I don't know if it still works, but this guy did an invite for me, perhaps ask him to do one for you:Please new discord link
You must be registered to see the links
No me gusta este chico: "araña5712, miembro: 1678338" ¿Por qué? Por su culpa Moiarte puede dejar de ofrecer cosas gratis en DISCORD. Moiarte escribió allí:
"... hay otros (araña5712 f95zone) que ya están publicando y rompiendo el acuerdo que teníamos , tal vez puedas pedirle mis cómics a esa persona (araña5712) en lugar de a mí, ni siquiera porque estoy publicando cómics gratis mensualmente, que decepcion ." Puede que lleve algo de esfuerzo y tiempo esperar una invitación (como me pasó a mí), pero en Discord Moiarte ha estado teniendo muchas conversaciones junto con enlaces a cómics gratuitos. ¡No arruinéis esto por nosotros, muchachos!
Moiarte añadió más tarde: "chicos, por favor no arruinen lo que ya tienen..."
I hope you don't take ownership of what I share.
The link to the comic Spell VI is on SVSCOMIC, I downloaded it from there, I don't have an account with Moiarte, I'm not pirating his work, I'm only sharing what he found on the web, otherwise Moiarte already removed me from his Discord no way.
Can't you give the whole comicThe link to the comic Spell VI is on SVSCOMIC, I downloaded it from there, I don't have an account with Moiarte, I'm not pirating his work, I'm only sharing what he found on the web, otherwise Moiarte already removed me from his Discord no way.
¿No puedes dar el cómic completo?
Puedes ir a SVSCOMIC y descargarlo. El archivo es muy pesado, me tomó cuatro horas descargarlo. Tengo que cambiar las imágenes para poder subirlo aquí. Ten paciencia y deja de maldecir.
You were removed because you insist on sharing the material that moiarte is providing for FREE, moiarte only asks that you do not publish their link or what is inside it. He is giving us comics and you share them even when they are free, if you wanted to contribute you should only put the discord link so that people could join, but not take out what is there and publish it here. If moiarte decides not to continue giving free material it will be the fault of people like you who do not understand a simple instruction: DO NOT SHARE THE FREE MATERIAL, ONLY SHARE THE DISCORD LINK.The link to the comic Spell VI is on SVSCOMIC, I downloaded it from there, I don't have an account with Moiarte, I'm not pirating his work, I'm only sharing what he found on the web, otherwise Moiarte already removed me from his Discord no way.
join the discord he is giving free comics on monthly basisCan't you give the whole comic
Moiarte informed that there will be no discord link at least for this month thanks to our friend "Araña" has dedicated himself to break the only rule that moiarte gaveShare me discord link