Servant droids have taken all manual labor jobs that nobody wanted to take.
Majority of the people took droids to their homes with open arms, some did not.
Reports of droids not obeying orders started after lux headquarters were attacked.
All the droids were disconnected from the network after the attack
Everything is clear, except for corrections and changes to the existing content, there is nothing worthwhile, good, there is no new content and there will not be, it's a pity, but the game is completely decompressed, even there is no update to the Bar, it looks like the developers are merging the game. For me, this game is dead.
Everything is clear, except for corrections and changes to the existing content, there is nothing worthwhile, good, there is no new content and there will not be, it's a pity, but the game is completely decompressed, even there is no update to the Bar, it looks like the developers are merging the game. For me, this game is dead.
I think there is a future. Yes, the game's development is very slow, unfortunately, but there is only one person working on the game, and that's in their free time, since they have a main job. So there is no point in blaming, you just need to wait and support, because it is possible that the staff will be expanded, something larger will be created, and so on. So, away with pessimism, just wait)