MMD discussion/sharing


Jul 17, 2023
i have a question, why alot of Ngon video dissapear from his iwara page? did he delete it or the mod force him to delete the video?
They said it was copyright for using Vtuber, Ngon also deleting some on fantia...

Ars Almal

Active Member
Jan 29, 2020
And so it begins, the End is near.
Sorry i don't wanted to sound this dark, but
MMDLDx / LinuxDX also started to use a Password.
New Kemono Video "Furina I'm Ill" is blocked.
kemono is overshared and basically an open public secret now.
many artist know about it and also know about how to mitigate it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
kemono is overshared and basically an open public secret now.
many artist know about it and also know about how to mitigate it.
Yeah. People talk about it wayyyyyy to casually. Its honestly frustrating.
I'll see dipshits talk about it on the Devs fucking Discords and then act shocked when they're called pirates.
"It's a public site and your stuff is there, what's wrong with me using it?"


Jul 12, 2021
kemono is overshared and basically an open public secret now.
many artist know about it and also know about how to mitigate it.
Videos have been leaked and will continue to be leaked. It's inevitable. Kemono is so much better for the artist that someone has to download the video. If it weren't for kemono, their videos would be added to online sites. Where one video will have tens of thousands of views. Many artists, after some time, share their videos themselves and do not complain about the lack of supporters.

Ars Almal

Active Member
Jan 29, 2020
Videos have been leaked and will continue to be leaked. It's inevitable. Kemono is so much better for the artist that someone has to download the video. If it weren't for kemono, their videos would be added to online sites. Where one video will have tens of thousands of views. Many artists, after some time, share their videos themselves and do not complain about the lack of supporters.
pirating is inevitable and that is an indisputable fact.

However, there is a "Smart" way where people can continue to share in one place, while maintaining the confidentiality of said place, so that it lives longer and people can keep using it. instead of spreading it everywhere without worrying about affecting that existence of that place..

In fact, not only kemono, certain neighborhood korean site started to have problems because many people knew about the place. and the link shared there, which had lasted a long time and could be accessed by many people, disappeared in less than a day.

where did you get this data of "Many Artist" and how many percentage of them compared to those who don't want their work to be spread?


Jul 12, 2021
Piractwo jest nieuniknione i jest to bezsporny fakt.

Istnieje jednak „inteligentny” sposób, w jaki ludzie mogą nadal udostępniać dane w jednym miejscu, zachowując jednocześnie poufność tego miejsca, dzięki czemu będzie ono dłużej działać i ludzie będą mogli z niego dalej korzystać. zamiast szerzyć to wszędzie, nie martwiąc się, że wpłynie to na istnienie tego miejsca..

Tak naprawdę nie tylko kemono, ale pewna koreańska witryna z sąsiedztwa zaczęła mieć problemy, ponieważ wiele osób wiedziało o tym miejscu. a udostępniony tam link, który istniał od dawna i był dostępny dla wielu osób, zniknął w niecały dzień.

przy okazji,
skąd wziąłeś te dane o „Wielu Artystach” i jaki procent z nich w porównaniu do tych, którzy nie chcą, aby ich twórczość była rozpowszechniana?
I don't have any data. Simple observation. If it were possible, every creator would want their films not to be leaked. Some people just deal with it better than others.


Nov 29, 2020
any kind soul have this one? This artist always releases some really good stuff.


New Member
Aug 3, 2023
Anyone has the Kemono link of this artist?

Really looking for his Theresa video.

Also looks like Kemono doesnt have the newest stuff from TokuNeo which is a shame since his latest works are top notch stuff