3D-Daz Fan Art 3D-Mixed Mom 3D Only

4.90 star(s) 10 Votes


May 1, 2023
Tracy Jones had a great life - a happy marriage, a good job, and a big house in a nice neighborhood. A little more than a week ago, all that was put into jeopardy in a split second. While returning from a night out with her friends, she had a little too much to drink and on her way home, and she struck the neighbor's son with her car.

Instead of stopping and doing the right thing, she panicked. Unfortunately for her, the boy recognized her face as she fled the scene. It was the same face he'd fantasized about countless times throughout his childhood. When the police questioned him at the hospital, he said it all happened so fast, he wasn't sure who might have hit him. Maybe with time, his head would clear...maybe not. He couldn't help thinking that it all depended on just how apologetic Mrs. Jones would be.

Imagine her surprise when Jack showed up on her doorstep a couple days later, both arms in casts.. Jack explained that he knew exactly what had happened -- what SHE had done. The implication was clear. In a way, it was a relief. She had been wracked with guilt since that night. Seeing her chance to explain her side and maybe keep this whole situation private, she quickly invited him inside.

Fast forward about 20 minutes...

Jack: "Sorry Mrs. Jones, this just isn't working for me. Maybe if you took your shirt off, it would help?"

Tracy: "Seriously Jack? I can't do that! I'm married and old enough to be your mother!"

Jack: "Mrs. Jones, I'd do it myself, but YOU ran over me with your car. If you can't help me with this, maybe the police..."

Tracy: "Fuck...Fine Jack, fine. But just the shirt and this is as far as we go."

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After a slight hesitation, Tracy slipped out of her shirt. Her large breasts hung heavy and Jack's eyes went wide. He had dreamed of seeing this for so long. Of all days to not wear a bra! She couldn't bear to look at him. She had never felt so utterly humiliated and helpless in her life.

Jack: "Tight your grip, Mrs. Jones and a little faster please."

Tracy: "Please...just hurry..."

Jack: "Your hands are a little dry, Mrs. Jones. Maybe if you...used your tongue a little..."

Tracy: "...this is not happening......this is not happening......this is not happening..."

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kinda love her thighs here
Aug 30, 2019
"My mom is my teacher at school. She's always strict and serious when it comes to my schoolwork. She can seem like a hardass but I don't mind."

1 Office Lady Post.png

"Because when I do well, she rewards me... one of my favourites is when she lets me cum on her face. Especially when she doesn't take off her glasses. She knows I love it."

2 Andrea Harry.png


Oct 7, 2019
Jimmy: "Hey Debbie, have you seen my Mom? It's late and she isn't in her classroom."
Debbie: "She was supervising detention. Just me and Dewayne were in there today, but I left about half an hour ago."
Jimmy: "That's wierd, I tried to go into the dentention hall, but the door was locked."
Debbie: "Tyrone was looking for Dewayne earlier, said he never showed up for basketball practice."
Where is my mom.png
4.90 star(s) 10 Votes