Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting zombie apocalypse meets cabin in the woods scenario.

    Gameplay: It's a Ren'Py visual novel with survival elements and a toned down horror story premise. The choices are non-existant and often just give a different reply, quests need completion to progress with them and the only thing one could miss is the sex scenes, which might be okay for a pure porn game, but the linearity of it takes a bit off a perfect score. At the beginning it asks if one wants to scavenge or not care about food, yet the option barely matters since without scavenging one cannot progress enough to survive the enemies and bosses. But as such, the poor implementation of map searching and adventure game features actually prevent one from simply skipping the whole game until a sex scene is found, which is always good in my book. (There's porn movies if you simply want to watch animations) All in all, it succeeded at not being grindy and mixing the novel with the genre standard gameplay without taking away from either. 0.8
    Music and Voice Acting: The music is appropriate and it's complete with sound. There's no voice acting but girl appropriate noises and moans are added in scenes. Haven't gotten too much into how royalty free or generic the music is or tried to track their sources since it's good enough I didn't notice much repetition... well, except possibly one track. Due to lack of actual voice acting it gets a 0.8
    Interesting story although it becomes a bit over the top towards the end. I kinda dislike there's no hints if the whole world is like that or simply the local area and the fact the girls don't question the harem effect for only a moment to make a joke, yet the lightheartedness works. Considering it's a visual novel and it was made in parts, the fact there's mentions of the early and mid parts and their locations up to the end, helps with consistency. The villain and explanation kinda felt rushed though, so it gets a 0.9
    Graphics: Top of the line though a bit Pixar cartoonish style, but with full animations. Even when talking the the girls actually do have a few movements and facial expressions. Every porn scene is completely animated and for those who dislike waiting, there's always a skip button too, so, can't go above 1.0
    Enjoyment and Scenes: It's difficult to comment more specifically the few flaws it has that I haven't already mentioned, but I did enjoy it all in one hard long sitting. After a few hours, the transitioning animations do start becoming bothersome but the skip button really prevents that from turning into an issue.Even the whipped cream from a huge cock MC syndrome didn't detract after the roughly 10 hours of continuous game-play, and after that long, it didn't feel un-realistic either. 0.9

    Overall Score: 4.4/5 Thus getting a 5 star (1 is minimum, after all, unlike my 0 to 5 score). It has little replayability value but the fact it's fully animated gives this a full on naked seal of approval. The girls a lovable, even though inspired by some popular tropes and the game lighthearted.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Mist is a beautiful game with an interesting concept. But all that effort is ruined by the terrible writing and the absence of player agency.

    • Nice animations during sex scenes
    • 3D models are refreshing. They are a bit too cartoonish for my taste but it's refreshing
    • Interesting gameplay loop about base-building/survival
    • Interesting setting and sense of mystery
    • The writing. Oh my god this is bad. Nothing feels natural, the characters sound like robots, the interactions make no sense. The dev should hire a writer and work on this. The sex scenes are absolutely not exciting because of this.
    • No meaningful choices. I dislike that. I don't want to play a kinetic novel, especially one that's so badly written.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is not so bad but MC is totally stupid!
    He act all the time like a victim not like a guy who have responsability of his house and for the persons they live.
    It has no personality, say yes of all the women saying. Even when the MC can cut a tree in one shot, the woodworker are Mia...

    The game is full of details like this that make me lose the willing suspension of disbelief.

    But the thing that made me give up the game is, when I got to save Lily, the latter comes out with this bullshit of "The world of science can be cruel to... To girls"...

    Ok enough of this feminist nonsense. Bye bye the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    ** This review probably has a shitload of things that would be considered spoilers and I don't know exactly what qualifies or how do do the tag thing so don't read if you don't want a few details**

    I wanted to love this game as much as everyone else. I gave it 4 stars because for what it is, it is top tier. I think it was just personally not for me but it was very well crafted.

    The good:
    Beautiful renders. The females are interesting and not repetitive
    The story is really intriguing and the world is well drawn
    The sex scenes are plentiful and graphic.

    The Bad:
    The gameplay is a flimsy excuse to avoid calling this what it is: visual novel. There are no real choices, no real exploration of the environment, no real options and no real gameplay. For example: there is a little mini "fishing" thing you can do. It's literally like "time the arrow to line up with the right spot to catch a fish." Fine, at least there's fun little mini games, right? WRONG. A dyslexic toddler with no fingers could easily click the right timing spot because it takes up half the screen and the arrow moves slowly. And its like that for any type of timing thing. QUICK SHOOT YOUR's a huge circle on the screen where you have to click but don't worry you have like 10 seconds to click it. Dumb. Missed opportunities all over the place to make this a truly interactive experience. That's what was lacking. The interactive portion was just extra clicks and required no thought. Why even include it? Its like they purposely dumbed everything down to avoid any possibility of failing ANY event. Why? Do people want to play a game where there's no chance to fail? It would be like pac-man without ghosts. What's the point? It removes any meaning to the interactivity and ultimately made me feel very disconnected from the environment and bored. Looking for that code? Don't worry, you don't even need to write it down when you find it. Actually, you don't even need to look for it. Just keep clicking. Make sure you grow crops and go fishing to get food for everyone. Actually, we're just gonna do that for you forget it. I dunno. I expected much more actual gameplay from the way this game was described.

    The Lewdness
    I couldn't get into it. Every girl in this game wants to be demoralized and called names during sex. Its not my thing really. There are a few interactions that are less crass, but a lot of it felt weird. "its my first time, call me a filthy whore and abuse my virgin pussy" just doesn't feel realistic at all. Also...the fact that they kept talking about how his dick smelled was fucking creepy. Don't get me wrong, the animations were very hot but I had to completely ignore the dialogue to enjoy it. He actually uses the term "swampy pussy" at one point. Cringe.

    If you want a visual novel with stunning graphics, a unique apocalypse story, and bunch of (POV ONLY) sex....this is done perfectly. You'll like this if its what you're into.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game i've ever played.
    Really good models , the right amount of scenes and great story.
    I recommend this game to everyone who wants somthing entertaining with a good plot and very well written characters in a vast map which really feels like you are into the game. A lot of underground renders are not static but animated which makes this game a lot better than the most of other games
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that is style over substance, but the style is really amazing and distinctive. If one were to look at the plot on a piece of paper, it doesn't really make any sense, and the details are not exactly clear. However, the presentation is where it stands out. The visuals are absolutely gorgeous and distinctive, especially the sex scenes, and the audio complements the visuals pretty well. The screenshots give a good idea, but it is another thing to see them in-game with the lighting and smooth animations. This game tends to be very good at what it is presenting, with erotic moments having a unique quality that really makes this game stand out, and the tense moments can be quite affecting as well.

    I would recommend playing the game in Feast mode, where you don't have to worry about resource management as much, because the resource gathering's random nature can be frustrating, especially with the restrictions to stamina that affects how much you can do before you have to go home. The gameplay is otherwise pretty good, although it does take getting used to. There seems to be a real effort to make this an actual game, rather than just a visual novel, and it does seem to work for the most part. There are some moments that were greatly frustrating, like having to find and click on a certain part or parts of the screen in order to advance the story, and I was stuck until I did (like having to find certain green plants amongst other green plants, some of which seemed to be at least partially hidden behind the HUD). Otherwise, the gameplay was pretty good, although I recommend saving before the mini-games, in case you can't scroll back.

    If you can be patient through some annoying parts, and can enjoy this game for its parts, it is a gorgeous game that really stands out among the other Ren'Py games that tend to have the same typical visual and game designs.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very pleasantly surprised by Mist.
    I admit I was hesitant about playing this game as the preview artwork did not appeal to me. But it was a slow week and I noticed it was just completed so I decided to give it a try.
    Very good and engaging story. I spent hours playing the game straight thru.
    It's a sandbox but not grindy. The quests were not too difficult (I admit, I cheated). The H scenes were good too.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, overall solid story, each character was developed well, ending left a little more to be desired but didn't take away from the overall experience, looking forward to the author's future work/s
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I was fully drawn into the story, the characters and the world. The animations are some of the best out there. Gameplay gets a bit stale, especially at the end when you are foraging for food but thats just a small down point in an otherwise amazing game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So let me start of by saying that mist is one of the best NSFW games that I played, since the story was interesting and kept my attention until the very end.
    The renders in game are not something never seen before, however the quality is superb, thus making for an enjoyable and fun "session'.
    Even when playing in scavenge mode the food problem was not grindy at all so it did not take your attention away from the gameplay.
    The charachters and their manner of thinking is fleshed out by just progressing in the story and using little talk events, which I enjoyed a lot.
    Overall I give the game a 9.5/10
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best game for someone who just entered the lewd game world but it's definitely fell behind other games in terms of story and scenes.

    The story itself is good but not the best as it just felt pretty repetitive towards the end of the game. The pace was on point except towards the end of the game where it just went pretty fast imo but other than that it's pretty decent. The mystery involving the mist is pretty creative so it's kinda different with the rest of "apocalypse" game.
    MC and the girls just followed almost a common troupe and it's nothing special but still each of the girls has their own story and past that made them interesting.

    Next is the gameplay, you can say that it's freeroam with an added linear aspect to it. Some part of the game could get repetitive and grindy but not so long to the point that you'll get bored, but yeah this is not really a game that you'll finish that fast.

    Then there's the lewd part of the game and honestly it's just the best in general. It got god tier render, the animation is smooth af and it even has sounds (that can be really repetitive with that much scene in this game). But the downside is that, why POV ?, it's maybe just my personal opinion but it just seems redundant. Some scene can be a bit weird seeing it up close, the kiss is just face to the screen, even half the MC's head is rarely shown. But yeah imo that's the only problem of this game.

    Overall a solid 4/5 for me but definitely a must try especially for someone who just entered the lewd gaming world haha.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 game.
    The game really sets up the mood through the incredible atmosphere it creates. All of the points go into the atmosphere and the ambiance. The art style for the game is also very unique although I feel like it is very held back by renpy and there are frequent stutters (its not a pc issue). The game also has a rather engaging story and I did not expect that major twist near the end. Sex scenes were also well rendered.
    All in all 10/10 game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game.
    It has very good mechanics, the exploration, the crafting of objects and the battle system are quite complete.
    the plot is very entertaining, the characters have good dialogues.
    and it has a very funny gameplay.
    And the H scenes are pretty hot.
    I like the girls in this game, besides that the renders are well worked.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Pornstar Ahri

    The content itself I think its pretty good, I do love the animations. The story its interesting at the beginning but it takes some weird turns later on. Perhaps that will be fixed when more stuff comes out

    The gameplay itself its alright nothing too outerwordly
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one the best game on the website.
    The story is good, the characters are interesting and the animation are AWESOME. After playing this game, it's really hard to go back to others games, haha.

    Can't wait for the next project.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best NSFW games I've ever played, good animations, engaging and interesting story, good characters, it's really fun to play, I genuinely had a great time playing it.
    I hope that the creator's next projects are even better because he has a great talent, you can spend hours playing it and you won't even realize it, really a great game that deserves a chance to be played by everyone.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game.

    The story is very well crafted. There are silly/fun moments, there are tense scenes that convey action and ambience expertly, there are dramatic moments that make you really feel for the characters.

    Dialog lines are filled with personality. Each of the girls is unique in their behavior and way of speaking. The interactions between them are enjoyable to watch and give a real comfy vibe to the whole thing. Some of the scenes are so good that I have went back and replayed them after a while, something I've almost never done in these kinds of games.

    The environment doesn't grab your attention too much, but you can definitely tell there was a lot of care into making locations unique, especially because the game play demands you to navigate and explore these places. I commend the fact that I never felt too lost or confused about where I was.

    As for the models, they are very nicely crafted. There are quirks to the designs of the girls, but that ends up giving them even more charm. Noreia in particular has a very creative look, and gives the game a real distinct feel.

    Sound design and music are very well placed at key moments in the story, and that enhances all the other aspects. I didn't find any tracks particularly memorable, but that is also worthy of respect, as I never found the sound or music to get in the way of the game, something a lot of other games are guilty of.

    When it comes to the game play loop it is not extraordinary, but it doesn't drag on for too long, and neither is it too difficult to play with that you would get frustrated. It isn't the point of a game like this to have an in-depth combat system anyway, so I'm satisfied with the way things were implemented here.

    I liked the way the whole story was tied up together at the end, and how all the characters had their chance to shine, had a good deal of content, either solo or with multiple people involved in the sex. Just great closure all around.

    All in all, Mist is pretty much as good as it gets, you won't see many other gems around like this in the Erotic game category, so make sure to enjoy this one to the fullest!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    365 others

    Definitely one of the best VNs I ever played. Didn´t find a single bug (at least none that could be annoying), really good storytelling. One of the best-developed stories I've found in a game. I look forward to seeing the developer's next game!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great overall. Hard to say enough good things about this one. A few plot points meandered a bit from what I personally would have preferred, but the overall package is good enough for me to put aside how I would have written it myself. Love the premise and execution. The passion that was put into this project is evident from start to finish.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A good visual novel with a decent plot and superb (and I mean it) character design. To be honest, I've skipped 85% of all dialogs)) Couldn't wait to see the next H-scene, they are masterfully animated. Good luck on your next project, dev!