowing what is happening beyond your immediate area, you and a lone camper join forces to survive. I was hooked in the first few minutes, the setup and execution of the very beginning is great. Though obviously inspired by Stephen King's "The Mist", the story goes in its own direction immediately and expands to provide a more or less satisfying explanation for most answered questions. Some of the writing is excellent while some relies on heavy contrivances to work, but any shortcoming in the writing isn't big enough to be annoying and is more than made up for by the high quality of every other part of the VN. The story is decently long, and the end of what I imagined to be act 3 took me by surprise when we entered an unexpected "act 4" that was decently fleshed out too. The game also benefits from a distinctive graphical style and overall incredible production values, animated backgrounds, camera pans and so on. The BGM is just ambiant and atmospheric outside of battle tracks but really hits the vibe right and gets you immersed. The amount of effort here is incredible for a solo dev and near the midgame I started thinking that this must have been made by an actual team only to be proven wrong.

    The biggest faults that I noticed relate to some pacing issues, especially at the start and a weakness in the game mechanics. The pacing first - in the opening scene we rescue Robin from a mist creature and she joins us in our cabin. We gently begin building a relationship with her based on mutual attraction, except that we spontaneously begin groping her tits on our second day together. She forgives us and we decide to do a first date where the shy reserved Robin tells us she wants to make memories. So we'll just hold her hand or perhaps give her a shy kiss as we the MC are stated to be sexually inexperienced also? No, she jerks us off. I guess the dev was feeling that he needs to get to the H content and that perhaps he feared too much time might have been spent on plot and game mechanics, but this really ruined the pacing for me and took me out of the immersion that I was 100% deep in. This does improve as you progress through the game.

    I really liked the game mechanics. They are best described as a day/night cycle where at day you can go to the forest and later other areas to collect food or look for items to progress the story, and at night you can deepen your connection to the girls. The more girls you've rescued the more your daily food needs increases. I chose 'survival mode' instead of 'feast mode' at the start but even then I only felt pressured for food 2 or 3 times the whole run. During expeditions you navigate the area like in an old school dungeon crawler and you have to manage a capped stamina bar and kill monsters for experience. Experience is used to upgrade your character. Later these mechanics expand to incluse 'base building' where you send out one of your girls to collect resources during the day to construct buildings near your cabin, and also quick time events where you need to click something fast enough in tense situations. The usage of the stamina bar which limits what you can do on any one expedition is really good to be honest and is very well used to make you feel like you're doing gradual story progress each time you go to the woods and accomplish missions or parts of missions. If you have sex with one of your girls before going to a mission, you have a 'morale boost' of more stamina, which is a very clever way to integrate the porn with the actual game.

    The issue with these game mechanics is that there is a half hearted commitment to them. There is an inventory screen but it serves no purpose except to show you how many of one item you have, because all other items are plot required and used only once. You have to equip weapons manually into equipment slots, but it serves no purpose after the first time you equip a weapon at the start of the game, because better weapons are linearly unlocked and there is always only one best choice. There is experience and levels but they serve almost no purpose after the super early game because you max out 2 of the 3 skills you have very quickly and there are no builds. There is base building, but you only construct like 3 buildings over the course of the entire game and have no choices on what to build when [in fact, at one point our entire cast is away from our cabin for several days, but if you have given a 'collect resources' order before and check the totals after, your girl has apparently been collecting resources the whole time]. There is the food counter and survival mode, but collecting food is super easy and never a challenge. One day spent fishing gives you enough food to almost forget about the mechanic. There is a farming mechanic with an actual choice between gaining passive food or a helpful item you need a little amount from, but this also feels like it is underdeveloped. There are affection points with all the girls but it's not clear what they do except perhaps for unlocking optional H scenes. The quick time events are okay and improve immersion. It is great that the dev wanted to add game mechanics to this VN and the result is really good, but I wish there had been a full commitment to make the mechanics more important or to have less used mechanics completely removed and made into passive +1 item gained every few days. The game even does this with the farming mechanic in "act 4", which is funny.

    On the side: from the very start I had a suspicion the developer was German and this was proven true when we find some plot-relevant documents that are in German. It is later made obvious as well. I would have given an extra star for this, Deutsche Spiele sind die besten but since I'm giving 5 stars already this is not necessary at all. :)

    In conclusion this is an extremely good game that had me really engaged and fully immersed for actual hours on end. I am very looking forward to seeing 395games' next project "Morn" in a completed state. If it is like Mist but with the weaker sides removed or polished, it will really be a game to leave a mark, and I believe this developer has the potential to make a true masterpiece.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Story.
    Simple but engaging combat mechanics.
    Exploration was fun.
    Great atmosphere.
    Skip feature is a great tool.

    Dialog can be a little cringy.
    From the cave on was REALLY slow going.
    Girls are a bit cartoonish looking.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Second time I try this, second time it feels like a huge waste of time.
    Grindy "gameplay", lots of random text to skip and graphics are.. i dont know, they just feel a bit "off". Maybe it's the hair? Kinda looks like Playmobil figurines.
    Still, don't feel like giving it less than 3 stars. It's not really bad, just not good enough.